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Binder, W.D., Mitchell, G.M. and Ballantyne, D.J.
Pollen viability testing, storage and related physiology (review of the literature with emphasis on Gymnosperm pollen). Report BC-X-105, 37 pp., 1974. Available from Pacific Forest Research Centre, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8Z1M5.

Eldridge, K.G.
Bibliography of Australian forest tree improvement and forest genetics, 1937 to 1972. Technical note no. 4, 23pp., 1973. Available from Forestry and Timber Bureau, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600, Australia.

I.S.T.A. Equipment catalogus - Survey of seed equipment and supplies. Gives a list of seed laboratories, a survey of equipment and supplies and a directory of supply companies (637 addresses). Available from the Secretary, International Seed Testing Association, Box 68, N-1432 As-N.L.H., Norway (Priced publication: NCR. 90 plus postage NCR.5).

IUFRO. Proceedings of the joint meeting of working parties on population and ecological genetics, breeding theory and progeny testing. 497 pp., 1974. Published by the Department of Forest Genetics, the Royal College of Forestry, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden.

Kamra, S.K.
Seed problems of some developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and scope for international cooperation. Nr 49, 57 pp., 1974. Available from Department of Reforestation, Royal College of Forestry, S-104 05 Stockholm 50, Sweden. (Priced publication: 15 Sw. Crs.).

Kozlowski, T.T. (ed.)
Seed biology. In three volumes: I, Importance, development and germination; II, Germination control, metabolism and pathology; and III, Insects and seed collection, storage, testing and certification. 1972. Academic Press.

Kraus, J. (ed.)
Seed yield from southern pine seed orchards - proceedings of a colloquium. 100 pp., 1974. Available from Georgia Forest Research Council, Box 828, Macon, Georgia, 31202, U.S.A.

Libby, W.J.
Domestication strategies for forest trees. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 265 – 276, 1973.

Scheme for the control of forest reproductive material moving in international trade. 1974. Available in English or French from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2 Rue André-Pascal, Paris XVI.

Owens, J.N.
The reproductive cycle of Douglas-fir. Report BC-P-8, 23 pp., 1973. Available from Pacific Forest Research Centre, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8Z1M5.

Porterfield, Richard L.
Predicted and potential gains from tree improvement programmes - a goal programming analysis of programme efficiency. Technical report no. 52, 112 pp., 1974. Available from School of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A. 27607.

Puritch, G.S.
Cone production in conifers (review of the literature and evaluation of research needs). Information Report BC-X-65, 99 pp., 1972. Available from Pacific Forest Research Centre, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8Z1M5.

Simak, Milan (compiler).
World directory of forest seed workers. Nr 50, 57 pp., 1974. Available from Department of Reforestation, Royal College of Forestry, S-104 50 Stockholm 50, Sweden.

Stern, K. and Roche, L.
Genetics of forest ecosystems. Ecological studies vol. 6, 330 pp., 1974. Springer-Verlag.

Toda, Ryookiti (ed.)
Forest tree breeding in the world. 205 pp., 1974. Available from Yamato-ya Co. Ltd., Huzi Bldg. No. 806, (104) Ginsa 1-16-6, Tynnoo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. (Price unknown)

U.S. Forest Service.
Seeds of woody plants in the United States. Agriculture Handbook No. 450, 883 pp., 1974. Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 U.S.A. (Priced publication: US $13.60)

Wang, B.S.P.
Tree-seed storage. Publication no. 1335, 32 pp., 1974. Available from Forest Management Institute, Department of the Environment, Majestic Bldg., 396 Cooper Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

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