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The Food and Agriculture Organization is greatly indebted to the following individuals and institutions for their valuable contributions to the research on this projects

Mr. V.O. Sagua for his guidance; Mr. F.O. Otobo, Fisheries Biologist, for his cooperation in all aspects of the assignment; Mr. J.O. Achobah, Higher Technical Officer, Boatbuilding, for his design work and practical assistance with all matters concerning boats and their equipment; Mr. Ibrahim Yarok Assistant Fisheries Supervisor and counterpart to the expert for his able supervision of much of the field work.

Thanks are also extended to the following fishermen and boatmen whose local knowledge and hard work was greatly appreciated:

Mr. Adama Isa, Mr. Abdulahi Musa, Mr. Musa Ekpoki, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Mr. Thomas Adjan, Mr. Idrisu Mohamed, Mr. Mohamed Usufu, Mr. Mohamed Umoru, Mr. Audu Seriki, Mr. Dickson Eraboghene, Mr. Mark Omofiedo, Mr. Danjumo Mohamed, Mr. Dansofo Ibrahim, Mr. Ayinde Amadu.

Mr. Ibrahim Yaro, counterpart fishing technologist, received on-the-job training in the design, construction and operation of these small mid water trawls and will continue to work in this field at Kainji after completing a fellowship course in fishing gear technology.

The following fishermen of Kainji Lake Research project participated in the construction of trawls and received training in trawl handling and maintenance. Mr. Abdulahi Musa, Mr. Musa Ekpoki, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Mr. Thomas Adjan, Mr. Idrisu Mohamed, Mr. Audu Seriki, Mr. Dickson Eraboghene, Mr. Nark Omofiedo and Mr. Danjuma Muhamed. The trawling team also included two boatmen, Mr. Mohamed Urufu and Mr. Mohamed Umoru.

The trawl sampling programme is to continue on a monthly basis to provide data for biological studies, under the direction of the fisheries biologist.

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