Table of ContentsRAP-806-

Chapter 4: Decentralization, UN Cooperation and Programme Delivery

(All amounts in US$ 000)
  Regular Budget Trust Fund All Financing
Programme 2006-07 Programme of Work Direct Support to Programme of Work Other Voluntary Contributions  
4A UN cooperation, integration and monitoring 13,912 0 0 13,912
4B Coordination of decentralized services 20,306 0 0 20,306
4C Food security, poverty reduction and other development cooperation programmes 90,035 2,630 50,234 142,899
4D Emergency and post crisis management 15,838 0 0 15,838
4E Technical Cooperation Programme 103,550 0 0 103,550
4X Programme Management 13,947 0 0 13,947
Total 257,589 2,630 50,234 310,453
Percentage by Source of Financing 83% 1% 16% 100%

147.     The programmes under this chapter support achievement of the MDGs in countries by locating action on systems, policy and knowledge at the level at which it can have maximum impact, cooperating fully with partners. In organizational terms, this chapter would include most of the resources handled by the Technical Cooperation Department (including the TCP), OCD and the FAORs, as well as a few other units, which explains its relatively large resource allocation.

148.     Programme 4A provides more visibility and emphasis to cooperation with other UN bodies, both internationally and at the national level. At corporate level, it will monitor developments in the UN system and foster cooperation, generally to be undertaken within the framework of various FAO technical programmes. It also covers the participation of FAO Representatives in the UN Country Team regarding joint programmes and approaches.

149.     Programme 4B covers: on the one hand the overall coordination role of OCD in the implementation of the Organization’s decentralization policy and the central oversight, operations and management support to decentralized offices; on the other, the activities of the country offices in support of knowledge management, networking and advocacy.

150.     Programme 4C includes several activities in support of FAO’s technical cooperation work. The largest entity of this programme houses the critical inputs of the FAORs to assisting Members with their national development objectives and requirements in emergencies and for rehabilitation. The relevance, coherence, quality in design, scale and financing of technical cooperation programmes will be assured and monitored closely. Due attention will be paid to complex national and regional food security programmes and other undertakings related to the MDGs and poverty reduction strategies. This area of work will also involve assembling and analysing information at both country and regional levels for coordination and management purposes.

151.     Programme 4D covers emergency and post-crisis management interventions. It ensures that FAO’s work on emergencies and rehabilitation capitalises on one of the Organization’s main comparative advantages – the matching of know-how with resources – and focuses on protecting and building back the livelihoods of farmers, herders and fishers by: firstly, providing information for action by all relevant actors (i.e. the coordination role); and secondly through direct assistance in partnership with other organizations. 4D will also assist with disaster preparedness and mitigation measures.

152.     To complete the picture, Programme 4E hosts the provision for the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) at the level established by the FAO Conference. The main emphasis is to implement the extensive changes to the policy and operational framework of the TCP approved by the Council in November 2005, reflecting continued adaptation to evolving contexts and demands.

Table of ContentsRAP-806-