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Dr. G.H. Beaton
Professor and Head
Department of Nutrition
School of Hygiene
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Dr. C. Govalan
Nutrition Research Laboratories
Indian Council of Medical Research
Hyderabad 7, India

Dr. A.E. Harner
Chairman, Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin
Madison, /?/Wis. 57306, USA

Dr. D. V. Hegated
Professor, Department of Nutrition
School of Public Health
Haward University
665 Hnutin/?/on Ave.
Euston 15, Mnss. 02135, USA

Dr. N. J. Karvonen
Professer of Physiology
Institute of Occupational Health
Raartmentnkatui 1
Halaniti 25, Finland

Dr. K. Lindner
Deputy Director
Institute of Nutrition
Gyali-ut/?/ 3/a
Bwlanest IX, Hungary

Dr. H.N. Munro
Professor of Physiological Chemistry
Department of Nutrition & Food Science
Nansachusatis Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Mass. 02139, USA

London, W.C.l.

Dr. N.S. Sorimshav
Head Department of Nutrition
and/?/ Food Science
Massachussets Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Meas 02139, USA

M. le Professor J. Tremolieres/?/
Institute National de la Sant et/?/
de la Recherche Medicals
H/?/pital Bichat
170, Bld. Nay
75 - Paris 18e, France

Dr. Ares Valyasevi
Chairman, Department of Pedictrics
Faculty of Medicine
Ramathibodi Hospital
Bangkok Thailand

Dr. J. Waterlow
Director, Department of Nutrition
London School of Hygiene & Tronical Medicine
Kenpel Street (Gower St.)
London, W.C.l.


Dr. D.H. Calloway
Professor of Nutrition
Department of Nutritional Science
University of California
Berkeley, Calif. 94720, USA

Dr. N. Cresta
Professor of Biology of Human Reces
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Rome
Rome, Italy

Dr. J.V.G.A. Durnin
Institute of Physiology
The University
Glasgow, W.2, Scotland

Dr. R. Passmore
Department of Physiology
University Medical School
Taviot Place
Edinburgh EH8 9AG, Scotland

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