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Project of International Symposium on Environment and Aquaculture in Lagoons - Lakes

Each session contains, in addition to the scientific presentation, a plenary conference presented by a topic session expert. This conference will aim to cover the topic with a synthetic and global manner.

I. Organisation and functionning of lagoons - lakes ecosystems

In this first session, the main structural and functional characteristics of lagoons and lakes will be described and well defined.

II. Littoral aquaculture:

In this part, it will be discussed not only the main way of aquaculture but also the biological aspect such as biodiversity and production.

III. Applied methodologies on environment/aquaculture system study:

This session will allow evaluating different methodologies that are applicable on lagoons - lakes environment, with a focus on the tool description but particularly on its pertinency, its performances, and its innovating character (Geographic Information System, Satelite images analysis, modelization,…)

IV. Interrelationship between lagoons - lakes envirornment and aquaculture

This session will consider both Environment - Aquaculture relationship such as site selection and reception skills, and aquaculture - environment in an impact point of view.

During this session, efforts should be orientated on the possibility of environment-aquaculture Model working out.

V. Prospectives and evolution

This session will approach the aquaculture's future problems in littoral region: Methodologies and species diversification, production evolution, littoral protection, constraints and activators.

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