Chapter 4: Technical Cooperation Programme

(all amounts in US$ 000)
  Major Programme 2004-05 Programme of Work ZRG Programme Change ZRG 2006-07 Programme of Work RG Programme Change RG 2006-07 Programme of Work
41 Technical Cooperation Programme 98,645 0 98,645 4,000 102,645
42 TCP Unit 4,382 0 4,382 100 4,482
Total 103,027 0 103,027 4,100 107,127
ZNG Impact     0    
Total     103,027    

Substantive thrusts under ZRG conditions

311.     Under the guidance of the Programme Committee, a comprehensive review of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) has been initiated in order to ensure that it is able to respond in the most effective and efficient manner to changes in internal and external environments. This review may lead to substantial changes in the TCP criteria, to the programme’s overall scope, and in the procedures that govern its implementation. It is expected that final management proposals will be considered at the 129th Session of the FAO Council in November 2005. The proposals may also envision streamlining and other efficiency measures which could be applied and be of benefit to the programme. The detail of these measures can not, however, be entirely foreseen at this stage.

312.     Subject to any specific guidance to be provided by the governing bodies in response to the Technical Cooperation Programme Review, the TCP will continue to respond to specific requests for technical assistance by Members, in close association with other components of the Regular Programme. It will maintain its main characteristics: ability to respond quickly and effectively to requests; limited project duration; practical orientation; and catalytic role and complementarity to other sources of assistance.

313.     The table below shows the evolution of TCP allocations by region between 1992-93 and the first year of the biennium 2004-05. Variations reflect the unprogrammed and demand-driven nature of the TCP.

Distribution of TCP Allocations by Region (US$ million)

Year/Biennia Africa Asia and Pacific Europe Latin America and Caribbean Near East Total
2004 (1 year) 26.3  19.2  6.2  18.5  7.5  77.7 
2002-03 49.9  24.9  7.4  18.3  10.9  111.4 
2000-01 36.8  24.9  7.5  18.5  11.4  99.1 
1998-99 37.2  17.6  9.6  17.2  10.0  91.6 
1996-97 36.8  19.7  9.7  17.3  9.9  93.4 
1994-95 38.8  22.7  5.5  16.9  9.1  93.0 
1992-93 35.1  19.1  4.8  16.8  12.2  88.0 

314.     The Technical Cooperation Service (TCOT) ensures adherence of approved projects to the TCP criteria, and coordinates the appraisal of, as well as the Organization’s response to, incoming requests for TCP assistance. FAO Representatives, technical officers in the Regional/Subregional Offices, and the technical and operations divisions at headquarters, participate in the formulation and appraisal process. During the implementation, the Service reviews and monitors, in close cooperation with field and headquarters offices, the performance of the programme as a whole and of projects. A process for systematically evaluating thematic clusters of TCP projects has been implemented. Five evaluations have so far been carried out covering projects in the fields of food control, apiculture/ sericulture, legislation, policy advice and emergency relief operations.

315.     The provision under Chapter 4 has received full protection under the ZNG scenario to reflect the priority granted by the governing bodies.

Real Growth Scenario

316.     The net increase of 4% would augment the capacity of the TCP Appropriation to meet requests from countries including for emergencies. A small increase would also be warranted for the TCOT service which supports implementation of the TCP.