Table of ContentsRAP-806-

Chapter 5: Management and Supervision Services

(All amounts in US$ 000)
  Regular Budget Trust Fund All Financing
Programme 2006-07 Programme of Work Direct Support to Programme of Work Other Voluntary Contributions  
5A Oversight 11,260 1,159 21 12,440
5B Programme and budget services 7,013 0 0 7,013
5C Financial services 17,880 0 0 17,880
5D Human resources management and staff welfare 16,812 0 2,130 18,942
5E Procurement 8,901 0 0 8,901
5F Management of premises 33,454 0 568 34,022
5G Meetings and language services and protocol 7,882 0 0 7,882
5H Shared services 19,641 0 0 19,641
5X Programme Management 6,470 0 0 6,470
Total 129,313 1,159 2,719 133,191
Percentage by Source of Financing 97% 1% 2% 100%

153.     This chapter regroups a range of management support and supervision services which were dispersed under the previous programme structure. In addition to financial, human resources, meetings, language and protocol services, the chapter now includes oversight and programme/budget services, procurement and management of premises, and the SSC. The SSC incorporates the Management Support Service of AFD, the personnel servicing function of OCD’s Decentralized Support Unit, and is already geared to provide consolidated personnel servicing to all headquarters units, FAO Representations, Subregional and Liaison Offices, the Regional Office for Europe and projects under the responsibility of these units.

Table of ContentsRAP-806-