Unasylva - No. 111 - Termites

Table of Contents

Vol. 28


An international review of forestry and forest products

FAO - The Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

T.M. Pasca, Editor
Forestry Department, FAO

COVER: A soldier termite
Design by Renato Bellicampi and Uta von Beyme

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Table of Contents

Gunther Becker
Concerning termites and wood

D.E. Iyamabo
Forestry research in developing countries

Barbara A. Holford
Surveying the and paper production capacity of the world

B.K. Bakshi
Dealing with pests and diseases in tropical forests

R.A. Laidlaw
Choosing the best glues for plywood

R.A. Laidlaw
Plastic containers and coiling roofs

The world of forestry

Latin American Pulp and Paper Congress
Modular wood-and-steel bridges in Kenya and Costa Rica
Marketing tropical wood from African moist forests
United Nations Water Conference, Buenos Aires, May 1977
Women's work in Thai forests
FAO's remote sensing facilities increasing
Poplars and willows


Biosphere reserves proposed
Wetlands Convention in force
Environmental impact statements under consideration in Europe
Promising alternatives to DDT
Living off the forests and the sea
Hunting deer in New Zealand
Parks magazine is born

International forestry meetings


Books received

Forest management
Marketing - Economics
Forest injuries and protection
Tropical ecology
Forest products and their utilization
Regional forestry

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