Chapter 5: Support Services

Major Programme 5.1: Information and Publications Support

(all amounts in US$ 000)
  Programme 2004-05 Programme of Work ZRG Programme Change ZRG 2006-07 Programme of Work RG Programme Change RG 2006-07 Programme of Work
511 Public Information and Publications Support 16,487 0 16,487 0 16,487
519 Programme Management 1,577 0 1,577 0 1,577
Total 18,064 0 18,065 0 18,065
ZNG Impact     (1,324)    
Total     16,741    

Substantive thrusts under ZRG conditions

317.     This major programme encompasses all activities related to communication and management of publishing activities. It ensures a continuous flow of communication to FAO’s Members as well as proactive communications with a broad range of audiences. It is central to supporting the SACOI47 on Communicating FAO’s messages. Highlights of planned work in multilingual communication, publishing policy and support and public information and outreach under ZRG conditions are given below.

318.     The major programme will continue to support the development of FAO’s biennial communication strategy and plan, as well as targeted communication strategies supporting specific programmes and events. It will also cover the production of multilingual information products and services, essential for in-house clients in their efforts to raise awareness and understanding of their activities and build support among Members for both regular and field programme activities. The Information Division (GII) will continue high-quality information activities including: professional, broadcast-quality audio and video productions; printed materials including brochures, fact sheets, folders, flyers and posters; exhibitions and exhibition materials; management of a comprehensive digital photo library serving the whole Organization; multimedia presentations; support to the TeleFood campaign; and Web site design.

319.     GII will pursue its integrated cross-media publishing management function which encompasses operational, normative and advisory activities, in order to manage the Organization's publishing work and ensure timely issuance of high-quality, high profile, multilingual publications and appropriate treatment of other categories of information products. Copublication agreements with commercial and academic publishers and publication of FAO material in non-official languages are also instrumental to the dissemination function, as is the administration of FAO’s intellectual property and copyright policies.

320.     Work on public information and outreach will increase public awareness and understanding of the issues related to FAO’s mandate and build support and political will for achievement of the World Food Summit and Millennium Development Goals. Key audiences at the national regional and global levels will be targeted through comprehensive multilingual media services and public outreach campaigns. Essential tools in this broad effort are press releases in official languages; the dynamic FAO Newsroom Web site in official languages; interviews, media briefings and press conferences; placement of articles under the signature of the Director-General; and delivery of radio and television materials for broadcasters. Special attention will be given to enhancing regional outreach through strategic use of external services.

Zero Nominal Growth Impact

321.     ZNG would reduce the extent and quality of services: reducing the volume of material produced for the FAO Newsroom Web site; reducing the number of press releases issued annually and imposing a maximum length.

322.     With less staff, GII would not be able to maintain editorial and production quality of information material and publish multilingual information products in print and electronic format at the acceptable levels.

47 Strategy to Address Cross-Organizational Issues