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Final Report


The seminar on Training Sub-network, held in Tirana, Albania, 7–8 december 1992, was constituting a second opportunity to go further in the constitution of that network and the implementation of its mecanism; the first seminar related to the subject was held in Montpellier, France 11–14 September 1992.

The main conclusion (part I) was that the training could not be separated from research network but should be considered as a vital component of each activity to be undertaken in the framework of research networks. furthermore, there is cause to point out that the several contributions given by the participants and which were included in the present report (part II, annex 2) brought herewith a complementary information to those presented, already, at the first seminar, in Montpellier.

Actual status of training needs and capabilities within MEDRAP members were shown among the synthetic and analytical report presented by M. Belkhir (Part II, annex 1). Needless to remind that data were collected from each national coordinators of MEDRAP member countries.

Lastly Mr. H. Akrout, the project Coordinator introduced the suggested institutional framework for future cooperative aquaculture activities in the Mediterranean region (Part II, annex 3). He linked the training to the research activities and pointed out that sub-coordinating mecanisms could be Forecasted as follow :

-   CIHEAM, will be assisting in research and training related the technical and economic aspects of aquaculture.

-   MAP/PAP/ RAC, will be assisting in research and training related to the environmental aspects of aquaculture.

-   SIPAM, will be playing an important role in developping the data base with regards to the information and documentation.

Seminar report and recommendations

The session was opened by Mr. A. Flloko, Director General of the Fisheries Directorate and MEDRAP National Coordinator of Albania, who welcomed the participants, and wished them success in their deliberations.

Mr. H. Akrout, MEDRAP II project Coordinator, after thanking the Albanian host and all participants, expressed the hope that this seminar will also meet the needs of the member countries; and be part of MEDRAP II development strategy.

The officials of the seminar were elected as follows :

-Chairman:Mr. Roland Cela(Albania)
-Vice-Chairlady:Mrs. Stephanou Daphnee(Cyprus)
-Vice-Chairman:Mr. Othman Zoghlami(Tunisia)
-Rapporteurs:Mr. Ivan Katavic(Croatia)
  :Mrs. Maria Teresa Dinis(Portugal)
  :Mr. Abderrahmene El Safty(Egypt)

The agenda was adopted as proposed.

Evaluation of Capabilities and Needs in Aquaculture Training

The report that was presented by Mr. Belkhir should be revised and completed with updated information with the assistance of sub-regional coordinators who will collect and submit the relevant information to the author to be included in the revised text, within two months.

Representatives of each country gave a summary of their respective needs and training capabilities (annex 1).

The meeting recognises the special needs of the countries : Lebanon, Syria, Albania and Bulgaria, and targets them for special attention to ensure their active participation.

Specialised Institutions on Training

Information on training capabilities in several specialised institutions was presented by the following (annex 2) :

Mr. Miguel Valls(CIHEAM - Spain)
Mr. Patrick Lavens(GENT University - Belgium)
Mr. Laszlo Varadi(Szarvas Institute - Hungary)
Mr. Alan Stewart(Stirling University - UK)
Mr. Ivan Katavic(on behalf of PAR/RAC - Croatia)

The presentations were followed by a discussion session highlighting the important aspects that could be related to MEDRAP activities, particularly in relation to future projections.

Identification of a regional Strategy

Mr. H. Akrout, Coordinator of MEDRAP II Project, presented a tentative proposal for future structures of MEDRAP as conceived by the Coordination Centre with the contribution of an international consultant, to be discussed, adopted and submitted to the Steering Committee meeting for consideration.

The major conclusions were the following:

  1. Research and Training are complementary and as such no separate training and /or research networks are necessary at present.

  2. Training is a vital component of each activity, and accordingly, the recommendations of the project Coordinator as presented in annex 3, were accepted together with the presented implementation schedule.

  3. During phase II, MEDRAP continues to act as the coordinator of activities as proposed in annex 3. However, the following modifications are to be introduced:

  4. Training component of MEDRAP II activities for 1993, was accepted as presented by the project coordinator.

Before adjourning, the project coordinator read to the meeting the text of a letter which he had just received from the CEC Fisheries Directorate General through FAO Headquarters reaffirming their interest in the Project and in principle favourably considering their support to continuity of MEDRAP.

Meeting adjourned 8 December 1992 at 18.00.

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