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Legislation: New and amended

General forest legislation
Trade in and consumption of forest products
New industrial settlements. Functioning of industries
General wildlife legislation
Hunting regulations and game reserves

The following enactments were official journals and gazettes regularly submitted to FAO's Legal Office and Forestry Department. For further information about them contact the governments concerned directly.

General forest legislation


Act No. 20.323 to set up the National Forestry Research Institute, of 18 April 1973 (B.O. No. 22.664, 11 May 1973, p. 2).


Executive Decree No. 2923-A-Forests Act Regulations, of 22 January 1973 deals with: organization; state forest domain; forest working within the said domain and on private land; national parks; forest conservancy; marketing of forest products; offences and penalties (Suppl. No. 47 to La G. No. 76, 24 April 1973, p. 1785).


Decree No. 268: Forestry Act (Basic Enactment) of 19 February 1973 deals with policy, administration, conservation, management and reforestation measures, including licences, protected areas and national parks, fire and disease control and penalties (D.C. No. 50, 13 March 1973, p. 2738).


Forest Protection Decree, 1974. National Redemption Council Decree No. 243 of 12 February 1974 (Gazette notification 22 February 1974). Decree amending certain sections of the Forests Ordinance and the Forest Offences Act in relation to definition of forest offences in a forest reserve, duties and powers of forest officers, forfeiture and disposal of articles, burden of proof, persons bound to assist forest officers and indemnity for acts done in good faith.


Decree-Law No. 103. The Honduran Forestry Development Agency Act, of 10 January 1974, is an Act setting up the "Corporación Hondureña de Desarrollo Forestal," a semiautonomous state agency with the purpose of ensuring optimum utilization of forest resources, their protection and improvement and their contribution to accelerating the country's social and economic development. It determines inter alia the purpose, mandate powers, organization and resources of the agency, repeals the existing legislation for forest utilization permits on public lands and regulates forest utilization on private lands.


Law No. 422 of 23 November 1973, Forestry Act (Basic Enactment) deals with policy, administration, conservation, utilization and development measures, establishment of a Forest Fund, licences and penalties.


Act No. 73-25 of 7 May 1973 amends Art. 12 of the Forest Code. It establishes that state forest domain is inalienable, except in the case of declassification in favour of communes, as specified.

Trade in and consumption of forest products


Ord. No. 4 of 1973-Forests (Amendment) Ordinance, 1973, is an Ordinance to amend the Forest Ordinance, Chapter 115 of the Laws, and to provide for rules to be made for protecting and controlling exploitation, export and other dealing with forest produce and to enable royalty to be charged on trees cut from all the forests of the country. Date of Assent: 25 January 1973. (G.G. No. 5, Suppl., 27 January 1973, p. 23 of Suppl.)

New industrial settlements. Functioning of industries


Act 105 - Malaysian Timber Industry Board (Incorporation) Act, of 1973, is an Act to repeal the Malaysian Timber Export Industry Board (Incorporation) Act, 1966, and dissolve the Malaysian Timber Export Industry Board, to establish the Malaysian Timber Industry Board and provide for matters connected therewith, and to make better provisions respecting the Malaysian timber industry. Date of Assent: 6 April 1973. (G.G. No. 8, Suppl., No. 7, Acts, 12 April 1973, Act 105.)


Presidential Decree No. 209 of 7 June 1973 - O.G. No. 25, authorizes the creation, establishment and development of Communal Tree Farm Pilot Projects in the provinces of Ifugao and Benguet, provides for the mechanics of implementation thereof, and appropriates the necessary funds. It is for the rehabilitation of forest lands and watersheds (18 June 1973, p. 5591).

General wildlife legislation


Act on Nature Protection (Comprehensive Enactment), of 12 July 1973. (M.B. No. 175, 11 September 1973, p. 10306.)


Order of the Minister of Forestry and Timber Industry relative to principles and procedures for the elaboration and approval of wildlife breeding plans, 5 December 1973. (Dz.U No. 51, 31 December 1973, text 292, p. 629.)


S.I. No. 27 of 1973-Forests (Export Duty) Order 1973 of 30 April 1973, declares prohibition on export of wild animals, etc., without permit; export duty; penalty. (G.G. No. 20, Suppl., 12 May 1973, S.I. No. 27/1973.)

Hunting regulations and game reserves


Decree No. 2573/1973 of 5 October 1973 protects certain species of wild animals and establishes the means to ensure such protection. It prohibits the hunting, capture, traffic and commerce and exportation of those species as well as their eggs and young listed in the Annex to the Decree. (B.O.E. No. 250, 18 October 1973, p. 20136.)


Decree No. 269/973 of 10 April 1973 of the Ministry of Agriculture adopts measures recommended by the Forests, Parks and Wildlife Department and the Department of the Legal Comptroller to regulate the hunting of certain indigenous wildlife species. (D.O. No. 19018, 23 April 1973, p. 182-A.)

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