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Aquaculture is a new developing sector of Fisheries in Cyprus. All aquaculture activities are based on the reproduction, larval rearing, fattening both of marine and freshwater fishes. The Department of Fisheries operates two aquaculture research stations (one marine and one freshwater) which undertake mainly reserarch and development work.

The potentials of development fresh water fish culture in Cyprus are limited due to the low rainfall and limited water resources.

The freshwater experimental station is situated at an altitude 550 above sea level, at Kalopanayiotis about 60km west of Nicosia.

Previous experimental work refers to the culture of 2 species of salmon (Atlantic and Pacific) 3 species of trout Rainbow, Brook and Brown. Hatchery technique also took place for the crayfish (Astacus astacus) (Pacifaslacus leniusculus), rearing of eels (Anguilla enguilla), production of “all female”, using hormones for the control of maturation of trout, artificial reproduction of ornamental fish (Koi-carps) as well as rearing of koi-carps and trout in cages.

Presently of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the supply of young fish for on growing to the private commercial private trout farmers. Now there are under operation 5 commercial private land-based trout farms and 5 commercial private cage units for seasonal fattening trout in the reservoirs.

In 1983 the total trout production reached 92 tons. Out of this 40 tons were produced in the cages in the reservoirs.

Research work carried out also in the station on the rearing of sturgeons. This fish has a good flesh and int he European market are sold at high prices. A small quantity of sturgeon fingerling hybrids Acipenser ruthesus. Acipenser baeri at high introduced from the fish Culture Research Institute of Szarvas in Hungary. The main target of the experiments was to collect data on adaptation and growth of the hybrids to our conditions.

Last year another consignment of sturgeons Acipenser baeri (Siberian sturgeon) was introduced also from Hungary. Some mortality occurred after arrival. This fish proved that has better growth than that of the hybrids. The up to now growth of the above species is shown in the table 1.

Beside the above work is carried out in the Station concerning the improvement of trout feed formulae which has been developed in Cyprus. For this purpose new binders imported and very soon will be tested.

Presently the station is focusing on freshwater fish culture research, but also for Inland waters Management projects. There, trout grow and later transferred in the reservoirs for sport fishing purposes.

In Cyprus 21reservoirs covering an area of 1300 ha and having a water capacity of 270 million tons are stocked with about 17 species of fish and used for angling. All these species were imported, acclimatised under Cyprus conditions, since no indigenous freshwater fish existed on the island. So no danger of genetic pollution of wild population was created. Efforts are being made of introduction some new species for stocking in the reservoirs.

Angling in reservoirs although a rather new sport in Cyprus with a story or about 25 years, has become a popular sport. The Department of fisheries issues the licences (2859 in 1993), manages the fish stocks, and undertakes the water monitoring in the reservoirs where trout is reared in cages.



Growth of siberian structure sturgeon at k/tis st.
for the years 1983/1994

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