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Annotated bibliographies have been compiled on three coniferous species suitable for planting in high altitude tropical areas. The bibliographies are arranged by subject matter according to the Oxford Decimal System and contain author and country indices. Available in either English, French or Spanish, they are:

  1. An annotated bibliography of Cupressus lusitanica. MI/E4400, 217 abstracts, 1974.

  2. An annotated bibliography of Pinus elliottii. MI/E5615, 1 572 abstracts, 1973.

  3. An annotated bibliography of Pinus patula. MI/D2746, 281 abstracts, 1973.

Forest tree seed directory. 1975. Trilingual publication (i.e. English, French and Spanish in one volume). A revision of the 1961 edition. (In press)

Report of the third session of the FAO panel of experts on forest gene resources. MR/F5127, 1974. Available in English, French or Spanish.

Report on the FAO/DANIDA training course on forest tree improvement - Kenya. MR/E8438, 344 pp., 1974. Contains detailed lecture notes. Available in English only.

Roche, L.R. et al. The methodology of conservation of forest genetic resources - report on a pilot study. UNEP/FAO, FO:MISC/75/8, 127 pp., 1975. Available in English only.

FAO publications may be obtained from:

Distribution and Sales Section
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

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