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Books received

Compiled by Lidia Spadafora Lombardi, FAO Library.

Forest management
Marketing - Economics
Forest injuries and protection
Tropical ecology
Forest products and their utilization
Regional forestry

Forest management

Robinson, Glen O. The forest service: a study in public land management. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U.P. for Resources for the Future, 1976. 337 p.

A short history of the forest service. Forest service bureaucracy, resources and uses. Timber and range resources. Outdoor recreation. Wilderness. Wildlife. Water and the watershed. The forest service in retrospect. National forest areas. Forest service appropriations 1962-71 and for the fiscal year 1975.

Ecology, environmentalism, and future timber supply. Proceedings of a Current Issues Conference held on 18 March 1975 Edited by Stuart U. Rich. Eugene, University of Oregon, Forest Industries Management Centre, 1975. 108 p.

The Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act in relation to the timber industry. Political realities of land-use planning. The mythology of ecology. Conflicting recreational demands with respect to the roadless areas of national forests. Oregon's future timber supplies, public and private.

Marketing - Economics

Hart, Cyril. A guide to home-grown timber prices and forestry coatings 1975. Coleford, Glos. The author; printed by the Forest of Dean Newspapers, 1975, 60 p.

Prices of roundwood, minor forest products and sawn timber. Costing and piecework rates. Forest tree nurseries. Forestry equipment and materials.

Buttoud, Gerard. Analyse rapide de la ressource française en peupliers et des ses perspectives. Nancy, INRA, Laboratoire d'économie forestière, 1975. 72 p.

Current status of the problem. Developments in harvesting and increases in area planted and in the demand for products. Estimates of future potential.


North American Forest Soils Conference (Fourth), 1973. Laval University, Quebec. Forest soils and forest land management - Proceedings. Edited by B. Bernier and C.H. Winget. Quebec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 1975. 675 p. Includes bibliographies.

Soil physics, biology and biochemistry. Nutrient cycling and soil productivity. Soil, silviculture and quality of the environment. Forest land and site classification; intensive site preparation; the influence of soil and site on forest management decisions. Information required by forest Land managers.


North American Containerized Forest Tree Seedling Symposium, 1974, Denver, Colo. Proceedings. Edited by Richard W. Tinus, William I. Stein and William E. Balmer. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1974. 458 p. (Great Plains Agricultural Council publication, No. 68.)

The containerized seedling as an important new development in forestry. Development and objectives of containerization. Seedling production in controlled environments. Containers, handling systems, procedures and problems. Engineering container systems. Container programmes around the world. Field performance. Economics of containerized afforestation.

Forest injuries and protection

Gilbertonson, Robert L. Fungi that decay Ponderosa pine. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 1974. 197 p. illus.

Checklist of Basidiomycetes that cause the decay of Ponderosa pine. Keys to and descriptions of Basidiomycetes.

Tropical ecology

Longman, K.A. and J. Jeník. Tropical forest and its environment. London, Longman, 1974. 196 p. illus. (Tropical Ecology series.) Includes bibliography.

Interaction of forest and environment. Analysis of environment. The forest community. The physiology of tree growth. The future of tropical forests.

Forest products and their utilization

Boivin, Jean Louis. Etude d'utilisation optimale des bois. (Québec.) Service des plans d'aménagement. Direction générale des forêts, Ministère des terres et forêts 1974. 49 p. Summary in English and French.

Results of studies in 1969-723 on the optimum use of cut trees. For each species the following data are given: (1) conversion factors for cubic foot to board foot measure; (2) tree conversion factors for sawlogs and/or peeler logs; (3) stand conversion factors for peeler logs, sawlogs and pulpwood, when trees are classified according to quality.

Keays, J.L. and G.M. Barton. Recent advances in foliage utilization. Vancouver, B.C., Dept. of the Environment. Canadian Forestry Service, Western Forest Products Laboratory, 1975. 94 p. (Information Report VP-X-137.) Bibliography: p. 34-59.

Yield, harvesting and transport of foliage. Chemicals in foliage and their structural interrelationships. The processing of commercial foliage. Medicinal and pharmaceutical uses of foliage derivatives.

Regional forestry

Petrov, Ioran. B'Igarskata gore. Bolgarskii lest The Bulgarian forest. Pod. red. I, Petrov. Sofiia, Zemizdat, 1974. 287 p.

General description of forests. Afforestation. Management of the national forest estate in Bulgaria. Protection of the forest and environment. Wildlife management. Fishing. Planned forest management and exploitation. Forest roads and motorized lumber transport. The woodworking industry. The training of cadres. Forest science. Organization and management of forest economy.

Gadam, Sudhakar N. Compendium of forest resources in Maharashtra: forest enumerations. Poona, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Bombay Orient Longman, 1975. 328 p. (Gokhale Institute Studies No. 63.)

A note on forest enumerations in Maharashtra State. Description of compendium and glossary of some of the technical terms used. Alphabetical list of species and division of them into groups for summary tables. Tree and bamboo enumeration tables.

6 useful forestry titles from FAO

A study of planning functions, with technical information on raw materials and pulp and paper manufacture. English French and Spanish editions.

379 pages, 26 ill., clothbound. Lit. 8200.

A study of shifting agriculture in Latin America, with particular emphasis on Venezuela, Mexico and Peru. English French and Spanish editions.

305 pages, 19 ill. Lit. 4000.

A guide to the planning and execution of a forest inventory. English, French and Spanish editions.

121 pages. Lit. 1600.

A trilingual (English, French, Spanish) directory.

283 pages. Lit. 6500.

A manual on production and cost. English, French and Spanish editions.

90 pages, 36 ill. Lit. 2000.

A response to the need for economic development in this zone to support a rapidly rising population. English, French and Spanish editions.

185 pages, 30 ill., 3 maps. Lit. 4500.

Available from the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. For orders and information on prices in local currencies apply to any of the FAO Sales Agents and Booksellers listed on the inside back cover.


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