




Edited by MEDRAP II Regional Center

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Project UNDP/FAO/RAB/89/00512 MEDRAP (Mediterranean Region Aquaculture Project) Phase II engaged in the promotion of aquaculture development though the establishment of a permanent mechanism of cooperation/coordination in the Mediterranean region. The Project aims at the creation of a network of regional aquaculture development institution together with the strengthening of such institutions and the aquaculture input supply industry. Once the Project had started, the need to strengthen the network through the establishment of an information system to assist aquaculture activities at national and regional levels became evident.

This paper presents the conceptual design of an Integrated Information System to be developed and installed in the MEDRAP II Project area. This System should provide aquaculture/fishery managers, planners, producers and services with a regional desk information system fed with input from various inter-related sources

it is a system that will produce useful and usable information through organized methods of selecting, storing retrieving and reporting data available from national, regional and international (FAO) offices. It is emphasized that this is the revision of a working document which was discussed and approved by the delegates of MEDRAP countries. All the country representatives and MEDRAP National coordinators actively participated in building up the conceptual design during the three-day Seminar on Information and documentation held in Cairo (Egypt) from 11 to 13 December 1991.

This paper, a revision of the December 1991 version, is the first of a series of project documents dealing with this work; apart from the papers that will be prepared on specific subjects, the SIPAM series will contain the following three additional papers which will be completed by the end of the present phase of the project:

The SIPAM documentation series should also be available in more than one language.

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This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software. FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.



System Overview

2.1   The Objectives

2.2   The Characteristics

The conceptual Design

3.1   A predefined architecture,

3.2   Human Resources

3.3   Automatic and manual instruments

3.4   A set of procedures

3.5   Pre-established data/information model

Workplan and schedule of work

Expected Budget

Appendix 1   Hardware configuration for the work-stations forming the network

Appendix 2   Glossary

Appendix 3   Terms of reference for SIPAM Data Manager

Appendix 4   Terms of reference of SIPAM Analyst programmer


Fig. 1   SIPAM - System Overview

Fig. 2   The Decision-Marking Process

Fig. 3   SIPAM - Regional Information Network

Fig. 4   SIPAM - Operational Processing Chart

Fig. 5   The Complex Data/Information model