Building an Integrated Formal Ontology for Semantic Interoperability in the Fishery Domain

Aldo Gangemi[1], Frehiwot Fisseha[2], Ian Pettman[3], Johannes Keizer[4]

[1] Institute of Psychology, CNR (National Research Council), Rome, Italy [email protected]
[2] FAO-GILW, Rome, Italy {Frehiwot.Fisseha, Johannes.Keizer}
[3] One Fish, SIFAR, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, UK [email protected]
[4] FAO-GILW, Rome, Italy {Frehiwot.Fisseha, Johannes.Keizer}

Abstract. This paper outlines a project (involving FAO, SIFAR, and CNR) aiming at building a formal ontology in the fishery domain. The ontology will support semantic interoperability among existing fishery information systems and will enhance information extraction and text marking, envisaging a fishery semantic web. The ontology is being built through the conceptual integration of existing fishery terminologies, thesauri, reference tables, and topic trees.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Methodologies to support ontology integration

3 Outline of the FOS project

