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The International Union of Forestry Research Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN announce the Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding, to be held in Canberra, Australia, 21 – 26 March, 1977. The meeting is being hosted by the Forestry and Timber Bureau.

Global coverage of important topics relevant to breeding programmes throughout the world will be included, however, special consideration and emphasis will be given to breeding of tropical species. The theme of the Consultation will be “Strategies in Forest Tree Breeding with Special Reference to the Tropics”.

The theme will be developed under the following main session headings: (1) Exploration, Utilization and Conservation of Gene Resources; (2) Advances in Species and Provenance Selection; (3) Population Improvement from Selection and Hybridization; (4) Constraints on Progress; (5) Analysing Benefits and Costs of Tree Improvement; (6) Choosing Strategies for the Future. Each session will be introduced by a Review Paper and supported by a number of Invited Papers. In addition, Voluntary Papers will be welcomed; an early indication of title and outline of the Voluntary Papers would be much appreciated.

Participants are invited to contribute to a planned display of relevant publications, photographs and films.

Pre-consultation tours will be arranged to New Zealand, Western Australia, cool South-East Australia, North Queensland and Papua New Guinea, post-consultation tours to Eastern coastal Australia and possibly Papua New Guinea (repeat tour). They will be subject to applications from a sufficient number of participants for each tour.

Additional information about the Consultation can be obtained from :

The Director General
Forestry and Timber Bureau
Canberra A.C.T. 2600
ORThe Chief,
Forest Management Branch
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Dr. M. Hagman
Forest Research Institute
Forest Tree Breeding Station

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