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1 - Sub-regional work plans

The Sub-regional Coordinators presented a summary of the reports relative to the sub-regional meetings which were held in Tunis at the Project Coordination Centre between the 7th and the 19th of March 1991. They presented their work plans as defined during these meetings and reviewed the situation in their sub-regions.

Some precisions and some additional information were given to the participants in answer to their requests. The absence of some representatives at these meetings was justified by the difficulty of communication and procedures at the national level.

2 - Miscellaneous

(a) National committees

Following the recommendation of the Networking seminar it was expressed that steps, in this respect, should be taken by the project Coordinator and the National Coordinators in their respective countries. The guidelines of these committees would be prepared by the project Coordinator and their constitution would be undertaken by the National Coordinators according to their respective administrative procedures and regulations. The Sub-regional Coordinators and the project Coordinator would be in charge of the follow up.

(b) Project Document revision

It was declared that there was no need for a revision of the project Document since there were no substantial changes relative to the content of the Project Document. The recommendations and the work plan adopted imply however, a budgetary reallocation which would be carried out by the Project Coordinator in collaboration with FAO and UNDP. This reallocation will be updated whenever necessary.

(c) Information Subnetwork

The work plan presented reserves an important position for the information subnetwork which is not initially mentioned in the project Document. All the participants insisted on the necessity of introducing this subnetwork and giving it a high priority seen its importance inthe development of all the other subnetworks.

The Budget to be allocated to this subnetwork should be included in the Budgetary reallocation and other resources should be provided for it.

(d) Presence of the Sub-regional Coordinators in the Steering Committee meeting

The presence of the Sub-regional Coordinators in the Steering Committee meeting was judged quite natural and raised no objection from the participants.

(e) Status of PORTUGAL

It was clarified that PORTUGAL was a participating country as it was an IPF country, and that it would remain so until the next cycle when its status would change into an associated country.

(f) Monitoring and follow up of the project

The UNDP delegate mentioned that a regular monitoring and follow up of the project was envisaged when the project gets fully underway. This monitoring will be undertaken by the Steering Committee and by the competent organs of FAO and UNDP as well.

Regular evaluation of all the activities costs has to be undertaken equally.

(g) Procedures and facilities for the project Coordinator

Following comments by participants on the modalities of participation, relative mainly to air tickets and DSA, it was promised that steps would be taken to provide facilities to the project coordinator and to streamline procedures in order to overcome these difficulties and to guarantee a more effective functioning;

(h) United Nations Volunteers

The participants were informed that terms of reference of the United Nations Volunteers had already been elaborated and sent to the U.N.V. Office in Geneva which required further details about the UNVs.

(i) Funding activities in European countries

In accordance with Mr. BOULAARES statement, it was agreed that in view of the new situation in Eastern Europe, UNDP should be requested by the project Coordinator to cater for an increase in the European Bureau Project for MEDRAP II. The Project Coordinator should also explore other funding possibilities.

(j) Recommendations for the next Steering Committee meeting

It was agreed it would be desirable for the next Steering Committee meeting to:

  1. have a budget column in the schedule of activities;
  2. foresee a longer duration for the next meetings which should last no less than two days;
  3. have the documents reach the participants ahead of the meeting in order to give them enough time to examine them.

(k) Incentives

It was agreed that no allowances, as incentives, should be paid by the Project Nevertheless Personnel requested to carry out casual services for the Project mainly at the Project Coordination Centre, could be granted some incentives Provided that budgetary possibilities are available. Any savings Project Document such as translation, documentation, etc…


The participants agreed that the next Steering Committee meeting will, as planned, be held in CAIRO in December 1991, following the seminar on Information Network.

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