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A. Opening of the meeting

B. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other officers

C. Discussion on the Provisional Programme of Work and Time-table

D. Adoption of the Agenda

1. Experience in the application of (a) the report of the Second Committee on Calorie Requirements, FAO (1957), and (b) the FAO/WHO Report on Protein Requirements (1965).

Although the existing report on Calorie Requirements has been widely applied to the estimation of the requirements of whole populations, there have been some criticisms particularly in regard to assessment of needs of particular occupation groups. These will be reviewed, thus indicating the main directions in which the report will need to be revised.

An assessment of the application of the 1965 Protein Report, particularly the difficulties encountered would be discussed.

Discrepancies of approach between the two reports will be reviewed.

2. Cancelled. A paper prepared by FAO on "Calorie Intakes of Children by Age Groups" will be discussed under Agenda Item 7 a.

3. Basic concepts and definitions

The validity of the present concepts of physiological minima and recommended intakes will be reviewed.

4. Interrelationships between calories, protein and other nutrients

It is clearly artificial to consider the requirements for calories or other nutrients in isolation, and the various interrelationships will be reviewed.

5. The Reference Man and Woman

Are the characteristics of the Reference Man and Woman valid for different communities? Should the criteria for adequacy be reappraised taking more account of the health and well-being of the individual?


6. Factors affecting energy requirements

a. Body size and energy requirements

The scientific basis for the complex approach of the 1957 report was doubtful and it should be possible to outline a simpler means of relating energy needs to body size.

b. Age and calorie requirements

Further knowledge of the influence of age on the quantity of food and energy expenditure will be reviewed. Studies on the relative importance of socio- economic factors in influencing food intake and energy expenditure during the process of aging.

c. Physical activity

The 1956 Committee was able to suggest only that the average activity of adults in all countries be regarded as corresponding to the activity of the reference adults. With the growing knowledge of energy expenditure by different activities it may be possible to extend the application to the more diverse occupation groups.

d. Pregnancy and lactation

Recent data on human milk production, the duration of lactation in different parts of the world and the efficacy of lactation in women should provide the basis for a better and probably lower assessment of the additional energy needs.

e. Climate

The effect of external temperature on energy requirements will be reviewed in order to determine whether the corrections for climate in the 1957 report are justified.

7. Estimates of Requirements (Recommended Intakes and Units of expression)

a. For Reference Man and Woman

- Age groups

- Pregnancy and lactation

b. Units - expression in joules or calories?


8. Principles and Methods of Estimating Requirements

a. Maintenance

i) Criteria for nitrogen and protein requirements

The value and limits of variation given to each factor used (metabolic, urinary and metabolic faecal nitrogen loss, and losses through the skin in the form of sweat, hair, nails and cells) in the factorial approach to the estimation of requirements in the light of additional data will be reviewed. Sex and age differences in the maintenance requirement. Inclusion of a safety factor for errors and individual variability.

ii) Requirements for amino acids

Recent knowledge on the absolute and relative requirements of individual amino acids for maintenance and growth will be reviewed.

b. Growth

i) Criteria for nitrogen and protein requirements

ii) Requirements for essential amino acids

9. Correction factors for dietary protein quality

Newer knowledge on the applicability of methods (based on growth, N-balance, N aceration, regeneration of tissue protein, protein score, etc.) for the evaluation of protein in foods and diets.

10. Factors influencing protein utilization

Influence of the composition of the diet - the level of protein in relation to calories in the diet and the effect of deficiency of energy or of other nutrients on protein utilization. The effects of imbalance, processing and availability of amino acids on protein utilization.

11. Recommended Intakes for Protein

Is there a scientific basis for recommended intake levels which can justifiably be set as targets for nutrition policy and food production planning? If not, should they be based simply on observed intakes of communities at various stages of economic development?

12. Guidelines for practical applications of requirements and recommended intakes

Group Report.

Assessment of calorie and protein intakes in relation to requirements of population groups, new information on the wastage of edible foods (to cover spoilage, wastage in cooking and on the plate, and the amount of food fed to the animals from the kitchen), fulfilment of protein needs through natural foods as well as supplementation, enrichment and other means, application of recommended intakes to food and nutrition planning.

13. Further research

Group report.

14. Adoption of Report.

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