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Annex 1
Evaluation of the Actual Status of Capabilities and Needs in Aquaculture Training within the MEDRAP II Member Countries



Mohieddine BELKHIR


This paper attempts to make a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the capabilities and needs related to the aquaculture training within the MEDRAP II member countries.

Data presented herewith has been collected from each National Coordinator according to the recommendation formulated at the first meeting on the constitution of aquaculture training sub-network, held on September 11–14th, 1991, in Montpellier - France.

There is cause to point out that shortage of specialized institutions in aquaculture training and also less accurate information caused this study to be confined mainly to the human resources need.

Therefore, data should be completed, corrected and updated before publication.

I - General Introduction

During the last decade, aquaculture sector has made rapid strides and progress as a result of the development and increasing number of marine and fresh water farming in most MEDRAP II member countries. Accordingly, increasing need in human resources competence, as well as in specialized institutions in aquaculture is stressed from year to year.

Meanwhile, due to the difference in levels of aquaculture development and related education, the capabilities and needs in aquaculture training are varying from country to country at regional scale and even at sub-regional one within MEDRAP II member countries, lack of homogeneity is therefore admitted in term of scope, training and cooperation.

II - Scope on Education and Training in Aquaculture within MEDRAP II Member Countries

Aquaculture education and training should not be kept apart, since there is no institution providing education and training only in aquaculture.

The lack of homogeneity and specialised institution prompted the establishment of conter measures, aiming the training at lower and higher levels of human resources, to be involved in aquaculture sector and ensuring its development and progress.

Consequently, aquaculture is rather associated to general or marine biology, to ecology, veterinary, fisheries and agriculture education. Most of the initial university institutions and vocational schools or colleges have been extending the scope of their education and training to the aquaculture concern.

The information reported on table (see annex) and which were synthesised and summarised from data presented by the National Coordinators confirm the above cited tendency and noted that most of university institutions, research centres, and professional schools located in MEDRAP member countries could offer several opportunities in training technicians and scientists as well and showed well standing progress in development of aquaculture activities except for Lebanon, Syria, Albania and Libya, where opportunities were rather limited, if not absent. Therefore, with regards to the degree of level in aquaculture development, these four countries are considered till now under privileged; they should, nevertheless, turn to account the experience and training capabilities existent in the other relatively more developed MEDRAP countries. Also, there is no significant difference between these countries since they could provide technical training and higher level education.

Indeed, the large number of technicians are trained at home country when vocational school and professional centres are existent and special attention is devoted mostly to aquaculture production systems and less for research sector to be rather absent for administration/management.

Senior aquaculturists are usually secured by the above cited academic institutes and have mainly a general or a marine biology background since most of these institutes are dealing with fisheries and agriculture sciences.

So, graduates in aquaculture will be needing a specific broad based training in one aspects of aquaculture sector related to the production, research and administration management.

Regarding the post-graduate, the problem is however, still persisting and specialised training is practically non existent in MEDRAP member countries. Though graduates who need accurate specialisation in specific topic in aquaculture should be assisted by specialists from either MEDRAP associated countries or outside Mediterranean basin countries.

Furthermore, in spite of lack in specialised institution which should continuously provide training in aquaculture, various opportunities can be offered for scientist but little for technicians, by aquaculture sectors. This can be shown among information reported on table (see annex) where basic education and training seem to be well secured in all member countries for scientists to equip as candidates the research aquaculture but less secured in case of production sector and rather not secured in case of administration/management, while technical training is not provided at all for technicians with regards to the administration in aquaculture, this opportunity remain dependent of presence of vocational schools and professional centres which are limited in number and not well distributed in MEDRAP member countries. This should enhance cooperation which is practically non existent in aquaculture field between MEDRAP countries from sub-region to sub-region still less between countries belonging to the same sub-region.

In the other hand, while there are several opportunities in technical training and graduates as well offered by most of MEDRAP member countries, these later are developing more cooperation in aquaculture field with MEDRAP associated countries (France, Italy, and Spain) and also with non Mediterranean other ones among which could be listed, Belgium, Holland, Hungary, England, Norway, USSR, USA and Japan.

A comparative study of information cited on table (see annex) can help in having general and specific survey on education and training which could be offered by the main institution concerned with aquaculture in the following MEDRAP sub-regions.

Algeria sub-region

Under graduate education and training in aquaculture seem to be well offered when compared with the three other MEDRAP sub-regions. technical level can be usually secured at either the Institute of Fisheries technology and Aquaculture (ITPA), in Algeria or at Research and Vocational Centres, in Tunisia (Centre national d'Aquaculture de Monastir - and - Centre de Formation Professionnelle de Pêche de Monastir). Opportunities are also given in Portugal, in the agriculture school and the fishery one which are dealing respectively with fresh water and marine water cultures.

General higher education research and training on aquaculture are often included in associated field such as:

-   the marine biology, in Algeria (Université d'Alger), in Tunisia (Université de Tunis, de Sfax - and - Institut National Agronomique de Tunis), in Portugal (Univerité d'Algarve et Vila Real);

-   the agronomic and or veterinary, in Morocco (Institut National Agronomique et Vétérinaire-Hassan II - Rabat), in Portugal (Institute Supérieur d'Agronomie - Lisbon - and-Université des Sciences - Porto).

Basic activities are academic and opportunities are offered only for graduates post-graduates education and training could be secured in Morocco and in Tunisia ; but only when general aquaculture is associated with biological studies; while in Portugal specialisation in aquaculture seems to be well offered and could constitute good opportunities for MEDRAP member countries and particularly for those belonging to the sub-regional itself, since cooperation remain Sufficient when existing. Because of lack in information, cooperation seems anyway to be concentrated with MEDRAP associated countries (France, Italy and Spain) and in non Mediterranean ones (Belgium, Holland, Japan) in case of Tunisia.

Libya sub-region

Egypt is the only country of that sub-region which can provide training and education for technicians as there is a secondary school dealing with technology applied to fisheries and aquaculture.

Higher level education (graduates only) is provided by university institutes among which can be listed:

-   the university of Tripoli - Libya, with basic education in marine biology;

-   two universities of Alexandria and of Canal de Suez in Egypt with basic education in respectively the marine biology - Fisheries and the aquaculture fisheries;

-   the University of Malta which provide basic education on biology.

The main activities within the above cited universities are academic and research but could organise training on general subjects related to aquaculture opportunities are not available for post-graduates.

Cooperation is also non existent between countries of Libya sub-region except between Egypt and Libya where cooperation is limited in technical training secured by egyptian institutions.

While inside the Mediterranean basin the main hosting countries are France, Italy, Cyprus, Yugoslavia for Libya and France, Italy for Egypt, and France, Monaco, Mediterranean basin, cooperation is limited to England with Libya and to Belgium with Malta but very large scale in case of Egypt which is developing cooperation with Hungary, England, Norway, Polánd, China, Korea, Japan, USSR and USA.

Cyprus Sub-region

Cyprus sub-region constitutes the most underprivileged one and technical training can not be offered as there are no vocational schools or centres concerned by aquaculture and or fisheries. Also, there are no opportunities for scientific training in specific topics related to aquaculture.

The main activities undertaken with the university of Beirut - Lebanon and the university of Lattaquie and the one of Damascus - Syria are academic and concern respectively general biology and marine biology.

In Cyprus, the Mediterranean institutes of management can provide basic education in management possibly applied to aquaculture and technical training could be secured in private a aquaculture sectors and public as well (information, in Cyprus capabilities should be completed and updated).

Cooperation is non existent at all between Cyprus, Lebanon, and Syria in term of aquaculture exchange information and assistance and due to underlow development of aquaculture activities in Lebanon and Syria, only Cyprus is undertaking cooperation with MEDRAP member and associated countries (Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France, Italy) and also with non Mediterranean ones (England, Poland, Germany, USSR and USA).

Yugoslavia Sub-region

Education and training for technician in aquaculture seem to have no opportunities offered at national level, may be because of lack of low level education institution, in Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. while Turkey could secure technical training since there are two vocational centres situated in Antalya; the one of them is of KEPES and deals with fresh water and the other one is of Beymalek and undertakes marine water education. Regarding the education and training of scientists, several opportunities can be offered for only graduates. Basic education is biology at the university of Tirana, and is biology applied to fisheries and/or aquaculture at the University of Zagreb, Belgrade in Yugoslavia and University of Bodrum, in Turkey.

Veterinary studies applied to aquaculture is given at the veterinary institutes of Zagreb, in Yugoslavia. Food technology related to aquaculture processing is undertaken at higher technical institutes of food technology in Bulgaria.

While there is no cooperation between countries belonging to Yugoslavia sub-region the later is developing cooperation with MEDRAP associated countries (France, Italy, Spain) and also with non Mediterranean ones (England, Norway, Holland, Hungary, Japan, USA).

III - Human Resources Needs in Aquaculture within MEDRAP II Member Countries

MEDRAP II member countries agreed upon the necessity in training technicians and scientists in the main aquaculture activities which are the production, the research and the administration (management).

The core personnel required is summarised on tables (see annex); it has been identified by each of the members, except Malta, Lebanon and Syria, of which information on the matter has yet to be completed.

Human resources needs as described, amounted to 1959 trainees in the region for the three aquaculture sectors among which technicians accounted 1214 corresponding to a rate of 62 % when reported to total needs and scientists (graduated and post-graduates) accounted 745 to a total needs in the region. Also, there are considerable variations between the sub-regions and their needs when reported to the regional ones are ranging from 46 % in Libya sub-region, 38 % in Algeria sub-region, 15 % in Yugoslavia sub-region to 1 % in Cyprus sub-region.

Comparative survey of information may record that cumulated needs for production, research and administration sectors are not well distributes and varying from country to country as follows ;

Algeria Sub-region

Total estimated needs accounts 749 among which 165 scientists and 584 technicians the largest needs are required by Tunisia (53 scientists and 242 technicians) and by Portugal (63 scientists and 272 technicians); it might be noted that Tunisia and Portugal require 70 % and 88 % of total trainees among respectively the scientists and the technicians in their sub-region while Morocco and Algeria show approximately similar requirements from the remaining needs.

Furthermore, Algeria sub-region seem to cumulate the larger number in term of technical needs when compared with the three other sub-regions. Special attention is well devoted to aquaculture production unities and research sector as well, particularly, for Tunisia and Portugal, while a little interest is given to administration sector in Algeria and Morocco, it is negligeable for Portugal and non existent, for Tunisia.

Libya sub-region

Total estimated needs are 903 distributed as follow, 388 scientists and 515 technicians for both Libya and Egypt requirements. Malta had not information.

The majority of human trainees is Egyptian; it is cumulating 94 % of total scientist (365) and 97 % of total technicians (500) that allows to indicate that Egypt should have increasing growth of productions systems and research and administration sectors as well. Also, apart this great difference between Libya and Egypt, both of then showed well distribution of needs with regards to each sectors of production, research and administration. In the other hand, there is reason to say that all information related to the subject should be specified when distributed in fresh or in marine water cultures since the later is less developed than the first one.

Cyprus sub-region

Since Lebanon and Syria had not information, estimated needs in Cyprus are the smallest ones when compared to all members requirements and cumulated for all aquaculture sector a number of 25 trainees among which 20 scientists and 5 technicians. That shows the less interest in technical trainees by relatively higher attention in having graduates and post-graduates in both production and research sector and also in administration one, except that post-graduates are not needed in the later sector.

Yugoslavia sub-region

Total estimated needs accounted 282 cumulating 172 scientists and 110 technicians. The distribution of needs in rather proportional and no great differences can be seen in their variation which is ranging from 105, in Turkey, 82 in Albania, 57 in Yugoslavia to 38 in Bulgaria. Therefore, while graduates trainees are more needed in number than post-graduates trainees both of them show cumulated requirements higher than technicians in each of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey except in Albania which requires more technical than scientific trainees.

When compared to above cited sub-regions, Yugoslavia sub-region seems to present more homogeneity in term of repartition of need per levels of core personnel and per types of aquaculture sector.

Generally, the majority of MEDRAP II member countries requires more skill labour and technicians with regard to production and research in aquaculture but keeps a broad overview and low interest with regard to the administration, while graduates are mostly needed with higher request than post-graduates both of them seem to play an important role in research rather than in production, still less, if not negligeable to absent in aquaculture administration. There may be reason to record a lack of sensitivity of administration useful purpose towards the aquaculture development and progress.

Furthermore, prompt comparative survey of human resources needs allows to establish a preliminary classification of members per each of the following aquaculture sectors:

Production sector

  1. Egypt (310) - Tunisia (273) - Portugal (271)

  2. Albania (46) - Morocco (40) - Turkey (35) - Yugoslavia (34)

  3. Algeria (21) - Cyprus (16) - Libya (16) - Bulgaria (14)

Research sector

  1. Egypt (250)

  2. Portugal (60) - Turkey (55)

  3. Albania (26) - Algeria (26) Tunisia (22) - Bulgaria (16) Yugoslavia (16) - Libya (16) - Morocco (12) - Cyprus (4)

Administration sector

  1. Egypt (305)

  2. Nil

  3. Turkey (15) - Algeria (13) - Albania (10) - Bulgaria (8) - Yugoslavia (7) - Morocco (7) - Libya (6) - Cyprus (5) - Portugal (4) Tunisia (0)

Based on information described above, there might be to emphasize that Egypt's requirements in human resources are the greatest in the region but well distributed with regards to the production research and administration as well.

While both Tunisia and Portugal come in the second place after Egypt in term of needs per production sector, Portugal still remain the second with Turkey after Egypt in research sector, but keep negligeable interest to the administration and occupies the last position before Tunisia which shows no interest at all on the matter. All the majority of remaining countries indicate rather similar to weakness requirements in number in production and research as well, still less to no significant, in case of administration.

IV - Fields of particular Importance and Main Training Priorities

Regional training priorities of technicians and scientists as well in the areas of research, production and administration/management, were identified from various project reports and reviewed by all countries at previous meeting held in Montpellier - France; fields of particular importance, when screamed at regional scale do lay emphasis on regional training needs with decreasing priorities as follows:

Since priority research topics can be regrouped into three main boxes, technology, environment and economic, and since training priorities with some exception are generally, in agreement with research priorities, specific training topics for both technical and graduated levels, could be tentatively identified from information presented by the National coordinators of MEDRAP II member countries as follows:

Needless to say that the propose program of training may appear ambitious. Activities should be commensurate with existing institutional capabilities and with financial resources as well.

V - Capabilities in Aquaculture Training in MEDRAP II Member countries

Information related to institutional capabilities in aquaculture training and those concerning the number of trainees per topics with regard to the main sectors of production, research and administration in aquaculture within the MEDRAP II member countries are reported on tables (see annex). This information is still incomplete and accurate estimate could not be made with regards to the level of staff needed, to their global number and to the opportunities offered in training at regional scale as well.

Nevertheless, a preliminary survey of information presented by the five countries among which are listed Tunisia, Portugal, Egypt, Cyprus and Yugoslavia will note the following:

-   training per topics will be focused on technicians and scientists (post-graduates) in Portugal and in Egypt but only on technicians in the case of Algeria, as reported on table (see annex).

The total number of trainees per all topics when considered together is varying from country to country as follows:

There is reason to emphasize that these trainees numbers are not in agreement with those presented previously as human resources needs by each country.

-   Institutional capabilities are offering several opportunities with regards to training per topics. This can be summarised as follows:

VI - Constraints and Areas of Weakness

Several constraints and areas of weakness among which some are listed below can slow down the development of the training network in aquaculture field:

-   Language: While there would be no difficulties in communication between scientists, usually, using English language, the later should the mother language when is used with specialised hand workers and technicians. Therefore, there is a need to emphasise the necessity of conceiving focal points for the aquaculture training and regrouping countries speaking the same language, particularly, in the case of technical training.

-   Lack of homogeneity between MEDRAP II member countries which is due essentially to the difference in levels of the development of aquaculture sector, the farming production and of training and education in aquaculture.

-   Cooperation: : bilateral relation with regards to aquaculture field is non existent between member countries at regional scale, still remaining less at the sub-regional one should MEDRAP II member countries expect MEDRAP Coordination to improve cooperation through such training sub-network. This approach remains compatible with MEDRAP's objective in assisting member countries to develop an aquaculture industry in accordance to their national plans.




- Table 1:  Main Institutions concerned by aquaculture in Algeria sub-region

- Table 2:  Main Institutions concerned by aquaculture in Libya sub-Region

- Table 3:  Main Institutions concerned by aquaculture in Cyprus sub-Region

- Table 4:  Main Institutions concerned by aquaculture in X-Yugoslavia Sub-region

- Table 5:  Basic training institutions in MEDRAP Members


- Table 6:  Comparative needs per production (p), Research (R) and Administration (A) between Members at sub-regional and regional scales

- Table 7:  Needs per level of staff and sectors in aquaculture in Algeria sub-Region

- Table 8:  Needs per level of staff and sectors in aquaculture in Libya sub-Region

- Table 9:  Needs per level of staff and sectors in aquaculture in Cyprus sub-Region

- Table 10: Needs per level of staff and sectors in aquaculture in X-Yugoslavia sub-Region


- Table 11: Scientists (S) and Technicians (T) needs per Training topics in aquaculture and per each country within the region (to be completed)


- Table 12: List of Institutional capabilities per training topic, number of trainees to be hosted and type of training within the region (to be completed).


CountriesInstitutionsBasic EducationActivitiesDiplômesHost CountriesPG
Algeria1- Institut de Technologie de Pêche et d'Aquaculture (ITPA) Alger  '+'+ '+'+   
 2- Université d'Algerbiologie marine'+'+'+ '+    
MorocoI- Iinstitut National Agronomique Vétérinaire Hassen II - RabatAgro ou Vétér'+'+'+'+ '+    
  poss spécial '+'+      
 2- Institut Scientifique des Pêches          
 Maritimes - Casablanca          
  Biologie Marine'+'+'+'+'+ FranceItalyBelgium
 1- Université de Tunis et SfaxSciences      Spain Holland
 2- Institut National Agronomique Tunis (INAT) TUNISHalieutiques'+'+'+ '+   Japan
Tunisia3- Institut National Scientific et Technique d'Océanographie et de  '+'+      
 Pêche Salammbô (INSTOP)  '+'+      
 4- Centre National Aquaculture de Monastir    '+      
  Technique et     '+   
 5- Centre de formation Profession nelle de MonastirTechnol Pêche et Aquaculture         
 1- Université des Sciences Lisbone - (TCL)Aquaculture'+'+'+ '+    
 2- Université des sciences Porto (IZ)Pathologie'+'+'+ '+    
 3- Institut supérieure d'Agronomi LisboneAquaculture         
Portugal4- Université d'Algarve et de Vita RealBiologie Marine'+'+'+'+'+    
 5- Institut des Sciences Bio-médicales - Abel SalazerAquaculture'+'+'+'+ '+   
 6- Ecole d'Agricultureeau douceSS  '+ '+   
  Pêche d'aquacultureSS  '+     
 7- Ecole des Pêches          


Countries Basic EducationActivitiesDiplômesHost CountriesPG
Libya Biologie Marine'+'+'+ '+ France ItalyEngland
 1- Université de Tripoli       Cyprus Yugoslavia 
  Biologie marine'+'+'+ '+ France ItalyHungary
 1- Université d'Alexandrie (Dep. Oceanographie)et Pêche       USA Engl
  Biol appliquée'+'+'+ '+  USSR Norway
 2- Faculté d'Agriculture Alexandaux Pêches et à       Bolan
Egypt l'Aquaculture       chine Kore
  Technologie       japon
  Pêche et       Belgium
 3- Université du Canal Suez IsmaliaAquaculture        
  TechnologieSS    '+  
 4- Ecole Secondaire AnfouchyAppliquée à la        
 Alexandrie et de Ras et BerPêche et Aquaculture        
Malte Biologie'+'+'+ '+ France MonacoBelgium
 Université de Malte       Yugoslavia 


Countries Basic EducationActivitiesDiplômesHost CountriesPG
Cyprus Management'+ '+ '+ France ItalyEngl USA
 1- Méditerranean Institute of management (MIM) N. Cosiapossibly applicad to aquaculture      YugoslaviaGermany
Liban Biologie'+'+'+ '+   
 Université de Beyrouthbiologie marine        
Syria Biologie marine'+'+  '+   
 1- Université de l'attaquiéBiologie et peu        
 2- université de Damasde biologie mari'+'+  '+   


Countries Basic EducationActivitiesDiplômesHost CountriesPG
  Biology applied'+'+'+ '+   
Yougoslavia1- Université de Zagreb, Belgradeto aquaculture        
  vétérinaire'+'+'+ '+ SpainEngland
 2- Institut Vétérinaire Zagrebapplicad to Aquaculture        
Albania Biology'+'+'+ '+ FranceNoway
 1- Université de Tirana       ItalyHungay
Bulgaria1- Université de Sofia, PloudivFood Technology'+'+'+ '+  Holland
 2- Higher Technical Institut of food Technology         
  Aquaculture'+'+'+ '+  Japon
 1- Université d'lzmirApplied biology       U.S.A
 2- Université de Bodrumin Fisheries and        
Turkey Aquaculture        
  Fresh water    '+'+  
 3- Centre de formation appliquée de KEPES - AntalyaMarine    '+'+  
 4- Centre de formation appliquéeWater        
 Bey Malek - Antalya         








 PG + G + TN1N2N3N4N5N6
Algeria2126136083 32254253
Tunisia2732202954015 4518-254-
Portugal2716043354417 45501725121
S/R 160512024749         
Lybia1616163842 562132
Cyprus1645251001 100.100.100211
Lebanon      1      
S/R 3164525         
Yugoslavia3416757203 261418333
Albania46261082294 362325553
Turkey355515105385 2749373114
S/R 412911340282         


PG: post graduates
G: graduates
T : technicians
N1:cumulated needs per country
N2:needs per country reported to S/R needs
N3:needs per country reported to the region needs
N4:needs per S/R reported to region needs
N5:needs per country reported to the correspondent S/R needs, per sector
N6:needs per country reported to the regional needs per sector


Countries ProductionResearchAdministration         
Sub TotalN                  

Legend for tables 7,8,9,10

N :needs per level of staff and by type of sector in aquaculture
% :rates of N to the cumulated N per type of sector in aquaculture

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