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1. Aalbǽk, A. 1999. Farmer tree planting in Tanzania. In Temu, A.B. & Lund, G.

2. Albretcht, J. (ed.). 1993. Tree seed handbook of Kenya. GTZ/Kenya Forestry Seed Centre, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Nairobi.

3. Albretcht, J. 1993. Forest Seeds. In Pancel, L. (ed) Tropical Forestry Handbook. Springer, Ijmuiden, Netherlands.

4. CTA, 2002. Agroforestry in Malawi and Zambia. Summary report of a CTA/MAFE study visit, 20-30 January 2002. ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).

5. DANIDA, 2003. Decentralisation, small farmers and sustainability. A case study of the national tree seed programme in Tanzania. DFSC Case Study No. 4.

6. FAO, 1997. State of the world's forests. FAO, Rome.

7. Fernandes, E.C.M., Okting'ati, A. & Maghembe, J.A. 1985. The Chagga Home gardens: A multi-storied agroforestry system on Mt. Kilimanjaro (northern Tanzania). A reprint from Agroforestry systems 2: 73 - 86. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.

8. Gibson, D. & Pain, A. 1991. Crops of the drier regions of the tropics. School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia.

9. Hytonene, M. (ed.) 1995. Multiple-use forestry in the Nordic countries. METLA, Finnish Forest Research Institute.

10. Lund, G. 1999. Off-on, in-out: Concepts for inventorying trees off-forest. In Temu et al., (eds.) Off-forest tree resources of Africa. Proceedings of a workshop, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 July 1999.

11. Nair, P.K.R. 1991. State of the art of agroforestry systems. In Jarvis, P.G. (ed.) 1991. Agroforestry (principles and practice). Proceedings of an international conference, 23-28 July 1989, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

12. Njenga, Arshford, W.N. Wamicha & Manfred van Eckert 1999. Role of trees in small holder farming systems in Kenya: results from high, medium and low potential areas in Kenya. In: Off-forest tree resources of Africa. Proceedings of a workshop, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 July 1999

13. Njuguna, P.M., Holding, C. & Munyasya, C. 1999. On-farm woody biomass (1993 and 1998): a case study from Nakuru and Nyandarua Districts in Kenya. In: Off-forest tree resources of Africa. Proceedings of a workshop, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 July 1999

14. Okting'ati, A., Maghembe, J.A. & Weaver, G.H. 1985. Plant species in the Kilimanjaro agroforestry system. A reprint from Agroforestry systems 2: 177-186. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.

15. Rubebjer, P.G., Taylor, P. & Del Castillo, R.A. (eds.). 2001. A guide to learning agroforestry. A framework for developing agroforestry curricula in south-east Asia. Training Report No. 51. Bogor, ICRAF.

16. Schmidt, L., 2000. Guide to handling of tropical and subtropical forest seed. DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, Humlabaek, Denmark.

17. Steppler, H.A. & Nair, P.K.R. (eds.) 1987. Agroforestry, a decade of development. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.

18. Temu, A.B., Lund, R.E., Malimbwi, R.E., Kowero, G.S., Kleinn, K., Malende, Y. & Kone, I. 1999. Off-forest tree resources of Africa. Proceedings of a workshop, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 July 1999.

19. Temu, A.B., Mwanje, I. & Mogotsi K. 2003. Improving agriculture and natural resources education in Africa. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.

20. Tikkanen, I. & Pajari, B. 1998. Future forest policies in Europe - balancing economic and ecological demands. European Forest Institute Proceedings No. 22

21. Weber, J.C. & Bonkoungou, E.G. 1993. The general situation of multipurpose tree/shrub seeds for agroforestry - some issues and needs. In Some, L.M. & de Kam, M. (eds), 1993: Tree seed problems, with special reference to Africa. IUFRO Symposium, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23-28 November 1992.

22. Dawson, I. & Were, J. (1997) Collecting germplasm from trees - some guidelines.
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23. Dawson, I., Were, J. (1998) Ordering tree seed - some guidelines.
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24. Dawson, I. & Were, J. (1998) Multiplication, that's the name of the game.

25. Dawson I., Were, J., Sotelo Montes, C. & Weber, J.C. (1998)

26. Dawson, I., Were, J., Sotelo, C., Vidaurre, H. & Weber, J.C. (1999)


27. Atta-Krah, K. & Wakhu, P. 1998. Agroforestry research networks for Africa - eastern and central Africa.

28. Albrecht, J. 1991. Tree selection and seed collection versus genetic diversity. In Kenya Forestry Seed Centre: proceedings of the first national tree seed workshop, Nairobi, Kenya.

29. ANAFE, 1998: Proceedings of the third general meeting of the African Network for Agroforestry Education (ANAFE), Nairobi, Kenya, 29-31 July 1998.

30. Dawson, Ian & Were, James. (1998). Ordering tree - some guidelines. Agroforestry Today, Vol. 10, No.1.

31. Holding, Christine and William Omondi. Evolution of provision of tree seed in extension programmes: case studies from Kenya and Uganda Technical Report Series no. 19, Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA/Sida East Africa) Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 9966-896-34-1

32. Kasolo, W. & Rudebjer, P. 1994. Agroforestry education in Uganda.

33. Kindt, R. et al. 2002. Tree seed suppliers directory.

34. Kung'u, J.B. et al. ( - ): Agroforestry curriculum in African colleges and universities.

35. Kung'u, J.B. et al. Recommended contents of an agroforestry programme.

36. Ewnetu, Z. et al. (eds. Vol. II), 1997. Land husbandry in the highlands of Ethiopia. Proceedings of a workshop, 10-14 November 1997, Makelle University College, Makelle, Ethiopia.

37. Elmer, E.B. 1992. DANIDA Forest Seed Centre. In Some, L.M. & de Kam, M. (eds.) 1993. Tree seed problems, with special reference to Africa. IUFRO symposium, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23-28 November 1992.

38. Mogotsi, K. & Skagerfält, J. 2002. How to participate in agroforestry education and research activities.

39. Mukiwarman, J., M. Roshetko, S. Mahari & S.D. Irianto. (2004): Seed sources, seed collection and seed handling. A field guide for field workers and farmers. ICRAF, Bogor, Indonesia

40. Mumby, G. 1994. Seed marketing. FAO, 1994.

41. Malimbwi, R.E., Kowero, G.S., Kleinn, K., Malende, Y. & Kone, I. 1999. Off-forest tree resources of Africa. Proceedings of a workshop, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16 July 1999.

42. Nsita, A.S., Balikuddembe, M.S. L., Gwali, S., Sebahutu, G. & Temu, A.B. 2001 (eds.). Curriculum for the diploma course in agroforestry. Nyabyeya Forestry College, Republic of Uganda.

43. Nsita, S.A. et al. (eds). 1998: Curricula for the diploma course in forestry.

44. Nyabyeya Forestry College. 2002. Technical forestry training into the new millennium. Nyabyeya Forestry College Prospectus 2000/2002.

45. Republic of Kenya. Seed and Plants variety act, 1972.

46. Republic of Uganda, 1998. Curriculum for the forestry technical certificate course. Nyabyeya Forestry College.

47. Rudbejer, P. & Madoffe, S.S. 1996. Agoforestry education in Tanzania.

48. Kindt R., Muasya S. & J. Waruhiu. 1997. Tree seed supplier's directory: Sources of seeds and microsymbionts.

49. Rudebjer, P. & Temu, A.B. (eds.), 1994. Curriculum development in agroforestry. Proceedings of the first interregional workshop for Africa, Asia and Latin America, Nakuru, Kenya. 30 May-3 June 1994, Training and Education Report No. 29. ICRAF.

50. Rudebjer, P. 1996: Directory of international training and educational opportunities in agroforestry. ANAFE, Nairobi

51 Willan, R.L. 1985: A guide to forest seed handling. FAO Forestry Paper 20/2. FAO, Rome, Italy.

52. Tree seed and agroforestry extension materials website listings:

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