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new and amended

The following list was prepared by the FAO Legislation Branch and the Forestry Department from official government journals and gazettes regularly submitted to FAO. For further information contact the governments directly.

General forest legislation
Forest industries
Hunting regulations
National parks

General forest legislation


Decree-Law No. 945 of 24 March 1975 amending Decree-Law No. 701 of 15 October 1974 establishing regulations governing forest lands. Introduces considerable amendments to the 1974 Decree-Law, particularly with respect to the provisions concerning forestry incentives. Regulations for the implementation of Decree-Law 701 were adopted on 26 December 1974. (D.O. No. 29.112, 25 March 1975, p. 1153; [regulations] D.O. No. 29.084, 20 February 1975 p. 705.)


Supreme Decree No. 014-74 - MINCOM prohibiting the export of roundwood, 23 September 1974. (EL.P. No. 9993, 26 July 1974, p. 7.)


Order of 4 October 1974 completing and amending the Order of 30 April 1970 on aid to forest industries. The Department of Agrarian Production will establish the subsidy applicable for each work and owner concerned, provided that in no case may such subsidy exceed 50 percent of the approved estimate. (B.O.E. No. 244, 11 October 1974, p. 20579.)


Federal Law of 4 October 1974 on land-use planning requires each canton to establish land-use plans on a multiple-use basis including forestry and protection and to coordinate their efforts in this respect. Among provisions are those regarding contents of land-use plans, incentives, expropriation or other curtailment of rights, establishment of a Federal and cantonal administration, protection of rights, etc. (F.F. No. 41, 14 October 1974, p. 816.)


Decree-Law No. 74-5 of 4 July 1974 completes the code concerning delimitation, conservation and improvement of pastures in communal or state land. The size of pastures is to be determined by a committee set up in each province, and is subject to management plans prepared by the Forest Service. (J.O. No. 52, 9/13 August 1974, p. 1803.)


Decree No. 760/974 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries allowing deductions from the Tax on Minimum Required Production (IMPROME) in respect of cattle farms as reinvestment in afforestation for protection or production purposes. (D.O. No. 19370, 4 October 1974, p. 46-A.)


Resolution requiring licences issued by the Ministry of Development for the export of sawn logs, 8 August 1974. (G.O. No. 30.468, 8 August 1974, p. 228.526.)

Forest industries


Decree No. 1.177 of 16 April 1974, Industrial Promotion. Declaring as priority activities those for the manufacture of newsprint, long fibres and other products. Prior authorization of the Ministry of Economy is required for the setting up of promoted forest industries, in order to allow for planning for the sector and allotment of funds to cover the appropriate expenses. (B.O. No. 22.896, 22 April 1974, p. 4.)


CFR. 40. Protection of the Environment. Chap. 1. Environmental Protection Agency. Subchap. N. Effluent guidelines and standards. Part 429. Timber Products Processing Point Source Category. 8 April 1974.(F.R. Vol. 39, No. 76, 18 April 1974, p. 13942 [new Part].)



Order regarding the regulation of the protection of living wild animals during transport, 13 December 1974. (J.O. No. 301, 25/26 December 1974, p. 13041.)

Hunting regulations


Decree 2612/1974 of 9 August 1974 concerns the functioning of national hunting reserves. These specified areas are administered by the Provincial Division of the National Institute for Nature Conservation, assisted by an advisory committee, under wildlife management plans which include development and protection such as the annual quota of hunting permits, etc. (G.M. No. 223, 17 September 1974, p. 19095.)


Decree No. 273/974 of 4 April 1974 approves Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock hunting regulations which authorize the unrestricted hunting of specified indigenous species, but restricts partridge hunting and prohibits duck hunting. (D.O. 19255, 23 April 1974, p. 139-A.)


Resolution of 2 April 1974 of the Ministry of Agriculture declares a two-year ban on sport hunting of all species of wild animals throughout the national territory. (G.O. No. 30 367, 2 April 1974, p. 227-600.)

National parks


The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 is a basic enactment making provision for and in relation to the establishment of national parks and other parks and reserves both on land and in coastal waters, and the protection and conservation of wildlife in Australia, and allowing for the implementation of international agreements to which Australia is party. Act No. 12, 13 March l 975.


G.N. No. 102 - National parks regulations of I August 1973, under the National Parks Act, deal with entry permits, traffic restrictions, prohibited acts, notices, fences, signposts, trading, etc.. (M.G.G. No. 38, 17 August 1973, Supp. 1. No. 30 A. p. 141.)

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