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The workshop was organised and conducted as per attached agenda.

Dr. Jaime Menezes (Portugal) was elected chairman of the session and Mrs. Hedia Attia (Tunisia) was elected vice-chairman. The following were elected rapporteurs : Prof. Carmello Agius (Malta), Prof. Dr. Gulten koksal (Turkey), Dr. Khaled Bennaj (Libya).

The principal diseases of species relevant to the Mediterranean were reviewed with special emphasis being placed on:

  1. the present status of fish diseases and their control in the Mediterranean;

  2. the shortcomings in the region in this important field of aquaculture;

  3. problems that need to be addressed both in the short as well as the long-term;

  4. existing cooperation programmes/networks elsewhere in the world with a view to use them as a model or indeed even integrate with such activities. The main problematic areas experienced by most member countries were identified as follows:

    1. the member countries are on their own relatively minor producers of prime finfish species (seabass and seabream) which are considered the future on growth areas. This has resulted in lack of incentive to invest in back-up pathology R & D work at the national level. Therefore, the information available at present is fragmentary and the only prospect of rectifying this situation is through cooperation such as networking;

    2. inadequate human resources at all levels. Comparisons with some other regions e.g. Asia clearly exposes a serious deficiency in the number of fish veterinarians/pathologists in the Meditarranean;

    3. lack of a data collection/documentation and dissemination facilities. The need to give due importance to shellfish diseases as well as to overlook the possible epidemiological significance of invertebrate diseases was recognized.


The outstanding needs were identified as follows:

  1. Coordinate the organisation of a database on Mediterranean fish diseases. The data collection should include research data as well as country statistics on disease status, control measures, legal aspects, etc…Ideally, a regular publication on Mediterranean Fish Pathology should be produced.

  2. Promotion and coordination of R & D work on fish pathology with particular reference to the adaptation of existing technologies to Mediterranean species;

  3. Coordination of activities to ensure standardisation and uniformity in methodologies of pathological analysis as well as all aspects of disease prevention and control.

  4. Organisation of training programmes at all levels.

  5. Preparation of a feasibility study for the setting up of a diagnostic service centre that would provide a comprehensive pathological, parasitological, bacteriological, virological and electron microscopy service.

  6. Promotion of active participation of private producers possibly to the extent of forming an association on a regional basis that could support R & D work that would benefit their production.

  7. Establishment of a regional reference collection of aquatic animal pathogens, reference antisera etc…

  8. Collaboration with existing networks/institutions with interests that are directly applicable to the mediterranean region.

It was therefore concluded that a network on Mediterranean fish pathology with a lead centre to coordinate its activities be urgently established to prioritise these needs and identify mechanisms of making it effective and how to secure funding for such activities.

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