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Survey of Aquaculture capabilities and needs in member countries


This document has been prepared in accordance with activity 1 of immediate objective I of MEDRAP II Project Document. It will be taken into consideration that such information will be updated regularly during the during of the project.

The Document has been also prepared as a contribution to the Steering Committee meeting convened in Tunis 26 of April 1991 and to the Seminar on Networking 24–25 April 1991.

The information which are included in the attached tables are formulated and summarized from data presented by the different countries participating in MEDRAP II. For convenience the four sub-regions are dealt with separately in order to facilitate interpretation of the presented data.

The table register, the names of research institutions together with information about staff, research projects, facilities and scope of activities generally. The institutions having some teaching facilities are also included because of their role in training staff involved in aquaculture activities.

The tables also show both institutions engaged in marine and those engaged in fresh water resources, research and training.

In general, aquaculture activities in the different countries participating in MEDRAP II have shown good standing progress which might have resulted from both phase I of MEDRAP and from the interest of participating countries in aquaculture development.

As regard Status of aquaculture activities in the different sub-regions, the following observations are included:

  1. For Research: all countries have the facilities of research either through universities or/and other public institutions. Activities are mainly concentrated on the culture of marine spices (sea bass, sea bream, salt water, tilapia, shrimp, etc). Some of the activities cover also fresh water species.

  2. For Training : In spite of the fact that all countries have training programmes they are involved in one way or another to produce different levels of trainees (biologists, engeneers and technicians). In other words the countries of sub-regions have to complement each other to attain maximum benefit from the present available resources.

  3. As regards Extension : it is noted as a whole that this activity is more or less lacking and no organization is responsible solely for such activity except in very few countries.

  4. For Production : it is noted that aquaculture production contributes small percentage of the total national fish production either through governmental or private enterprises.

    Programmes for the development of production are concentrated on optimization of exploitation of inland waters and lagoons; establishment of additional fish-farms and hatcheries; encouragement of investments in the field of aquaculture.

    It is also noted that some countries have not yet formulated their national aquaculture development plans.


25 Dept.
25 Res.
• Fish resources.ISMAL
5 Dept.
44 Res.
• Mar. biology.ISPM.
2 Div.
30 Res.
• Technol. (4) serv.INIP.
Algarve University.
Lisbon Sc.University. agro.
• Mar. pollution.
• Mar. Geo. and Management.
• Fisheries (5) serv.
• Fish techniques.• Oceanography.
• Aquaculture.• M. Polution.
• Techn.• Informatic.
3 Dept.
8 Res
- Hatchery (sea bream, sea bass and shrimps).
- Rearing and Nutri.
- Training, Exten.
TRAININGCFPPTechnician.ITPA• Engineer.Agrono. and Veterinary InstitutP.F. School.
INATEngineer.• Biologist.
Univ. ScBiologist. 
• Commissariat Général à la Pêche (Common Service).
Aquaculture is an experimental phase. Actually, there is no extension programme.
• Short term credit line for aquaculture.
• Ghar El Melh Station.
• No service is now operating for informing fish farmers.
• CNA Monastir Station : (Dept for training extension and publication).
PRODUCTIONResponsibility of product. belongs to :Responsibility of product. belongs to : Responsibility of Production belongs to :Responsibility of Production belongs to :
Government farms(2).Govern Farms (2).• Fisher. Minist. for. M.F.• Inland A. Off.
Private. Farms (2).  
• Agric. Minist. for F.W (2) Private Compagny.
• Marine A.Off.
1990 (T).
• F.W = 3Production 1990 (T)• F.W = 379.Production 1990 (T)• F.W = - 
• M.W. = 1234• M.F.= 20.• M.F. = 260.
• S.F. = 182• S.F = 25.• SH.F = 280.
1 Fish Food Company.No hatcheries.  
6 Hatcheries,No food. Compagny.
Materials: Tanks, pumps.No material Co.
Improve production through:Improve production throughImprove production through :Improve production through:
- Exploitation of dams- Exploitation of dams.
- Evaluation of aqua. potential.
- Establish of hatcheries and breading units.
- Favor techn. farms.- Shell fish culture.
- Establish, of Nat. Aqua. Develop. plan.
- Improvement of Management.
- Making a national Aqua. plan.  
- Optimization of Previous invest.


• Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries : 30 PHD, 500 MSc and postgraduate.
• Marine Biological Research Centre, Universities and high technical schools
• National Aquaculture Centre Director PHD : 3 Research Assist.: 7 Managers ; 14 Supporting staff.:
• National Aquaculture Centre : 5 PHD 8 MSc, 40 Researchers,
  Biology (sea fishes); nutrition; pathology; 5 Research Depart.; 1 Admis. Staff, 6 PHD, 2 MSc, 14 BSc, 20 assist. Staff.
  Research activities : Reproduction biol., Nutrition, Pathology, Introduction of new species.
• Universities
• Ain el Ghazala Unit : 2 engineer, 1 assist.
  Fish species : Sea water tilapia; sea bass; sea bream.
Culture of marine and fresh water fish, (Mullet, sea bream, sea bass, Tilapia and carps); feeding; pathology; selection; transplantation; fish technology
• Wadi Kaam Dam : 1 engineer, 1 assist
• Wad El Maganin Dam : 1 engineer, 1 assist.
Feeding (Artemia); culture of sea fish (sea bass, sea bream, shrimp); fresh water (silver, grass carp, cat fish).
TRAININGBy National Aquaculture Centre; Inst. of Oceanography and Fisheries and Universities.Marine Biological Research Centre, Air El Ghazala Unit and Wadi Kaam, Wadi El Maganine Dam.University of Malta, National Aquaculture Centre
Priorities : Marine Hatcheries, Fish pathology; Aquaculture engeneering; shrimp techniques; Feed techn,; Marine farm managment; coastal lagoon management
EXTENSIONNational Aquaculture Centre, perform several seminarsAquaculture project in Tripoli and Marine Biological Resource Centre.National Aquaculture Centre through supplying fingerlings as well as free advices
PRODUCTIONResponsibility of Production belongs to government Off.
  Responsibility of Production belongs to government Off.
The responsibility of Production belong to:
• National Aquaculture Centre
• Aquaculture project in Tripoli F.W. : (30 T) Nat.M.W : (2T)
• Aqua. Centre through expansion of intensive aqua. (Medium and large scale operation) enforcing laws controlling aqua. devel., exp. of shore and inshore cage cult. syst
• Inst. of Oceanography and Fisheries
  Increased production through establish, of fresh and marine fish culture station in Ain Ghazala, Wadi Kaam and Wadi El Maganine Dam, Cage culture for sea bass, introduction of shrimp culture, intensive transplantation of fry.
• Silka LTD (sea water Tilapia sea bass, sea bream and clams).
Improve production through expanding fish culture centres, hatcheries, increased transplantation and acclimatisation program, fish selection and pond manag. improved fish proces. 
• Piscicult. Marina de Malta : (Sea bass and sea bream in floating cages).
  Production (T) 1990 M.W. = 5 Increase production through :
Aquac. prod. reached 60,000 T(Fresh Water ): 35,000 T from ponds and 25,000 T from rice fields.• Seed fry production.
• Planed from private farms.


RESEARCHDepartment of fisheries of Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (autonomous body). Number of staff : 13 senior officersMarine Research Centre in Jounieh is affiliated with the National Council for Scientific Research. Staff : 4 Senior staff; 4 Research Assist; 
Depart (4) Resources, Aquaculture, Lagoons Fish IndustryMain activities : Primary and secondary production; physiology of local shrimp;Develop a small pilot plant for sea bream, sea bass culture.
- Improved hatchery methods and techniques for marine fisheries intensive feeding, live food production, introduction of new species (sea bream, sea bass), intensive fattening of marine fish in tanks, monitoring and improvement of fish farm effluent, Broodstock rearing.
TRAININGDepart of Fisheries (very limited at Mencou Experimental Marine Fish Culture Station and in Kalopanayotis Fresh Water Station.Research Centre; limited for training graduate students.
EXTENSIONBy the Department of Fisheries and the two stationsAd-hoc training exist within the Ministry of Agriculture.
No regular extension services is undertaken by Department of Fisheries (fish culture and inland water management) ad hoc training Number of staff : 3 biologist - 3 technicians 
PRODUCTIONProduction 1990 (T)Marine research Centre, expansion of culture marine species namely sea bream and sea bass in addition to trout.
-F.W (Trout):73 T. 
 (38 T from cages in reservoirs, 35 T from land based ponds).To develop a pilot plant for shrimp breading, Fresh water culture of trout has dropped over the past few years; no reliable exist.
-Number of fresh water fish farms : 14 
 (4 Land based farms; 10 in cages).Some limited experience in feed production exist.
-Fry (sea bream and sea bass 5.5 millions).
-Table size marine fish:50 T.
-Number of Marine farms:4
 (2 commercial hatcheries, 1 cage unit, 1 land based)
-Food production : 3 companies
-Fiberglass conpanies : 3.
-Water pumps companies ; 3


RESEARCH 2 Institutes: a-1 Mariculture.Number of Research instituteInstitute of Oceanography and Fisheries:
b- 1 Freshwater culture:- 1 inland water4 Departments
(a)Fisheries Institute - Bourgas 4 Divisions : Fish processing section, Fishing Gear section, Computerization of Fisheries,- 2 marine waterStaff:30 PHD.
30 MSC.
  8 Post graduate.
 Mariculture Division: 4 PHD, 4MSC,2 Researchers, 10 Technicians Fry Production and management of Broodstocks culture marine species are sea bream, sea bass; Reproductive physiology; Fish pathology introduction of new species, cage culture, aquaculture.
 2 Experimental Stations:  
 1- Mussel culture and farm (open sea).
 2- Fish, live food, shrimps, hatchery : lagoon mullet fattening.
(b)Freshwater culture institute Plovdiv.
TRAINING (a)By University of Sofia, Biol. Dev. Hydrobiology Aquaculture by the above mentioned Inst. By Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Technical training in aquaculture programme, and general fisheries.
(b)By secondary school of Marine and Ocean Fishing, Bourgas, Tech. courses on aquaculture.
EXTENSION To certain degree, by the above mentioned institutions No official institutions is responsible for extension work.
 Research Inst. get involved in advise on volontary basis. The present arrangement is performed by the association of producers.
PRODUCTION 12000 T freshwater culture, carp (silver carp, grass carp)Catch 1990Aquaculture production reached now 25.500
- F.W: 3.356 T (Trout + Carp)
Tons from fresh water (Ponds 20.000 T;Cages 500T; Tanks 6,000 T).
- Number of farms :183 farms
700 T brackish fish culture
- Two hatchery plants (Private).
Marine and Brackish : 2 500 T.
150 T mussel culture (open sea). 
Planned Production
To increase Trout to 5.486 T.
- Planned production 2,500 T of fish and 3,500 T of shellfish (by 1995).
To increase Carp to 1.528 T through the increase of
- Expanding of seed fry and intensive cage culture.
Number of farm by 31 and catch1.150 T sea bass, sea bream, salmon. 


1–7 JULY 911 Week workshop on diversification of aquaculture productionMALTAAquaculture Experts from participating and Ass. countriesWorkshop programmeSRCs + NPCsExperts in aquaculture production (new species suitable for Mediterranean aquac.)
(MAY 91) 
Workshop(JUL 91)SRCs + NPCs
Workshop report(SEP 91)PC + SRCs + NPCs + ConsultantConsultant for reporting
JULY 911 Week worshop on lagoon managementMOROCCOSpecialists from participating and Ass. countriesWorkshop programmePC + SRCExperts in lagoon management
 (MAY 91) 
Workshop(JUL 91)SRC + NPCs
Workshop report(SEP 91)PC + SRC + Consult.
10–13 SEPT 91Training sub-network seminarFRANCEPC+SRCs+NPCs+Ass countriesPreparatory work(JUN 91)PC + CounsultantConsultant
Seminar(SEP 91)PC + Consultant
Training report(NOV 91)PC + consultant
22–25 OCT 91Research sub-network seminarCYPRUSPC+SRCs+NPCs and Ass. countriesPreparatory work(JUN 91)PC + ConsultantConsultant
Seminar(OCT 91)PC + Consultant
Report(DEC 91)PC + Consultant
11–23 NOV 912 Week basic level training course on disease diagnosis and preventionTURKEYAquaculture technicians with experience in fish production from participating countriesTraining programme(SEP 91)PC + SRCsExpert in fish disease with large experience in fish
Training(NOV 91)SRC + NPCs 
Training report(DEC 91)PC + SRC + Experts 
26–29 NOV 91Seminar on documentation and information system on aquacultureEGYPTPC + SRCs + NPCs + ass. countries + Expert on informationPreparation of guidelines for national survey survey on informationPC + ConsultantExpert on information from specialized agencies and FAO - FIRI
 (JUL 91) 
Implementation of national surveySRCs + NPCs
 (SEP 91) 
seminar(NOV 91)PC + SRCs + NPCs
Selection of 2–3 countries to start pilot activities on the development of national information systemsPC + SRCs + FAO
Report of the seminarPC + Expert
 (JAN 92) 
2 – 3 DEC 91Steering Committee meeting Establishment of ad hoc committee for preparation of agreement for intergovernmental MEDRAP IIIEGYPTPC + SRCs+ NPCs + FAO + UNDP + Ass. countriesPreparation of 1992 work planPC 
 (JUN 91) 
Report on SCM(JAN 92)PC
3–7 FEB 92Workshop on marine Hatchery ManagementYUGOSLAVIAExpert from participating and Ass. countriesWorkshop programmePC + SRCsExperts in marine fish reproduction from participating and Ass. countries.
 (SEP 91) 
Selection of Experts(NOV 91)PC + SRCs + NPCs
Workshop(FEB 92)SRC+ NPCs
Workshop report(APR 92)PC + SRC + Consult.Consultant for reporting


Adopted Schedule of Activities for 1991 – 1992

8–28 FEB 92Hatchery study tourYUGOSLAVIAExperts from participating countriesStudy tour organizationPC + SRCsExperts from Ass. countries to define the tour programme and to help in contacting private private hatcheries.
FRANCEStudy tour(FEB 92)PC + SRCs
JAN – MARCH 92Three month practical training on hatchery managementVARIOUS COUNTRIESTechnicians from participating countriesSelection of part(SEP 91)PC+SRCsExperts from hosting countries/institutions
Agreement with hosting institutionSRCs+NPCs
 (SEP 91) 
Training(JAN – MAR 92)SRCs+NPCs
Reports on the activitiesPC+SRCs+NPCs
 (MAY 92) 
FROM MARCH 92 onwardsNational activities on marine hatchery management (Training, Seminars, join research programmes)VARIOUS COUNTRIESTechnicians, Experts and Researchers from partipating and Ass. countriesSelection of participantsNPCsConsultants:
Evaluation of trainingSRCs+NPCs(Technical evaluation of training material)
Selection of research project proposalsPC+SRCs+NPCsResearchers:
Follow up of research activitiesSRCs + NPCs(Exchange of Experts within agreed joint research programme)
23 – 27 MARCH 92Seminar on aquaculture and environment, and Bordeaux aquaculture trade fair visit.FRANCE (Bordeaux)NPCs and Experts from participating and Ass. countriesSeminar programmeFrench auth.+PCInternational Experts in environment and aquaculture Consultant for reporting
 (JAN 92) 
Seminar(MAR 92)French auth. + PC
Seminar report(JUN 92)French auth. PC
26 – 29 NOV 91Seminar on documentation and information system on aquacultureEGYPTPC + SRCs + NPCs + ass. countries + Expert on informationPreparation of guidelines for national survey on informationPC + ConsultantExpert on information from specialized agencies and FAO - FIRI
 (JUL 91) 
Implementation of national surveySRCs+NPCs
 (SEP 91) 
Seminar(NOV 91)PC+SRCs+NPCs
Selection of 2–3 countries to start pilot activities on the development of national information systemsPC+SRCs+FAO FIDI
 (DEC 91) 
Report of the seminarPC+Expert
 (JAN 92) 
2 – 3 DEC 91Steering Committee meeting Establishment of ad hoc committee for preparation of agreement for intergovernmental MEDRAP IIIEGYPTPC+ SRCs + NPCs + FAO + UNDP + A s. countriesPreparation of 1992 work planPC 
 (JUN 91) 
Report on SCM(JAN 92)PC
3–7 FEB 92Workshop on Marine Hatchery ManagementYUGOSLAVIAExperts from participating and Ass.countriesWorkshop programmePC+SRCsExperts in marine fish reproduction from participating and Ass. countries
 (SEP 91) 
Selection of Experts(NOV 91)PC+SRCs+NPCs
Workshop(FEB 92)SRC+NPCs
Workshop report(APR 92)PC + SRC + Consult.Consultant for reporting
APRIL 921 Week training on artemia rearingLIBYASpecialists from participating countriesTraining programmePC+ ConsultantExperts in artemia rearing technics
 (FEB 92) 
Training(APR 92)SRC+NPCs
Training report( JUN 92)PC + SRC + Consult.


Networking Seminar Recommendations

The following recommendations were concluded to be presented to the Steering Committee Meeting for adoption :

  1. The importance of national commitment is recognized and steps have to be taken by the national coordinators to ensure the active involvment of their respective countries in MEDRAP 11 and in particular to identify the potential participants ( institutions and individuals) in the various activities of the different sub-networks.

  2. It is recommended to constitute in each respective countries a national committee representative of the various interested institutions and individuals, and under the chairmanship of the national coordinator in order to ensure the efficient and effective operation and the continuity of MEDRAP II.

  3. In view of the important of parity in the field of an effective and quick communication and because of the lack of modern communication facilities in some countries, remedial action has to be taken by respective countries to overcome such hindrances. The delegates of LEBANON and BULGARIA stressed that effective communication facilities were not available to them in their respective countries and that this could represent an obstacle for their effective participation in the network. This is also true for ALBANIA.

  4. As regards recommendations concerning the five sub-networks, as presented in the sub-regional meetings report (7 – 19 MARCH 1991), the seminar recommended the following :

    4.a Training Sub-network :

    The meeting approves the work plan presented in the report of the sub-regional meetings.

    4.b Research Sub-network

    Because of the complexity and diversity and the lack of complementarity, scientists' and researchers' participation is required. Particular importance should be given to defining the mechanisms to further networking. Given the cost and prerequisite capacity for collaborative research, it is recommended that the level and fields of cooperation in research should be further studied during the seminar on this sub-network.

    The meeting approves the work plan presented in the report of the sub-regional meetings.

    4.c Information Sub-network

    In the project Document no provisions are made for this sub-network because this was foreseen in AQUAMED. However, as AQUAMED has not been initiated and because of the high interest expressed by the participants and in view of its importance in ensuring MEDRAP continuity, it is recommended that it be initiated progressively. This sub-network should be project driven and financial implications have to be explored.

    The meeting approves the work plan presented in the report of the sub-regional meetings.

    4. d- 4. e Production and Extension Sub-networks :

    It is recommended that the review of propositions relative to these two sub-networks should be delayed until the second steering committee meeting. Meanwhile the MEDRAP Coordination is asked to examine the data relative to each of these two sub-networks in order to favor a rational procedure.

  5. In view of preparation of a permanent structure on legal matters, an ad hoe committee ought to be constituted to formulate such structure after consultation with the concerned Governments.

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