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Annexes (Continue)

Annex 2
Evaluation of the Training Capabilities in Some Specialised Institutions in the Associated and other European Countries






The potential of the Mediterranean environments for the development of aquaculture has only recently been fully recognized prompting almost all the countries of the region to start implementing or to plan substantial aquaculture activities.

Most aquaculture activities are at present being carried out in ways that are to a considerable degree dependent on the resources of the aquaculture site itself, i.e. water quality, nutrients, feed, which means that the selected site must provide these resources in appropriate amounts and quality for the kind of culture to be reared. the maintenance of these initially suitable ecological conditions is a limit for development of aquaculture, as no undue stress should be caused on the environment and on other activities at or near the site. Although aquaculture in the Mediterranean is known for centuries, it has been recently recognized that intensive cultures themselves are capable to endanger environment and production.

For the future, limits for the sites practical for culture purposes should be extended to include not only lagoons, estuaries and sheltered coastal zones but the offshore zones too.

The programme proposed herein is designed primarily to help the governments of the Mediterranean countries, but also to help existing and potential producers to plan and carry out appropriate projects, avoiding risk of production collapse caused by environmental disturbances.

Project description


Aquaculture is one of the priority fields of the priority Action Programme (PAP) of UNEP Mediterranean Action plan. In the framework of PAP workplan for the 1986–1987 biennium (UNEP/WG.129.5), the formulation of the joint project of PAP and FAO/UNDP MEDRAP was envisaged in order to study the environmental aspects of aquaculture management. This came about as a result of the cooperation between PAP and MEDRAP experts over the 1984–1987 period, during which the need to define and test an effective procedure for the proper management of aquaculture in lagoon and coastal ecosystems was thoroughly investigated.

The information obtained during the preparatory phase (1986–87) made possible a realistic evaluation of the needs and constraints of both scientific and technical nature for the implementation of the project. This led to the formation of the present proposal.

Project objectives

While there is no doubt that an operational procedure, capable of producing sensible evaluations and fore casts under different environmental and production scenarios would provide a precious tool both for coastal zone planners and entrepreneurs, such a procedure, at least at the regional level, does not exist at present.

It is clear from the analysis of the studies that have been carried out in this field that only qualitative suggestions are possible to offer within the descriptive and scientifically informal approaches that have been adopted.

This is due to conceptual, technical and economic constraints, some of which are specific of the field of aquaculture, especially with regard to equipment and manpower costs, as well as time necessary for a more scientifically grounded environmental analysis.

The long-term objectives of the project are:

-   to establish a conceptual and operational procedure of site evaluation and monitoring for the development and protection of aquaculture in the Mediterranean;

-   to define a realistic and consistent set-up of operations necessary to calibrate and validate the procedure as a whole and its individual components separately;

-   to establish a network capable of operating on a permanent basis.

It is, however, essential that the procedure to be developed be in line with specific problems and needs of aquaculture, that it be of general applicability, simple and inexpensive for the field effort and capable of providing accurate estimates and predictions.

The immediate objectives are:

-   to select appropriate sites for the implementation of the environmental network;

-   to evaluate previous data;

-   to obtain supplementary data;

-   to review and update the original document;

-   to prepare a workplan for the implementation of MEDRAP databases;

-   to prepare operating instructions for producers;

-   to provide preliminary indications for environmentally sound aquaculture development and protection;

-   to provide training of local staff in field operations;

To meet these objectives, it is necessary (a) to prepare different production systems and their development in various environmental scenarios, (b) define scenarios b y means of efficient descriptors, and (c) to choose a sampling design for each descriptors according to its specific space and time scales. Also, a set of numerical techniques has to be defined for processing the information obtained, so as to produce the desired quantitative assessments and forecasts, as well as to assess the relative significance of the selected descriptors.

Expected outputs

Once such a procedure is constructed and validated, the following outputs will be expected:

-   guidelines for the selection of sites suitable for aquaculture development;

-   assessment of compatibility of already existing or planned aquaculture activities with the development of other forms of natural resources exploitation;

-   selection, within a given ecosystem, of zones best suited for the various production systems;

-   definition as to how far a given type of production can be developed without exceeding the carrying capacity of an ecosystem (self-pollution problem);

-   definition of the amount of exploitable resources;

-   definition of the extent to which available resources can be developed through intervention.

These guidelines and their associated models will be designed in such a way as to be readily used by decision makers and aquaculture professionals without any specific training.

Organization of the project

Following the above consideration, the project should be organized in the following integrated parts:

  1. Preparatory phase to integrate previous data and to collect supplementary data, as well as to prepare the framework and start the operational calibration of the project, with particular reference to sampling design and related technical problems.

  2. Implementation phase to perform those activities which are feasible at all sites; to implement the adopted programme, the specific seminars and advanced training missions.

  3. Continuity phase to perform those activities which are necessary to maintain the permanent network and facilitate common regional strategy, enabling optimum aquaculture production.

  4. Training component. The project will have a strong training component consisting of seminars, workshops and training missions.

Preparatory phase

The preparatory phase will be carried out mostly by the Coordinating Group (CG). It will cover revision and updating of the original PAP document considering the future MEDRAP strategy. CG will review proposals of sites for inclusion in the project. Also, CG will organize missions to selected sites and draft a report with a view to establishing a programme for the next phase. CG will provide operating instructions.

The preparatory phase will establish:

  1. a grid of aquaculture sites ready for the project implementation;

  2. a grid for spatial analyses to be used in the implementation phase;

  3. optimum sampling frequency to be used in the implementation phase;

  4. location of permanent sampling sites to be adopted in the implementation phase.

In addition, two seminars will be organized in order to discuss a common strategy of the project, adjust and calibrate the methodology.

Implementation phase

The implementation phase is designed to validate implementation of the programme and to perform the activities which are feasible at all sites.

The implementation phase will focus on the following descriptors:

  1. meteorological descriptors (temperature, relative humidity, etc.);

  2. continental hydrography descriptors (main water inflow, run-off sources, etc.);

  3. geomorphological descriptors (bathymetry, sediments, etc.);

  4. physical descriptors (currents, temperature, transparency, etc.);

  5. chemical descriptors (salinity, oxygen content, etc.);

  6. biological descriptors (biomass of plankton, benthos, nekton, etc.).

The operational sampling design for each of the sites will include their specific needs and, depending on the results of the preparatory phase, will be flexible. The expected result is a validated and calibrated model permitting simulations by varying the level of the forcing functions and/or border conditions.

One specific seminar and two advanced training missions will enable participants to implement the calibrated methodology.

Ad hoc visits of experts will help in this phase. Annual meetings of national coordinators, FAO experts and MEDRAP representatives will discuss the achieved results, as well as programme for the next period.

Continuity phase

The continuity phase is designed to enable performing those activities which are necessary to maintain the permanent network and facilitate the common regional strategy towards an optimum aquaculture production. During this phase, national coordinators, FAO experts and MEDRAP representatives will meet at least once a year to validate, update and facilitate operations. In addition, expert visits to particular sites will help in model implementation.

The expected result is an efficient model enabling producers to maintain and develop safe aquaculture projects. In addition, this phase will result in cooperation with other relevant MEDRAP networks.

Training component

Two seminars to be organized during the preparatory phase will provide opportunity for discussion and planning among the Coordinating Group and participants from selected sites. They are designed as a Plenary Assembly of the project at the beginning, and a specific one (intercalibration) at the end of this phase.

One specific seminar for modeling and two advanced training missions during the implementation phase are offered to improve and knowledge of already experienced staff members of the selected sites. Special reference is made of the implementation of the calibrated methodology, model building and managing.

The permanent training component programme consisting of seminars, workshops and training missions will be proposed in cooperation with the training network.

Operational structure

The operational structure consists of:

  1. The Co-ordinating Group, which will be a task team carrying out most of the work foreseen in the preparatory phase. The members of CG will not constitute a permanent unit with an established office during the whole duration of the project, but will meet whenever needed to direct the activities. In particular, the role of the CG is:

    -   to carry out the preparatory phase;

    -   to perform quality controls;

    -   to plan and assist in seminars and workshops;

    -   to enable data processing and modeling;

    -   to prepare reports.

    Members of CG will be assisted by consultants during the preparatory phase, as needed. CG will have at its disposal its own instrumentation to ensure the uniformity of collected data as well as computer facilities for data processing.

  2. The Steering Committee (SC) will have an overall responsibility for decision making concerning common action of the network. members of the Steering Committee are all national coordinators of the participating countries, along with MEDRAP, FAO and PAP representatives. Other interested countries and international organizations will be welcome to participate as observes. SC will hold one regular session each year.

  3. The Co-ordinating Centre (CC) will be the Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC). CC is responsible for setting up the network during the first 12 months of the project and operation of the project thereafter.


Activities of the project are scheduled as follows:

-   Preparatory phase: field missions, one at each site, data analysis, preparation of reports, preparation of instructions for operation, one seminar, one CG meeting duration: 10 months.

-   Implementation phase 1: data collection and analysis, pre-validation of the model, training, 2 quality control-assistance missions, one advanced training mission, one seminar, one meeting of CG - duration: 12 months.

-   Implementation phase 2: data analysis, validation of models, one control quality mission, one advance training mission, one seminar, one CG meeting, one SC meeting - duration: 10 months.

-   Continuity phase: Application of models, review and updating of operational instructions, expert visits, preparation of the final report, one SC meeting - duration: 12 months, or open-ended.

Expected achievements

The major practical achievement expected from the project will include a validated analytical tool for site evaluation and impact assessment regarding the specific needs of aquaculture under different ecological and development scenarios. This will be transferable at both national decision-making and professional levels.

Finally, the role of the project in promoting cooperation, communication and exchange of both the scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of applied ecology and aquaculture on a permanent basis among the Mediterranean countries should be underlined.


The tentative budget (in US$) has been calculated on the basis of the following criteria:

-   to provide the Co-ordinating Group with necessary facilities to enable promotion of the programme;

-   to provide each selected site with resources in order to bring its equipment up to the level required by the programme;

-   to include a contribution in kind in selected sites.

Although the project has been foreseen to operate on a permanent basis through the future network, financial calculations are made on the basis of the proposed time schedule. After the implementation of the programme, the Steering Committee will be responsible for further financing of the programme.


TOPIC/ACTIVITYPreparatory phaseImplementation phase 1Implementation phase 2Continuity phaseTotal
 CashKind CashKind CashKind CashKind  
Equipment32  55  26     113
Missions44  46  28     118
Consultants34        12  46
Data Processing86 1815 2418 2424 137
Seminars5412 5412 5412    198
Advanced Training   3215 3215    94
Field work 24  78  70  74 246
Expendable material   7  7  10  24
Reports10  8  16  10  44
CG Meetings14  14  14     42
SC Meetings      4418 4418 124
Total cash196  234  245  100  775
Total kind 42  120  133  116 411
GRAND TOTAL            1186

Training capabilities in CIHEAM

Centre International
de Hautes Etudes
Agronomiques Méditerranéennes

CEST en 1958. lors d'une réunion tenue à I'O C D E. que sur proposition du délégué de l'Espagne. les directeurs généraux de l'Agriculture des pays du sud de l'Europe ont recommandé la création d'un organisme d'enseignement supérieur destine à former les cadres du développement agncole dont le bassin méditerranéen avait besoin. Ils estimaient en effet que l'obstacle principal au développement agncole de leur pays venait de l'insuffisance du personnel scientifique et technique necessaire.

A la suite de cette recommandation. l'O.C.D.E. auquel s'était joint le Conseil de l'Europe. confièrent à des experts l'étude de la création d'un tel organisme

Le projet rédigé par ce groupe fut soumis d'une part au Conseil de l'O.C.D.E et d'autre part. au Comité des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe. Ces deux instances décidérent d'inviter les gouvernements des pays concernés à signer un accord portant création du Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes.

Ce traité fut signé au siége de l'O.C.D.E. le 21 mai 1962. entre les gouvernements de sept pays du sud de l'Europe : Espagne. France. réce. Italie. Portugal. Turquie et Yougoslavie.

L'accord et ses protocoles additionnels sont entrés en vigueur conformément à l'article 14 paragraphe 3. le 3 février 1965

II. Ses objectifs

La mission confiée au centre en vertu de l'article 3 de cet accord est «de donner un enseignement complémentaire tant économique que technique et de développer l'espnt de coopération internationale parmi les cadres de l'Agriculture des pays méditerranéens»

Au cours de sa réunion des 10 et 11 mars 1983. le conseil d'administration du CIHEAM. a voulu consolider et amplifier les résultats positifs obtenus dans la formation des cadres de l'agriculture, dans la recherche agricole et dans les rapports avec les Etats membres et associés. ainsi qu'avec de nombreux organismes et organisations internationales, les universités et les instituts de recherche Par la résolution suivante. il a tenu à souligner.

-   « le caractére prioritaire de l'activité du Centre dans le bassin méditerranéen et sa vocation à promouvoir le développement technique et économique dans le cadre de la plus large coopération internationale susceptible de contribuer à la réalisation de ses propres objectifs

-   l'intérér à maintenir les rapports existants avec l'O.C.D.E. et le Conseil de l'Europe : à promouvoir des liens permanents avec des organisations internationales telles que la C.E.E. et la F.A.O. à sonder toute possibilitie de collaboration avec des institutions et organismes internationaux qui poursuivent des objectifs de recherche et de développement :

-   la nécessité de renforcer les quatre instituts existants qui coordonnés guidés et bien gérés pourront développer leurs propres activités et promouvoir. soit la création de nouveaux instituts dans les pays méditerranéen qui le souhaitent. soit l'élargissement du réseau à des institutions nationales existantes. qui œuvrent déjà pour l'épanouissement de l'esprit méditerranéen :

-   sa volonté d'accueillir en son sein. plus grand nombre de pays du bassin méditerranéen qui en exprimeront le désir. de leur assurer une participation pleine et entière aux activités du Centre et de nouer et entretenir des contacts fructueux avec les pays tiers intéressés au développement :

-   l'utilité de toute initiative qui. le secteur agricole et du développement pourrait aboutir à consolider la coopération méditerranéenne et internationale sur la base d'une large connaissance et confiance réciproque»

III. Ses membres

Dès l'origine, les sept pays fondateurs du Centre qui appartenaient tous géographiquement à la rive nord de la méditerranée ont exprimé leur volonté d'ouverture vers l'extérieur. puisque suivant l'accord de 1962. le Conseil peut inviter tout Etat méditerranéen à adhérer au Centre.

A la suite de la résolution prise en 1983. le conseil d'administration a adressé aux gouvernements de l'Egypte. du Liban du Maroc et de la Tunisie, Pays déjà associés au Centre. ainsi qu au gouvernetment de l'Algérie qui avait manifeste son intérét à participer aux activités du CIHEAM. une invitation officielle à adhérer La Tunisie a adhéré à l'accord en 1985. L'Egypte et l'Algérie en 1986 La procédure est en cours pour le Maroc.

Le Centre rassemble ainsi autour de la méme table dix pays membres :
Algérie, Egypte, Espagne, Gréce, France, Italie, Portugal, Tunisie, Turquie, Yougoslavie, ainsi que deux pays associés. le Liban et le Maroc

Cet élargissement au Centre vers le sud de la Méditerranée s'accompagne également de la mise en œuvre d'une collaboration plus large avec d'autres organisations internationales. A la suite d'accords de coopération passés par le Centre avec l'O.A.A. (Organisation pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture) (1976). la C.C.E. (Commission des Communautés européennes) (1983). l'O.A.D.A (Organisation arabe de développement agricole) (1986) des observateurs de ces organisations, participent aux réunions du Conseil.

IV. Sa structure

Les organes du Centre tels qu ils sont définis par l'accord sont

-   le conseil d'administration ;

-   le comité scientifique consultatif ;

-   les instituts et les annexes.

Ces organes sont assistés par le secrétariat général

I le conseil d'administration est l'organe de direction et de décision du Centre

II est composé d'un représentant de chacun des pays signataires. des représentants du secrétaire général de l'O.C.D.E et du Conseil de Europe. qui sont membres de cru avec voix consultative ainsi que des représentants des pays associés qui ont également voix consultative.

Le conseil d'administration est présidé par un président élu pour quatre ans parmi les membres du conseil d'administration à la majorité des deux tiers des voix exprimées. Le président est assisté de vice-présidents élus pour la méme période et la méme régle de vote.

Le Conseil définit la politique générale du Centre et adopte le budget du CIHEAM.

II désigne les membres du comité consultatif scientifique. nomme le secrétaire général, les directeurs des instituts ainsi que les enseignants.

Il approuve les programmes d'enseignement et de recherche qui se réalisent dans les instituts ou leurs annexes (qui sont des organismes accrédités par décision du Conseil pour recevoir des stagiaires du Centre ou organiser à leur intention des cours spécialisés).

Le conseil a seul compétence pour accepter ou octroyer les bourses aux stagiaires des instituts et déterminer les conditions dans lesquelles sont délivrés les diplomes du Centre.

2 Le comité consultatif scientifique

Le comité consultatif est composé d'un nombre variable de personnalités désignées pour une période de quatre ans par le conseil d'administration. «Elles sont choisies notamment parmi les membres des établissements d'enseignement supérieur agricole et des instituts de recherches agronomiques. les représentants des états des organismes ou fondations participant d'une manière quelconque aux ressources du Centre.»

Le comite consultatif se réunit à la demande du président du conseil d'administration, pour délibérer sur les questions qui lui sont soumises par le conseil d'administration et lui donne des avis En 1981. le conseil d'administration a décidé de le dénommer Comité consultatif scientifique

Compte tenu de la diversite et de la spécialisation des thèmes soumis au comité consultatif, le conseil d'administration a décide de créer des groupes ad hoc composés de spécialistes dans le domaine traité et présidés par un membre du comité consultatif. Différents groupes se sont ainsi réunis pour évaluer des cours existants dans les instituts agronomiques méditer ranéens ou définir les programmes de cours nouveaux.

3. Le secrétariat général

Le secrétaire général est nommé par le conseil d'administration. Le secrétariat général du Centre est composé du secrétaire général des directeurs des instituts et du personnel nécessaire; c'est l'élément chamère du CIHEAM. Il joue un rôle essentiel d'animation d'impulsion. de coordination, d'information et de synthèse auprès des différents organes du Centre.

-   Le secrétariat général est chargé de préparer les réunions du conseil d'administration. du comité scientifique et des groupes ad hoc il élabore le budget général du Centre met en oeuvre les décisions qui en découlent
Les directeurs des instituts sont membres du secrétariat général à ce titre ils ont toutes possibilitiés de contacts fréquents et de réunions avec le secrétaire général pour assure la coordination entre leurs instituts. en vue de la mise en oeuvre de la politique définie par le conseil d'administration.

-   Le secrétariat général est le véhicule de l'informatior du CIHEAM tant sur le plan interne que vis a vis de l'extérieur.

En effet parallèlement à ces tâches de coordination e d'assistance à l'intérieur de l'organisation. le secrétariat général a un rôle important à tenir dans le domaine des relations extérieures. Le secrétaire général est en liaison régulière avec les délégations de pays membres et entretient des relations avec le organismes nationaux ou internationaux dont l'activité intéresse le Centre

Le secrétariat général assure la participation du Centr dans les réunions internationales. les colloques et le séminaires concernant les activités du Centre. Il et chargé d'organiser. par le conseil d'administration. d telles réunions ou colloques pour le Centre.

-   C'est au secrétariat général que sont élaborées le conventions de coopération scientifique entre les instituts et les autres organismes

-   C'est aussi au niveau du secrétariat général que sor maintenus les liens avec l'ensemble des ancier élèves des instituts

4. Les instituts

Les quatre instituts agronomiques méditerranéer sont les organes dont dispose le Centre pour réalis certains des objectifs qui lui ont été assignés.

Les instituts de Bari (Italie) et de Montpellier (Franc ont été créés dés l'origine du Centre en vertu de l'artic 3c) de l'accord du 21 mai 1962 l'institut de Saragos (Espagne) a été accredite comme établissement Centre par l'accord signe entre le gouvernement l'Espagne et le CIHEAM le 10 juillet 1969.

L'Institut de Chania Grèce) a été créé par décisic du conseil d'administration conformément aux dispositions de l'accord signe entre le gouvernement de république hellénique et le CIHEAM le 21 janvier 1983

Les instituts sont gérés par un directeur nommé par de conseil d'administration

Les activités des instituts se répartissent en trois catégories
coopération en vue du développement


Les instituts délivrent un enseignement de niveau post-universitaire original et complémentaire des enseignements dispensés dans les institutions nationales pour la formation et le perfectionnement des cadres techniques et scientifiques de l'agriculture et du développement

Les Programmes

Trios types de cycles sont organisés pour les stagiaires, dans chaque institut:

a) Les cycles de spécialisation d'une année académique de neuf mois sanctionnés par le diplôme de spécialisation post-universitaire (D.S.P.U.).

Chacun des cycles comprend des cours, des conférences des séminaires des travaux pratiques, des travaux dirigés et des travaux personnels.

Les candidats doivent être titulaires du diplôme d'enseignement exigé dans leur pays d'origine pour Y entreprendre des études doctorales (minimum bac + quatre années ) dans une discipline compatible avec la spécialisation demandée.

La sélection des candidates se fait sur dossier, la priorité étant donnée aux candidats ressortissants des pays membres du CIHEAM en fonction de leurs résultats académiques et de l'expérience professionnelle acquise dans la spécialité choisie. L'admission définitive des candidats est prononcée par le conseil d'administration du CIHEAM.

b) Les cycles de formation approfondie (ou cycles Master) d'une durée équivalente à deux années académiques, sanctionnés par le diplôme de hautes études 'Master).

Les stagiaires admis en deuxième année après avoir effectué un des cycles de spécialisation. Suivent certains enseignements complémentaires (séminaires, pours, etc) et surtout effectuent un travail personnel d'application critique des connaissances acquises, selon trois options différentes;

-   formation par le recherche : réalisation d'une recherche documentaire ou expérimentale conduisant à la rédaction d'un travail appelé thèse M.S. :

-   formation au développement : réalisation d'un stage professionnel conduisant à élaboration d'un projet ou d'une étude de développement technique et/ou économique.

-   formation pedagogique : réalisation d'une recherche pédagogique conduisant à la construction d'un cursus de formation desuné à un enseignement préalablement défini.

c) Les stages ou cycles courts d'une duree inférieure à neuf mois sont sanctionnés par une attestation de participation

Organisés à l'initiative du CHEAM ou établis à la demande d'institutions ou de gouvernements. ces cycles courts peuvent également correspondre à une on plu sieurs séquences d'un des cycles de spécialisation.

Les professeurs

Les étudiants bénéficient d'un encadrement pendant leur formation et pour la réalisation de leurs travaux

Les enseignements sont assures par des professeurs permanents des professeurs associés ou visitants de haut niveau qui ont contribué à développer ou renouveler la pensée scientifique dans leur pays La diversité de ces enseignants choisis en considération de leur compétence et de leur expérience professionnelle. permet aux participants (enseignants et stagiaires) la confrontation de diverses écoles de pensée et contribue au développement d'une meilleure compréhension entre les responsables nationaux du développement rural.

Les programmes et la liste des professeurs sont agréés par le conseil d'administration.

Les bourses

Le conseil d'administration octroie chaque année un certain nombre de bourses qui sont attribuées en priorité aux ressortissants des Etats membres. Il désigne les bénéficiaires de ces bourses dans chaque I.A.M. sur proposition du directeur Il accepte de recevoir certains stagiaires boursiers d'autres organisations internationales (F.A.O., C.C.E., banque mondiale…) ou d'un gouvernement.


Les activités de recherche conduites dans les I.A.M du centre répondent a d'eux objectifs principaux.

-   améliorer l'enseignement par la participation des enseignants et des stagiaires à la recherche.

-   surtout faciliter et développer les contacts entre des équipes nationales de chercheurs sur des thèmés particuliérement importants. Cette activité s'excerce à la fois au sein de réseaux dont certains existent déjà (C.C.E., F.A.O., etc) et dont le CIHEAM accroit ainsi l'activité et de réseaux nouveaux qui sont créés par le Centre. Les thèmes choisis font également l'objet de séminaires périodiques (irrigation, politiques alimentaires…)

Coopération en vue du développement

Sur un certain nombre de problèmes intéressant le développement de l'agriculture méditerranéenne, le CIHEAM organise des séminaires qui permettent aux experts et aux responsables nationaux de se rencontrer et de débattre librement (séminaires sur les céréales. le coton. le pin d'Alep, la formation agronomique. l'olivier, l'organisation et l'orientation de la recherche agronomique dans le bassin méditerranéen…). Les informations recueillies et les idées émises peuvent faciliter la prise de décisions des gouvernements et des opérateurs économiques.

Par son origine son implantation géographique, son programme d'enseignement et son, dynamisme. chaque institut a acquis un caractère propre dans le cadre de la mission qui lur a été confiée par le Centre


et Technologies
et l'Eau

Mots dés :

chnnie de l'eau génie des procédés, hydraulique, hydrobiologie hydrogéologie, hydrologie, aménagement des eaux, gestion et protection des ressources en eau. gestion de la biomasse aquatique présentation des mulieux hydriques dans l'environnement. production d'eau à usages muluples.

Finalité de la formation

Ingénieur généraliste de l'eau capable d'une approche transdisciplinaire dans des secteurs allant de l'évaluation et la gestion des ressources en eaux superficielles et souterraines á la définition de filières de traitements des rejets pour la protection de ces ressources et de l'environnement, en passant par la préparation et la production d'eau à usages spécifiques, la conception de systèmes de transport et de régulation, le contrôle de la qualité des eaux. la production de biomasse en milieu artificiel ou naturel…


Baccalauréat + 2 ans minimum

• En première année : DEUG A. DEUG B. DUT (biologie appliquée, chimie, génie chimique, génie civil, génie thermique et énergie, hygiène et sécurité, mesures physiques), classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles.

Recrutement par sélection sur dossier.

Ratio de sélection : environ 40 sur 1,000

• En deuxième année: maîtrises scientifiques et MST adaptées.

L'origine des élèves est nationale et internationale.

Partenaires professionnels

• Bureaux d'étude d'aménagement, gestion, traitement, épuration des eaux;
BCEOM, BETEREM, Cabinet Merlin, HYDRATEC, OTH, PROLOG Ingénierie, SIEE, SAFEGE, Saunier Environnement…

• Sociétés de prospection, de production, d'exploitation, traitement d'eau;
Compagnie Générale des Eaux, CEO, CISE, DEGREMONT, Lyonnaise des Eaux, OTV, Perrier, SAUR, SEM…

• Industries :
Atochem, Flight France, France Déchets, Legrand, Nalco France, Pompes Gumard, Oril, Pont-à-Mousson, Rhâne-Poulenc…

• Sociétés d'aménagement :

• Centre de recherches :

• Services techniques de l'État :
Conseil Supérieur de la Péche, DDA, DDE, DDASS, SATESE, SRAE…

• Agences de l'Eau et collectivités territoriales


Département Eau et Ingénierie
Département Agroressources et Procédés
Département Biologie - Évolution - Environnement
CNRS Écosystèmes Lagunaires

Partenaires :
Laboratoire Sciences de l'Envirnnement et Santé Publique, Université Montpellier I
ORSTOM Département des Eaux Continentales
VERSEAU (Valorisation des études et recherches dans les sciences de l'eau), Pôle régional d'innovation et de transfert technologique.

Potentiel de partenariat

1) Stages : obligatoires en 2eme année (stages d'été de 2 mois minimum) et en 3eme année (stages industriels de 4 mois du 15 février au 15 juin)

2) Projets industriels de fin d'étude: en 3eme année (l' trimestre) rédaction d'un mémoire et soutenance en présence de représentant des organismes d'accueil.

Programme interuniversitaire de coopération (ERASMUS) : 32 universités dans 10 pans de la CEE.

Informations utiles

Responsable de département :
Michel DESBORDES. Tél :
Directeur des études :
Jean-Marie MASSON.: Tél.:
Responsable des stages:
Jean-Marie MASSON.
Responsable des relations internationales :
Gérard LASSERRE. Tél.:
Secrétariat :
Gisèle OLIVIER. Tél.:


Département sciences et Technologies de l'Eau
Case courrier 055 - Université Montpellier II
place Eugène Bataillon
tél.: 67 14 37 06
télécopie : 67 52 48 61


Key words :

The chemistry of water, process engineering, hydraulics, hydrobiology, hydrogeology, water development, the management and protection of water resources, the management of the aquatic biomass, the protection of receiving water bodies, multi-purpose water production systems.


The graduate engineer has a wide knowledge of water and is capable of a transdisciplinary approach in areas ranging from the assessment and management of surface and underground water resources to sewage water and waste water treatment, in order to protect both these resources and the environment and including the preparation and the production of water for specifie use, the designing of means of transport and of water control, quality control, and biomass production in a natural or artificial environment.

Entrance requirements :

The “Baccalaureat” (equivalent to 3 British GCF. Advanced Levels in the Sciences) plus a minimum of two years of higher education.

In the first year : students must have either a DEUG A or DEUG B (equivalent to a two-year university course in physical or in life sciences). or a DUT (equivalent to an HND) in either applied biology, chemistry, chemical engineering, civil engineering, energy and thermal engineering, safety and hygiene, or in scientific measurements; or they must have completed a two-year selective preparatory class leading to the French … institutions.

Students are selected firstly on the basis of their past academic records. Approximately 40 our of 1000 candidates are selected.

In the second year : student must have a suitable M.Sc. or a master's in sciences and technology. The selection is made amongst both French and foreign students.

Professional partners :

Research consultants in water development, management, treatment and purification :
BCEOM, BETEREM, Cabinet, Merlin, HYDRATEC, OTH, PROLOG Engineering, SIEE, SAFEGE, Saunier Environment…

Water prospection, production, exploitation and treatment companies:
Compagnie Générale des Eaux, CEO, CISE DEGREMONT, Lyonnaise des Eaux, OTV, Perrier, SAUR, SEM…

Industrial companies :
Atochem, Flight France, France Déchets, Legrand, Nalco France, Pompes Guinard, Oril, Pont-à-Mousson, Rhône-Paulene…

Development companies :
BRL : Bas-Rhône Languedoc Company
CNR : NAtional Rhône Company
SCP : Channel of Provence company

Research centres ;
CEA : the Atomic Energy Commission
CEMAGREF : the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Research.
CEREMER the Institute of Sea Research, EDF the French Electricity Board IFREMER : the French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea's Research IEFS : the French Institute for Filtration and Separation Techniques, LCPC: the Central Laboratory of Civil Engineering

State technical services :
Conseil Supérieur de êche: the Fishing Commission, DDA : the Departmental Headquarters of Agriculture, DDE : the Departmental Headquarters of Public Works: DDASS : the Departmental Headquarters of Health and Social Affairs. SATESS : the Technical Evaluation Service for Sewage Plans SRAE : the Regional Service for water Development.

Research :

Organizations :
The Water Engineering Department, The Agricultural Resource and Biological Process Department. The Biology, Evolution and Environment Department. The CNRS : the National Centre Scientifie Research, The Lagoon Ecosystems Department

Partners :

The Environmental Science and Public Health laboratory. The University of Montpellier I, ORSTOM (the FRench Institute fo Scientific' Research in Overseas Development and Cooperation), The Continental Water Department, VERSEAU (The Development and Promotion of Study and Research in Water Science). The Regional Centre for Innovation and for Technological Collaboration.

Potential partnership

1) On-the-job training courses are compulsory in the second year (of minimum of two months during the summer vacation) and in the third year (a four-month on-the-job training course lasting from February 15th to June 15th)

2) Industrial projects in the third and final year concluding with a written report. which is defended before a panel of representatives from the company in question.

The Inter-university Cooperation Programme (ERASMUS) : 27 universitie thoughout 8 European Community Countries.

Some useful information

Head of Department :

Director of studies :
Jean-Mane MASSON

On-the job training courses coordinator:
Jean-Mane MASSON

International relations coordinator :


Short training courses in the Fish Culture Research Institute Szarvas, Hungary



L.Varadi director
P.O. Box 47, H-5541 Szarvas, Hungary
Phone : 36 67 12 311 Fax : 36 67 12 142

1. Introduction

Basic information on aquaculture and related research, development and training in Hungary was provided at the MEDRAP II. Seminar on Training Subnetwork in Montpellier.

This report is a complement to that previous one, and it is dealing with those short training courses that could be useful for MEDRAP countries in their freshwater aquaculture development programmes.

2. Short training courses

There are two types of basic short training courses according to the followings :

A. Practice oriented course for technicians 
active participation in the daily workcontinuous
 consultation1 hour/day
 theoretical lecture5–7 hours/week
B. Upgrading course for managers 
 theoretical lecture2–4 hours/day
 practical program3–5 hours/day
 consultationby request

No timetabled courses are in our training programme at present, however special courses are organized in response to specific reguest by development agencies, government departments and individuals.

The courses are run in the Fish Culture Research Institute, where a complex of special facilites (labs, fish hatchery, 100 hectare experimental ponds, 200 m3 recycling system, experimental feed mill. etc. are available ad where experienced, English speaking staff is involved in the training programme, including leading experts in aquatic biological sciencies and in aquaculture production.

During the training courses, protective clothing, training materials are provided, field trips to different type of fish farms and cultural programmes in the week ends are also organized.

Examples of specially designed training courses are described in the followings:

2.1. Training course on water quality management

-   Chemical and physical factors affecting aquatic life

-   Fish pond ecosystem - structure and functioning

-   Nutrient cycling in fish ponds

-   Biological production processes in fish ponds

-   Natural fish food organisms

-   Inorganic fertilization, and organic manuring

-   Water quality control methods, measurements

-   Environmental impact of fish farming

-   Techniques for management of water quality in fish ponds

-   Fish farm effluents and their control

Special laboratory facilities for water quality analysis, mobil laboratory and field instruments are available for the training programme. There are different aquatic environments at the location of the institute, such as, natural oxbow lake, earthen fish ponds with different intensity level, facilities for the use of geothermal water, integrated fish/duck/crop production ponds.

2.2. Training course on fish genetics and fish breeding

-   Genetic basis of fish selection

-   Qualitative and quantitative characteristics

-   Methods of genetic improvement (selection, inbreeding, hybridization heterosis)

-   Intrespecific hybridization

-   Interspecific hybridization

-   Planning of crossbreeding programs

-   Performance tests (comparative testing, progeny testing, genetic - environment interactions)

-   Genetic manipulations (triplodization, artificial gynogenesis, sexreversal, gen transfer, cryopreservation)

-   Preservation of fish genetic resources (collection and maintenance of common carp strains as a live gene bank)

-   Broodstock management

-   Propagation techniques

Fish genetics and fish breeding has a long tradition in the institute. Not only special laboratory facilites, but a live gene bank of common carps is also available for the studies, where the broodstock of 15 Hungarian strains (so called landrases) and 15 foreign strains have been maintained.

2.3 Training course on fish hatchery management

-   Reproductive biology of fish (sexual maturation, sexual activity and behaviour, environmental factors)

-   Propagation of selected fish species (natural, semi-artificial artificial propagation, broodstock management, hormone treatment, stripping, incubation, and hatching, larvae rearing)

-   Technology of nursing (pond preparation, management of nursing ponds, feeding, health management, harvesting, transport)

-   Facilities of fish hatcheries (water supply, ponds for the broodstock, devices for egg incubation and larvac rearing, support facilities, nursing ponds)

-   Operation of hatcheries and fingerling distribution centres (planning organization, and checking the activities, staff, record keeping and analyses)

There is a multipurpose fish hatchery in the Institute, where all freshwater species can be propagated. Special ponds for broodstock rearing and nursing are also available. Propagation can be carried out all through the year using geothermal water for the temperature control.

2.4. Training course on fish feeding and feed technology

-   Digestion anatomy and physiology

-   Nutrient requirements (proteins, aminoacids, lipids, fatty acids. carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals)

-   Feeding regimes (herbivorous, omnivorous, stomach contents, natural food, supplementary feeds)

-   Natural food production (food organisms, sampling, identification, quantification, organic-, inorganic fertilization: selective chemical manipulation. mass production outside of the rearing unit)

-   Feed formulation (basic ingredients, fedd additives, type of feeds, diet formulation)

-   Feed technology (production technolgy and equipment for the production of moist. semi-moist and dry pellet)

-   Feeding methods (feeding strategy in different systems with different management levels, methods of application of fish feeds)

The full range of different activites on this field can be studied in the institute, from the analityc test of ingredients and feeds, up to the application of feeds by different feeding devices. A special fish feed mill with a capacity of 1 ton/hour is also available here for backing the training programme.

2.5 Training of fish health management

-   Clinical methods for the early diagnosis of fish diseases (detection of the adverse effects of environmental impacts on fish)

-   Basic fish physiology

-   Hematology of fish

-   Basic immunology of fish

-   Basic histopathology of fish

-   Role of the environmental stress in the outbreak of fish disease

-   Toxicology of fish (the most dangeorus pollutants for fish)

-   Fishery chemicals

-   Application of the methods of clinical diagnosis in routine fish pathological laboratories

-   Fish diseases (caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, environment, nutrition)

-   Health problems of intensive fish culture

-   Control and therapy of fish diseases

-   Planning of standardized fish disease laboratory (organization of the activity of such laboratory)

Besides the practicals in a routine fish pathological lab, field studies on fish health management in different type of aquaculture systems available in the institute (fish ponds. cages. recycling systems. flow through systems, integrated fish/duck/carp production system) are included in the training programme.

2.6. Training course on aquaculture engineering

-   Site selection (topographic survey, soil survey, water flow measurement)

-   Design of fish pond (contour maps, layout of the ponds, typical cross-sections of dikes and channels, water inlets. water outlets)

-   Construction of fish ponds

-   Special facilities of fish farms (pumps, aerators, feeders, harvesting and transporting equipment)

-   Maintenance of fish farms

-   Engineering aspects of fish production in raceways cages and tanks

-   Economy of fish farm construction and operation

The training programme in aquaculture engineering is backed by the engineering department, that is equipped with instruments for topographic survey, soil survey, waterflow measurement, and drawing kits. Wide range of equipment can be studied here (from simple demand feeders up to oxygen generators) that are used in pilot scale operation in the experimental facilities of the Institute. Construction equipment and workshop can also be studied here in operation.

As an example, some of the major training courses have been organized in the Institute in the past five years are given in Table 1.

3. Conclusions

The Fish Culture Research Institute at Szarvas that is, the leading aquaculture research institute in Hungary, has been involved in international aquaculture training since 1983.

Besides the research labs and instruments, a complex system of aquaculture facilities that have been developed in the frame of an FAO programme are available here for the training courses. The Institute is ready to organise special training courses according to the specific requests from MEDRAP countries, and also to cooperate in research and development in freshwater aquaculture.

Table 1.

Major training courses in the Fish Culture Research Institute, Szarvas, Hungary

YearType of courses/participansSponsor
1988.One month course on General Fish Culture
(9 participants from Arabic countries, Algiers, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Quatar, Syria, Sudan, Tunesia, UAE)
 Two month course on Fish Feeds and Feeding
(18 participants from English speaking developing countries. Cameroon. China, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Malaysia, Nepal. Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
1989.Three week course on Fish Breeding and Genetics
(10 participants from Germany) 
 One month course on Fish Propagation (8 persons from Brasil) 
 One month course on Fish Health (7 participants from China) 
 One month course on Fresh Water Fish Culture
(2 persons from Viet Nam.3 persons from Kenya 1 person from Cuba)
 Six week course on Integrated Fish Culture
(4 persons from Viet Nam)
1990.One month course on Fish Propagation
(1 person from Madagascar,3 persons from Kenya, 3 persons from Algeria. 8 persons from Brasil)
 Three mouth course on Hidrobiology
(2 persons from India)
1991.Two week course on Fresh Water Fish Culture
(8 persons from Brasil, 7 persons from China, 8 persons from Turkey)






Ph. LÉGER (2) and W. TACKAERT (1)

(1) Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center (Dir. Prof. Dr. P. Sorgeloos). Rozier 44 B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.

(2) Artemia Systems N. V., Wiedauwkaai 79, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.

General information

Research on the brine shrimp Artemia and its use in aquaculture started at the Ghent State University in 1970 in the Laboratory of Ecology (Director Prof. Dr. J. Hublé) and further expanded as of 1972 in the Laboratory of Mariculture (directed by Dr. G. Persoone). The Artemia Reference Center (ARC), set up as a section of the Laboratory of Mariculture in 1978 and coordinated by Dr. P. Sorgeloos, became an independent Research Center of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in 1985 with the Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. ir. F. Pauwels as its Administrative Director. In view of an expansion of research and training activities the name „Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center” was adopted in 1989.

The ARC occupies over 1000 m2 of lab space, including analytical laboratories with modern instrumentation, culture rooms with different set-ups for small scale and pilot scale culture testing of algae, the rotifer Brachionus, brine shrimp Artemia larviculture of marine shrimp Penaeus spp., freshwater prawn Macrobrachium, marine fish spp. and Tapes mollusc spp. The ARC has a current staff of about 30 people including several M. Sc. and Ph. D. students from Africa, S-America,

Asia and Europe. Financial support is generated from different Belgian and international government agencies, as well as from contract research for different private companies.

Research & Development

The Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center continues the study of various fundamental aspects related to Artemia biology and its mass-production, e.g. cyst biology and diapause regulation, strain characterization, filter-feeding kinetics, intensive production techniques for cysts and biomass. Since a few years much attention is given to larviculture R & D, i.e. the definition of nutritional requirements of larval marine fish and shellfish. Four larviculture feed-types are being studied :

-   yeast products that are manipulated with regard to their digestibility and food value, as supplements/substitutes for microalgae in mollusc, rotifer and shrimp culture ;

-   the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis as a starter feed for a number of marine fish species ;

-   the brine shrimp Artemia spp. under different forms, e.g. decapsulated cysts, freshly hatched nauplii, metanauplii (bio-encapsulated with nutrients, hormones, chemotherapeutics and vaccines), on-grown juveniles and adults ;

-   microparticulate diets as supplements and/or substitutes for the former live diets.

Testing with target species is done at small scale at the laboratory in Ghent with larvae of fish, shrimp, and molluscs that are obtained from various parts of the world. Through cooperation programmes with various research and commercial production centers in Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America, further verification work is performed with order fish and shellfish species (e.g. different Penaeus spp., different european marine fish spp. such as bass, turbot, bream, halibut, cod, Dentex, asian seabass, grouper and mahimahi, different clam spp.).

Publications and Services

-   (Co-) Editor, publisher and/or author of over 100 scientific contributions on brine shrimp Artemia in international journals books (since 1971), three bibliographies on Artemia (1976, 1980, 1985), a FAO manual (English, Arabic and Spanish version) for the culture and use of brine shrimp Artemia in aquaculture (1986), three volumes of proceedings of the first international Artemia symposium (1980), three volumes of proceedings of the second international Artemia symposium (1987), CRC Handbook of Artemia Biology (1990), World Aquaculture (since 1990). EAS-Newsletter (since 1990), and since 1986 sixteen issues of the „Artemia Newsletter” (recently renamed „Larviculture & Artemia Newsletter”)

-   Maintenance of an Artemia cyst bank containing over 150 samples from different sources on the five continents

-   Delivery of quality certificates for commercial cyst batches (characteristics of hatching, biometrics and nutritional value)

-   Short and long term worldwide consultation for different (inter)-national organizations (BADC, FAO, UNIDO, UNDP, UN-Mekong, EEC, CAF, etc.) and private companies (through the Belgian company NV Artemia Systems SA)

-   Co-organizer of International Artemia Symposia in Corpus Christi, TX-USA (1979), in Antwerp, Belgium (1985) and of Larviculture Symposia in Halifax, Canada (1990) and Ghent, Belgium (1991).


Extension services in different countries in Europe, the America's, Asia, and Africa through the set-up of demonstration projects for :

-   the production of cysts and biomass in integrated Artemia cum solar salt production and/or in intensive pond production systems.

-   the intensive production of biomass in flow-through culture systems.

-   optimization of Artemia harvesting/processing of Artemia cysts and biomass ; and their use in the farming of fish and shrimp.


Every other year since 1978 the ARC has organized an “International Artemia Training Course” in Belgium. At least once a year the ARC participates in the organization of regional Artemia training courses. Sofar over 300 students from more than 30 different countries received training on Artemia biology, production techniques, interaction with salt production, use of Artemia products in aquaculture at the occasion of courses organized in Belgium, Brazil, China, Panama, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Mexico, and the Philippines.

As of October 1991 the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Ghent University through its Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center is offering an inter-university M. Sc. course in aquaculture, sponsored by the Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation.


The know-how developed by the Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center and commercially applied by the Belgian Company NV Artemia Systems, a spin-off of the ARC, has resulted in the set-up of new industrial Artemia productions in industrialized as well as developing countries, more cost-effective larviculture of marine fish and crustaceans, and improved outputs of solar salt production.


Special thanks are due to the following sponsors of the research activities of the Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center : the Belgian National Science Foundation (NFWO-FKFO), the Belgian Ministry of Science Policy, the Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation, and the NV Artemia Systems.


The courses are spread over two academic years , in four terms. The first term from the beginning of October to the end of January, with a fortnight's break for Christmas and New Year. The second term from early February to the end of May, with a fortnight's break at Easter.

Exams are held in the first two weeks of February and the second half of June. In case of failure a second examination session is held in September.

Only students who qualify in all first-year exams are admitted to the second year. A thesis has to be submitted before the final examination. Qualified students are awarded a Masters's degree in Aquaculture.


Neither the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences nor the University award scholarships.

However. students from developing countries can apply for scholarships made available by:

-   the Belgium Administration for Development Cooperation (ABOS-AGCD). Information can be obtained from the local Belgian Embassies.

-   the International Organizations such as the FAO, UNDP. UNESCO. UNIDO and NATO through the local representatives of these organizations.

-   the European Commission (EC) Development Fund (EDI) for countries signatory to the Convention of Lomé. The EC representative in the student's country can provide information on the application procedure.

Students from all countries can apply for scholarships at the Ministry of the Flemish Community. Department of International Cooperation. Information can be obtained at the Belgian Embassies.

Applicants interested in scholarships are requested to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the specific application procedures in their own countries.


The completed appropriate application form should be submitted to Prof. Dr. P. Sorgeloos, Director of the course (sec address under INFORMATION). This application form should also include:

-   a certified (by the Belgian diplomatic office or in default by the national authorities) copy (or translation) of the required university degree.

-   a certified transcript of the academic records

-   an assessment of competence of the English language if the applicants do not have English as their mother tongue.


The Master of Sciences programme is open to the holders of a bachelor's degree in exact or applied sciences, equivalent to at least four years of university studies or a degree in veterinary medicine, civil engineering or agricultural engineering.

Applicants with degrees from non-Belgian universities have to submit their candidature to the Academic Board who will evaluate the background training of the applicants and advise the Rector of permission to enroll at the State University of Ghent for this specific training programme.

As all courses are taught in English, participants are expected to be fluent in written and spoken English.


Additional information on the course, the scholarships or on the State University of Ghent can be obtained from :

Dr. P. Lavens
Secretary M.Sc. in Agriculture
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
State University of Ghent
Rozier, 44
B - 9000 Gent, Belgium
tel: + + 32 91 64.37.54
telex: 12754 RUGENT B
fax: + + 32 91 64.41.93






Since the late 1970's aquaculture expanded from an artisanal. extensive mode of production of aquatic organisms to a rapidly evolving bio-industry. While fishery landings are stagnating, the consumption of aquatic foods still increases. Thus aquaculture is expected to gain economical importance, with productions exceeding 25% of the total expected fisheries landings by the year 2001. Especially developing countries have a high potential for a last development of aquaculture, which enables them to support their food-protein requirements and/or to gain foreign currency by exporting high priced seafoods.

This evolution, however, is based on developments in food technology, species selection, zootechnical aspects, management, automation, disease control, etc… It is accepted that the lack of well-trained specialists may be the bottle-neck for further expansion of aquaculture.

The Laboratory of Aquaculture & the Artemia Reference Center of the State University of Ghent, who is the organizer of this M.Sc.-Programme, has a long-standing worldwide reputation in the field of education and training in aquaculture, especially in larviculture of fish, shrimp and molluscs. Since 1977 this institution has been training more than 400 specialists from 50 countries.


The programme will provide training in English at an universitary level on the most important aspects of aquaculture for both marine and freshwater organisms. The 12 main courses are complemented with 18 accompanying courses including ecology, chemistry, computer science. During the second year, all candidates must carry out thesis research on a specific aquaculture topic in one of the participating laboratories. The multi-disciplinary approach is further assured by the teaching staff which consists of experts from 15 laboratories attached to the State University of Ghent, lecturers from laboratories of 3 other major universities of Belgium and invited experts from the various countries. Apart from theoretical and practical training, the students will make visits and guided tours, both in Belgium and in neighbouring countries.



1.General aspects of aquaculture3015
2.Algae culture1515
4.Crustacean culture4545
5.Fish culture : general aspects and diseases4545
6.Culture of freshwater fish1515
7.Fish nutrition and feed technology30-
8.Mollusc culture3030
9.Systematics of aquaculture organisms15-
10.Ecology : general aspects15-
11.Aquatic ecology - freshwater1515
12.Aquatic ecology - marine1515
13.Environmental chemistry, partim organics1535
14.Environmental chemistry, partim organics1530
15.Applied hydrobiology, part 11515
16.Biological water quality assessment1560
Subtotal :375375

1.Genetic aspects of aquaculture15-
2.Technology of aquaculture and fisheries products1515
3.Socio-economics of aquaculture development1515
4.Integrated agro-aquaculture15-
5.Physiology of aquatic organisms1515
6.Animal production and nutrition30-
7.Biotechnological process in environmental technology3030
8.Physical and chemical properties of wastewater treatment15-
9.Physiology, taxonomy and genetics of important micro-organisms15-
10.Soil suitability and construction of fish ponds1515
11.Hydrology of areas of low precipitation (partim surface waters)15-
12.Geology and geomorphology of coastal seas1515
13.Information science1515
14.Remote Sensing (partim digital image interpretation)1515
Subtotal :240135


1st year750
2nd year625
  + Thesis250
Seminars of invited speakers30
Total :1405



*   Katholieke Universiteit Leaven, zoological Institute,
Laboratory of Ecology and Aquaculture, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

** University of Gent, Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia
Reference Center, 9000 Gent, Belgium


Before the development of Agriculture, the ancient Belgian tribes relied on hunting and fishing for their food supply. They cultured also geese, which may be considered as the first indication of animal husbandry. Aquaculture, the controlled production of fish or shellfish, was unknown in this region. However, in the Indo-Pacific region laws were passed almost 3500 years ago to protect fishfarmers from thieves: also the first manual on fishfarming was written by Fan-Li 475 BC.

For centuries the migration of fingerlings into the lagoons of the river Po, fascinated the Italians of the “Po-Valli” . when the adult fish migrated back to the sea, they were easily caught in nets. The Italians adapted their fisheries strategy to a primitive form of aquaculture by closing the migration paths. Later on there was an evolution towards true aquaculture.

In the Middle Ages many monasteries were found all over Europe; their monks introduced the carp (Cyprinus carpio). With the control of the complete life cycle of this domestic fresh-water fish, carp became one of the most cultured species in Europe. A similar story occured in the last century when the techniques for the controlled reproduction of trout were developed. However one had to wait till the end of this century for the controlled reproduction of many other species.

The roots of modern aquaculture are situated in Japan : Prof. Hudinga documented in 1934 the reproduction of crustaceans and the rearing of the larvae to adult size. His research laid the foundations for the techniques used in many hatcheries. From the seventies onwards, many laboratories established research programmes for the development of controlled reproduction techniques of molluscs, crustaceans and marine fish.

During the last decade aquaculture evolved from research to a sound industrial activity. Aquaculture created many hundreds of thousands of jobs: in numerous countries of Europe, SE-Asia and Latin America the export of aquaculture products contributes considerably to the balance of trade.

This increase during the second half of the past decade is mainly due to the development of adapted techniques for the controlled production of fry. Every year billions of newly born larvae are grown indoors for a couple of months till they are strong enough to be stocked in cages or ponds for further fattening to a marketable fish. Initially the controlled production of fish was only feasable for fish with a larval rearing period of limited complexity such as salmon. The larvae of this species are born with a voluminous yolk sac, no exogenous feeding is required during the initial and most critical larval period, and afterwards they feed immediately on pellet diets. An artificial and far more complex food chain based on algae, rotifers (Brachionus) and brine shrimps (Artemia) is administered to other species which need planktonic feed (most of the shrimp species and nearly all marine fish).


The Fisheries Department of the FAO published in 1970 a report about the size of the fishing stocks available to the fishing industry: the worldwide potential of fishing stocks amounts to 100 million tonnes. This figure is generally accepted up to today (Gig. 1). Fish catches increased from 45 million tonnes in 63' to 98 million tonnes in 1988. The acute problem of overfishing and the necessity to introduce fishing quota was demonstrated for the first time in the beginning of the seventies in Peru, where the collapse of the anchovy stocks lead to a temporary crash of that fishery.

From the seventies on aquacultural production increased exponentially (Fig. 1) and reached more than 14 million tonnes in 1989. Over 25% of the world consumption of salmonids (Fig. 2) and gamba (Penaeus shrimp) comes from aquacultural activities. whereas the freshwater fishery counts only for 13.5% of the total fresh and seawater fishery production, freshwater and brackish/seawater aquaculture are equally important. Initially aquaculture focussed on freshwater species. However as freshwater sources are limited it is quite obvious that the expansion of aquaculture should concentrate on marine activities.
Asia and the countries of the Pacific are quite suitable for aquaculture as demonstrated by a present production of 80 % of the total world aquaculture production. followed by Europe with 16% (mainly fish and shellfish). Nevertheless the world-production of cultured shrimp increased from 50, 000 tonnes in 1985 to about 500,000 tonnes in 1990. The annual production should raise to 1,000,000 tonnes by the year 2000, mostly in the Indo-pacific region (80%) and in South-America (20%).

Concerning the marine species, the North European countries concentrate on the culture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). In Southern Europe research started ten years ago on species considered difficult to raise. Species such as seabream (Sparus aurata), seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) grow optimally in warmer waters.


Marine aquaculture has several principal fields of research:

1. Zootechnical aspects : new production systems

Until recently only extensive aquaculture was practised : fish were placed in naturally closed ponds and no food was supplemented. Fish production was low (1000 kg/ha) and so were : he operating costs.

In modern intensive fish culture artificial environments are used: water flows through the tanks with retention times as low as 20 min. Production is high : 50 tonnes/1000 cubic metres. The fish are totally dependent from feed-administration by the farmers. Often closed recirculation systems are used; they are based on biofiltration to maintain a high water quality : low ammonia and nitrite levels, high oxygen and low carbondioxyde concentrations. Much research focusses on the improvement of these closed systems, especially those conceived for the culture of fish larvae. The Laboratories of Aquaculture, in Gent and in Leuven, are studying various ways to improve such recirculation systems : improvements of the biofilters, total recirculation, enhanced UV treatment and more efficient introduction of pure oxygen.

Some countries like Norway and Greece put their fingerlings for fattening in floating netcages in the sea. Especially Norway devotes a lot of effort to the improvement of their netcages: they examine the resistence to high seas and develop non-polluting closed netcages.

2. Reproduction

For every aquaculturist it is vital to obtain sufficient quantities of young fingerlings. It is therefore essential to be able to control the reproduction. For several species (seabass, seabream, turbot) it is possible through the manipulation of the photoperiod and the temperature regime to obtain several spawning periods for one species throughout the year. Reproduction of other species is hormonally induced. The Laboratory of Aquaculture at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven optimized the injection doses of the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (combined with a dopamine antagonist) in several fish species. As injection stresses the fish, the laboratory could demonstrate for the first time that the active peptide hormone can be taken up through the alimentary tract. Another internationally coordinated research programme studies the induction of eel maturation in captivity, as the number of glass eel entering the European rivers decreases year after year (Fig. 3).

3. Nutrition

A major breakthrough, allowing the industrialisation of more difficult aquaculture species (Penaeus shrimp, seabream, seabass, turbot, etc.) was achieved when Japanese and European researchers realised the significance of the nutritional requirements of the delicate larvae. Special feeding procedures (much as the bio-encapsulation of emulsions, which was developed by the University of Gent) allow the manipulation of the biochemical composition of the prey.
However, for a continuous amelioration of larviculture, it is essential to switch from empirically to scientifically founded research. Japanese researchers (the group of Prof. Watanabe, Tokyo University of Fisheries) and the aquaculture research group of the University of Gent proved that two poly-unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA'S) 20: 5N-3 and 22:6 n-3 are essential food ingredients that need to be supplemented to the artificial food chain algae-Brachionus-Artemia.

It was especially the Artemia research that provided the Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center in Gent the opportunity to become highly involved in fish and shrimp culture. The brine shrimp Artemia indeed is in many cases an excellent feeding source and today over 1000 tonnes are sold annually. A unique characteristic of brine shrimp is their ability to produce cysts which can be dried and stored for years without loosing their hatchability. After rehydratation in salt water, this dry powder hatches within one day and produces free swimming nauplii which are highly nutritious to the larvae of fish and shrimp. The high market price (15 to 0 US $/mg) of these brine shrimp eggs influences strongly the production cost of the fingerlings: therefore the need raises to optimise the application of this excellent live feed. At first attention was paid to the improvement of the hatchability : improved techniques for the deactivation of the diapause, processing and stocking methods and selection of the most suitable strains strains. New technologies were introduced for the decapsulation of the embryos before hatching, the disinfection of the cysts and nauplii, and the culture of adult brine shrimp. Finally research was directed towards the increase of the natural production and/or harvest of cysts: search for existing Artemia production places, inoculation of suitable solar salt works and introduction of suitable strains. This research contributed considerably to the expansion of marine aquaculture in the eighties through the increased availability of fingerlings.

With the financial help of the I.W.O.N.L. (Institute for the encouragement of Scientific Research in Industry and Agriculture) and the N.V. Artemia Systems, the research field of the former “Center for Artemia Research” at the University of Gent was extended from Artemia to larviculture feeding products in general: algae, Brachionus supplementation and/for substitution product. Taken into account specific predator species (tests with larvae of fish, crustaceans and bivalve molluscs) qualitative and quantitative adaptations of these products were evaluated.

An optimal diet remains essential, also for the culture of fingerlings. The Laboratory of the Katholieke Universiteit Leaven investigates “in vitro” and “in vitro” the essential fatty acid requirements for different fish species. Especially the enzymatic fatty acid transformation in the liver is studied, in order to determine which fatty acids can be prolonged and desaturated by a given species (e.g. linoleic and linolenic acid in the European eel).

In several countries such as Denmark, France and Norway special attention is paid to compose feed (low phosphor concentration, high feed conversion ratio) that results in the lowest possible pollution of the environment.

4. Selection of new species; genetic research

Although more than a dozen marine fish species are cultivated intensively, there is a continuous search for new species such as grouper (Epinephelus spp) in the Far East and halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in Norway. The University of Gent cooperates Intensively with Norwegian scientists for further development of nutritional and zootechnical aspects of halibut larviculture.

Genetic selection of marine species is yet in its infancy. Several species (e.g. seabass) show sex specific growth differences. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven investigates how the sex of selected fish species is genetically determined and which exogenous parameters induce a phenotypical sex reversal. It is understood that the labile phenotic sex of fish is strongly environmentally, behaviourally and ecologically influenced. Moreover, their genotypic sex has definitely not such strong genes as in higher vertebrates.
Selection for specific traits is being enhanced through cloning of fish. Manipulation of the chromosomes (gynogenesis) results in partially or totally homozygous fish. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Laboratory of Aquaculture is in the process of selecting African catfish with this methodology. Recently a programme was initiated in cooperation with seven European laboratories to study the regulation of gene expression in fish. Fusion genes are being assayed for their biochemical characterics. So far it turns out that the transient expression of constitutive reporter genes (lac z and luciterase) peaks in African catfish and zebrafish during early development. Moreover, the fusion gene is quickly modified inside the cells of the host organism.

5. Fish diseases

The high density of fish in intensive systems increases exponentially the risk of diseases. Elimination of bacterial and viral infections is rather difficult in comparison to the easy treatment of parasites. Prevention of viral infections builds on the use of virus free eggs and through vaccination of the broodstock. To combat bacterial infections several antibiotics are suitable in addition to the existing vaccins. A major problem however are the bacterial infections of young larvae of fish and crustaceans, often causing high mortality

In a joint research programme with Greek and Spanish research centers, the Laboratories of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and University of Gent investigate which bacterial species are pathogenic and in which way such an infection affects the whole fish population. Furthermore the impact of improved feeding on the natural immunoresistence is studied. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven concentrates on two important pathogenic genera, Aeromonas and Vibrio. The biochemical and serological characteristics of various species belonging to both genera are intensively investigated.
Also typical characteristics of some pathogenic Vibrio strains linked with virulence are closely studied. Knowledge of these characteristics (serological variation, serum resistence, iron sequestering systems, production of different toxins) allows researchers to develop second generation vaccins. The University of Gent is trying to vaccinate the early stages of fishes by developing new techniques for the oral administration of vaccins. But also the profylactic treatment of young fry by means of direct, environmentally friendly administration is considered.

6. Future of marine aquaculture in Planders

Today there are no marine aquaculture activities in Flanders. As our coastal space is limited, it is reserved for tourism and harbour related activities. Intensive shipping excludes the use of fish cages and no sheltered bays are available. On the other hand intensive landbased systems require only a limited space. If the water quality is not limiting, hatcheries can be constructed virtually anywhere as the amount of water required is small. It should also be possible to grow seabass, seabream and turbot on carefully selected spots where high quantities of thermal effluents are available. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven proved the feasibility of the intensive culture of seabass at a pilot plant located near to Antwerp (Doel).

However, marine aquaculture will always be small in Flanders, in comparison to some of our neighbouring countries. Therefore our main goal is the optimization of our scientific potential and the intention to further expand this fundamental knowledge in a close cooperation between University laboratories, Institutions such as I.Z.W.O. (Institute for Marine Scientific Research), the Governmental Institution for Fisheries and interested partners abroad.

Some world renowned successes are already achieved due to Flemish know-how, especially in the field of larviculture. Several national (ABOS, VVOB) and international development organisations (EC, FAO, several UN-organisations) demonstrate the techniques and products for larviculture developed in Gent, for local aquaculture applications in Africa, Asia and Latin-America. This know-how is further spread throughout the world by issueing scientific publications, books and magazines (Larviculture and Artemia Newsletter) and on the other hand by organising international conferences and special courses.
Last August '91 the University of Gent, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and I.Z.W.O. organised, with the support of several national and international institutions, the first international “Fish and Crustacean Larviculture Symposium” in Gent. This conference was attended by 360 participants from over more then 60 countries.

From October 1991 onwards, a new inter-university graduate degree ‘Master of Science in Aquaculture’ starts at the University of Gent, coordinated by the Laboratory of Aquaculture, with the cooperation of several universities in Belgium and abroad and with the support of the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation (ABOS).

Support for aquacultural research was obtained from the E.C., the province of West-Flanders, the National Science Foundation of Belgium (N.F.W.O.), the Institute for the encouragement of Scientific Research in Industry and Agriculture (I.W.O.N.L.), the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Development Aid, the investment Company for Flanders (G.I.M.V.), the Lotto and from private investors in Belgium (Nobema, Petrofina, Electrabel) and abroad.
We only hope that the support for marine sciences will be continued in the future, for the benefit of fundamental and applied research marine aquaculture, Experience learns that it is a profitable investment for Flanders, as results are used worldwide.


Fig.1: Total world fisheries and aquaculture production
less and algae not included (Source FAO 1941)

= : total yearly catch of marine and continental fisheries

+ : marine fisheries, not included

- : aquaculture


Fig.2: Aquaculture production in Norway
Atlantic salmon (1000 metric tonnes/year)


Fig.3: Evolution of glass eel catches on the year at Hawport (Belgium)
(Source :





Fax 0786 72133     Phone 0786 67870
Report by J Alan Stewart, Short Course Organiser. 7th and 8th December 1992


Quality training is expensive. From the training institutions point of view, it involves significant time inputs from experienced staff, as well as incurring institutional costs. To those funding the training, resources are limited ,and the need for training is great. It is therefore of utmost importance that the allocation of funds and training places is well focused, to maximise the benefit to the industry.

At a policy level, which this meeting represents, it is first necessary to consider the broad identification of the training needs of the aquaculture and supporting industries in general, and the institutional framework and resources required to provide that training.

The requirements of institutions and business', through to the specific training requirements of individuals requires similar training needs analysis, based on a detailed evaluation of capabilities, functions to be fulfilled and skills and knowledge required.

Within the Institute, over the last20 years, we have played a part in meeting the training needs of the industry, directly and indirectly, both at home and abroad, at a number of levels.


For management purposes, the organisation is represented by a grouping of core activities (Aquatic resources, environments and systems) which represent the multidisciplinary areas which form the basis of aquaculture and its wider context of Aquatic resource management - from planning and assessment through to development and production. These areas provide the framework of capacity and understanding to which are related the Institute's specialist research groups in disease, nutrition, genetics and reproduction (See box at end of text). In addition to research, the Institute is involved in education and training, and a range of commercial operations, including fish production, long term contract work and short term consultancy for aquaculture and associated industries.


In our post-gradate MSc and PhD programmes, the function has been education and training in research methodology, in addition to introducing the basic principles of aquaculture through the taught component of the masters programme. The objective of these programmes is education, to develop analytical and research skills required for new research and technology development. Graduates have entered the commercial sector, government departments, development agencies and research and teaching institutions. This sort of training provides a broad basis for career development of the individual and for the future development of the industry, rather than specific technical skills.


4.1 Background

The IoA also provides a wide range of short course training from practical hands-on experience for laboratory technicians to familiarisation courses addressing the needs of planners and policy makers. Much of our work also involves training of trainers and researchers. This training is based on science, economics and business, and is aimed at the needs of more highly qualified staff, requiring additional specialist training. We are less involved in the training of junior farm staff in the routine procedures of aquaculture production (in the UK, this need is largely fulfilled by the technical training colleges) although we have been involved in curriculum development in this sector. Courses have ranged from a few days to several months.

The Institute short course programme began in the early 1970's, in response to the needs of fish farmers in the UK, particularly in the field of fish disease and health management (for example 1 xour 4 day “Fish Disease Course” has attracted between 30 and 60 participants annually, and has now trained more than 700 people). Since then our programme of occasional courses and workshops for the UK industry has expanded to include subjects such as nutrition, broodstock management, financial management, and specialist disease management problems.

We also meet certain needs of aquaculture development overseas, reflected in the number of overseas students trained at the Institute, and the contributions of our staff to training programmes abroad.

While there area number of timetabled courses in our programme (see Annex 1 for details), most of our short courses have been designed and run in response to specific requests from industry, development agencies or government departments. It is the development of training to meet specific needs that is the main focus of this presentation.

4.2 Structure and Location of specialist short courses

In continuing to meet the needs of expanding and maturing sectors of the aquaculture industry, the emphasis on course development must always be an clearly defining the training needs of the individuals and organisations involved. Often we find that those requesting the training do not have a clear idea of what is required, and a considerable amount of discussion and groundwork is involved in developing the course, from initial ideas through to detailed timetables and course materials.

There are a range of options when it comes to the location of the training course: bring the trainers to the trainees of vice versa, or bringing both trainers and trainees to an appropriate regional centre. There is also the (rather expensive) option of moving trainees from centre to centre. There is no obvious right choice, and the best option will involve an analysis of the alternatives in terms quality of training facilities and materials available, costs of different options, and availability of trainers and location of trainees. The structure of courses, in terms of lectures, workshops, discussion groups and hands-on practice, depends very much on the subject matter, which again will influence the best choice of location for training.

Box 2 
 Course: Fish Nutrition
Location: Institute of Aquaculture
We have commissioned to design and run a short course on “fish nutrition” for the sales staff off a leading fish feed manufacturer early in 1993. The specific content of the course, and the format, has been designed in collaboration with company representatives and Institute staff. From a rather general request for training, with no clear criteria or objectives, we have designed a course which meets the company needs. This covers current theory and practice, and considers future avenues for the development of the industry.
 Course: Environmental Issues in Aquaculture development.
Location: Coimbra, Portugal.
This 2 week course was run in 1991 and 1992 (as part of a post graduate programme). The issues and approaches presented have been put into practice in Cyprus: From 1991 Institute staff have contributed to the development of guidelines, set in a legal context, for the environmental assessment and regulation of aquaculture developments.


Importing outside expertise to assist regional development is expensive: there is considerable merit in the development of that expertise at home. However, it can also be argued that there is a need to learn from the successes and problems of similar developments elsewhere, and that to ignore this information could be disastrous. At an institutional level, a compromise can be found in the process of training and “institution building”.

At a formal level, the IoA has been involved in such links with a number of overseas Institutions, funded by Aid Agencies. One component of such links involves the training of trainers and researchers at the IoA. this has the advantage of removing staff from the routines of their home posts, and exposing them to the experience of mixing with a wide range of people and new institutional situations. Overseas training is backed up with other inputs such as assistance with curriculum and research development, often involving short term placement of our staff at the recipient institution.

At less formal level, the Institute has links and collaborative research and development projects in many Mediterranaen countries. many of these links have involved staff training, either at the IoA or on-country. In addition to the topics such as disease and environment mentioned above, these also involve research on genetics, reproduction and nutrition in Mediterranean species (Dr McAndrew and Dr Bromage); studies on economic and marketing aspects of aquaculture in the region (Dr Muir and Dr Young), and involvement in planning, design and management of commercial production facilities (Dr Muir, and Stirling Aquaculture, our consultancy group). Our past and present links include involvement in Portugal, Spain , France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Crete, Malta, Gran, Canaria, Tunisia, Libya. This list is not comprehensive.


The Institute of Aquaculture itself has no funds available to grant scholarships. The short course activities are generally required to cover all costs.

At present funding of students comes from a range of sources, from national funding bodies for UK students, to development agencies (ODA, EEC, GTZ, NORAD, etc). For short course programmes within the EC, there a number of schemes such as COST, COMEIT, HUMAN CAPITAL and MOBILITY, etc which can potentially provide funding for specific applications. The British Council will sometimes fund special course.


In this presentation I have tried to give a flavour of the activities if the IoA, with particular reference to short term vocational training. The aim is to outline the approach required to develop training programmes to meet the need of the individuals, organisation s and specific sectors of the industry. THe Institute is established centre for aquaculture research, training and development. In its staff of more than 100, it has a number of leading experts in aquaculture production and aquatic biological sciences. All of our institutional divisions are involved in research of relevance to, some in collaboration with, MEDRAP countries. The Institute would welcome opportunities for establishing new links in research and training in the MEDRAP countries.

 Parasitic Agents of DiseasePopulation genetics
  Pathology, biology, ecology, Genetic manipulation
  epidemiology, behaviour Cryobiology
  Management strategies for control Broodstock management
    Egg quality
 Bacterial Agents of Disease Hatchery technology
  Isolation and identification of fish pathogens Fry rearing
  Development and evaluation of antimicrobialsAQUATIC RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENTS AND AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS
  Resistance to current and new drugs Vaccine development Planning and development
  Monoclonal antibodies (rapid diagnostic techniques)  Technical and socioeconomic evaluation GIS in aquatic resource planning
 Virology Systems design
  Development of cell fish and crustacean cell lines  Commercial production systems
Management information systems
  Isolation, identification of viruses
Diagnosis and certification
 Environmental management
NUTRITION  Effluents and treatment methods Water resource and watershed management
 Prawn nutrition   
 Broodstock nutrition Ecotoxicology
 Fishmeal replacement  Development of testing methodologies
 Feedstuff evaluation  Use of chemicals in aquaculture



a) BSc, with Honours, in Aquaculture
Annual course
Training period: Four years
Number of students: 10–15

b) MSc/ postgraduate Diploma in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
Annual course with research project
Training period: 10 months
Number of students: 20–25

c) MSc/ Postgraduate Diploma in Aquatic Veterinary Studies
One course every two years (currently 1992–93 course)
Training period: 10 months
Number of students: 10–15
For Veterinary Graduates

d) MSc/ Postgraduate Diploma in Aquatic Pathobiology
As for c) but designed for non Veterinary Graduates

e) MSc or PhD by research
On any topic associated with the research Programme of the Institute

SHORT TRAINING COURSES (Timetabled and specially designed)

Timetabled Short Courses
f) Fish Diseases (short course)

Annual course, every January
Training period: 4 days
Number of students: maximum 40

g) Fish and Shrimp Disease Diagnosis
Special course: 24:5 to 13:8:93
Training period: 12 weeks
Number of students: maximum 12

h) Ornamental Fish Diseases
Occasional, and on demand
Training period: 3 days, but can be varied for trainees requirements
Number of students:maximum 16

i) Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension
Annual course, every July and August
Training period: 2 months
Number of students: maximum 16

j) Financial management for fish farmers
Occasional, and on demand.
Training period: 3 days, but can be varied for trainees requirements
Number of students: maximum 16

Other short courses and training programmes

These are offered both on the UK and overseas, meeting the needs of both the aquaculture industry and associated professions. they are usually arranged on special request and are designed to meet specific training needs. Sponsors have included Government departments, Aid agencies and commercial companies.

Special short courses are offered from all disciplines within the IOA. These include disease, nutrition, reproduction, genetics, environment, aquatic resource management, policy and planning issues (including investment appraisal and marketing)

The format of courses can range from purely practical to purely theoretical, or a combination of both, depending on the objective of the training (see text for details).

Institute staff have contributed to a wide range of specialist short courses in MEDRAP countries.


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