Unasylva - No. 101-102-103 - World consultation on the use of wood in housing

Table of Contents

Volume 25 - NUMBERS 101-102-103, 1971

An International Review of Forestry and Forest Products

FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

TREBLE ISSUE: U.S.$1.95 or 78p.

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FAO-The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was founded at Quebec. Canada. in October 1945 when its Member Nations agreed to work together to secure a lasting peace through freedom from want. The membership of FAO now stands at 121 nations.

Director-General A.H. BOERMA

Unasylva A Published quarter
Started in 1947, this international by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
review of forestry and forest industries is intended to present a range of interests as wide as that of the Department whose work it mirrors. Signed articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Organization.

Forestry Department-

Assistant Director - General Directors

Articles and extracts from Unasylva, if not specifically copyrighted, may be reprinted provided reference is made to the source. A cutting of any reprinted material would be appreciated It should be sent to the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome

Cover. The United Nations and its agencies are concerned with improving levels of living and the welfare of people. One of the more blatant problems is the provision of homes-a simpler and more familiar term than housing or dwelling. These prefabricated homes being put up in Nigeria illustrate features of the most natural and sensitive of building materials- wood.

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Table of Contents


Summary of proceedings¹

United Nations centre for housing, building and planning
Section 1: Housing needs, trends and prospects

FAO forest industries and trade division forestry department
Section 2: Supply of wood materials for housing

Alan D. Freas
Section 3: Wood products and their use in construction

Section 4: Problems associated with the development of use of wood in construction and possible solutions

J.A. Liska
Part I: Technical aspects

H. Brian Dickens
Part II: Legislative and code aspects

E. Levin
Section 5: Design, building techniques and costs of housing with wood components

O.H. Koenigsberger
Section 6: Wood in housing in developing countries

R.B. Gourlay
Section 7: Promotion of the use of wood in housing

E.J. Gibson and W.T. Curry
Section 8: The coordination of research and future developments

Appendix 1: Planning and organization of the consultation

Consultation activities
United Nations seminar
Closing of the consultation

Appendix 2: Consultation officers and participants

List of participants

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