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27th June, 1995
Item 1:Opening session
Designation of Officials
Adoption of the agenda
Item 2:Introduction
• Brief review of the conclusions and the recommendations of the last working group (Nador, June 1994).
• Objectives of the meeting, by Mr. Orbi and Mr. Beji
Item 3:Inventory of existing data on lagoon natural resources, environment and aquaculture (according to the data collected in the countries), by countries representatives.
Item 3:(continued)
Item 4:Synthesis and evaluation of this data and conclusion
Moderation: I. Bellagha
28th June, 1995
Item 5:• Selection of parameters.
• Identification of Methodologies and Tools.
• Conclusions.
Moderator: O. Guelorget and A. Orbi
15:00 – 18:00
Item 6:Proposals of datafiles organisation (according to the parameters selected)
Moderators : M. Massa and O. Beji
Conclusions and recommendations
29th June, 1995
9:00 – 13:00
Item 7:Case study progress for selected sites
• intensive model;
by representatives of Morocco and Turkey
• extensive model;
by the representatives of Egypt
• valliculture.
by the representative of Italy
Moderator : A. Orbi
Item 8:• Workplan 1996 in particular the organisation of the intarnational symposium on enveronment and aquaculture in lagoon - lakes
• Budget
Moderator : L Katavic
15:00 – 18:00
 Final report and recommendations
30th June, 1995
 Technical visit

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