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Annex 10. Actions and priorities

During this session, participants came up with actions they felt should be undertaken in the short term in their respective countries and organizations. The table below summarizes the activities and the responsible individuals/organizations that will carry them out.



Prepare and disseminate a policy brief that will reflect the conclusions and recommendations of the workshop.

Organizing committee

Prepare the proceedings, that includes all papers, workshop report, main findings and actions

Organizing committee

Make a web-site containing the proceedings and policy brief


Present the results of all regional workshops on tropical secondary forests and discuss on further steps during the World Forestry Congress (Quebec, September 2003)

Organizing committee

Translate the relevant documents of the secondary forest workshops in Perú, Indonesia and Kenya into French to share with colleagues.

FAO, Froylán Castañeda

Bring the outcomes of the workshop to the attention of relevant regional and international fora, such as SADC, AFWC, ECOWAS/CILSS, AFRONET

Organizing Committee and individual participants

Bring secondary forests and the workshop findings to the Board of AFRONET and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

August Temu, World Agroforestry Centre

Bring issue to attention of SADC Board

J. Hailwa, Namibia

Explore what actions on secondary forests can/need to be taken by ATO. Use meeting in Douala

Alfonso Zola, African Timber Organisation

Inform the Nairobi workshop participants on the priority areas of the Dryland Development Centre and start networking via e-mail. Investigate how DDC may be able to provide technical assistance to the networking

Jato Silla, Gambia

Start e-mail list for networking and all participants report to others

Froylán Castañeda, FAO

Disseminate the workshop results at national level and take follow-up action at country level, and include SF issues in country plans

All country participants

Hold a national workshop and multi-stakeholder dialogue in Ghana on secondary forests

Dominic Blay, O. Abebrese, Ghana

Organize in Gambia a meeting with key staff on the theme of secondary forests

Jato Silla, Gambia

Raise the issue of secondary forests in research institutes and regional bodies such as AFRONET

Joseph Obua, Uganda

Promote SF among graduate and post graduate students at Helsinki University

Eshetu Yirdaw, Finland

Bring issue to attention of SADC Board

J. Hailwa, Namibia

Carry out a proper study at national level with regard to policies/strategies on secondary forests and formulate respective proposal

J. Hailwa, Namibia

Involve colleagues and disseminate SF at university level, and make it a country issue

Gabriel Albano, Mozambique

Bring SF issues into local-level workshops

Wellingtone A. Nyondo

Bring the theme of secondary forests and workshop findings to the National Working Group on Land use Policies

Hudson Jackson Andrua, Uganda

Meet with senior staff and discuss SF, get in touch with university and national programmes to start reflecting on SF

Edward Mufandaedza, Zimbabwe

Continue working on case studies and make them available to all

Coert Geldenhuys, South Africa

On funding

During this session several questions on international funding were raised. The following observations were made:

FAO is made up of member countries. The initiative to get funds should officially come from the government. FAO is not a donor agency but has the capacity to look for potential donors who may be willing to contribute to activities related to secondary forests. Participants were invited to put these issues on the national agenda and make them important at political level, to share this information with other colleagues such as those in forestry departments, academic institutions, national associations of forestry, etc.

The Dutch Ministry of Development Corporation largely works through embassies in a number of key countries. Several of these have an environmental programme. SF management has been identified as an important theme in the Dutch policy on forests but it is up to the countries to follow matters at national level. Following the workshop in Latin America the Netherlands has funded several projects in SF.

Germany also works in a similar way based on receiving proposals from governments for funding requests. It has key countries in which emphasis is put on certain sectors (health, education, forestry, etc.). Proposals should be submitted to respective offices in key countries where forestry is the major concern.

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