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As previously announced in FGRI 4, the Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding will be held in Canberra, A.C.T., Australia from 21 to 26 March 1977. The venue is the Parkroyal Motor Inn, Northbourne Avenue, Canberra. The Consultation is being organized jointly by the Host Government, FAO and the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO). Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be provided.

Provisional Agenda and Time-table

a)Opening of the ConsultationMonday 21 March a.m.
b)Adoption of the Agenda and Time-tableMonday 21 March a.m.
c)Election of Chairman and Vice-ChairmenMonday 21 March a.m.
d)Keynote AddressMonday 21 March a.m.
e)Explanatory remarks by M. Hagman, Gen. Rap.Monday 21 March p.m.
f)Session 1 - Exploration, utilization and conservation of gene resources. Chmn. P. BouvarelSr. Rap. R.H. KempMonday 21 March p.m.
g)Session 2 - Advances in species and provenance selection. Chmn. W.H.G66. Barrett.Sr. Rap. J.F. LacazeTuesday 22 March a.m.
h)Session 3 - Population improvement and hybridization. Chmn. B. ZobelSr. Rap. D.P. FowlerTuesday 22 March p.m.
i)Session 4 - Constraints on progress Chmn. C. EhrenbergSr. Rap. H. HeybroekWednesday 23 March (whole day)
j)Session 5 - Analysing benefits and costs of tree improvement Chmn. to be selectedSr. Rap. A.H. TeichThursday 24 March a.m.
k)Session 6 - Choosing strategies for the future. Chmn. R. TodaSr. Rap. G. NamkoongFriday 25 March (whole day)
l)Invited LectureSaturday 26 March a.m.
m)Any Other QuestionsSaturday 26 March a.m.
n)Summing up by M. Hagman, Gen. Rap.Saturday 26 March a.m.
o)Adoption of RecommendationsSaturday 26 March a.m.
p)Closing of the ConsultationSaturday 26 March a.m.

Study Tours

The Australian Organizing Committee is arranging four pre- and four post-Consultation tours for delegates. A brief summary of each tour is given below. The Committee reserves the right to cancel any tour should there be insufficient interest. Fuller details and registration forms may be obtained by applying to the Organizing Committee.

TOUR 1: (Pre-Consultation) New Zealand, North Island

Dates: 14 – 19 March 1977
Start: Auckland  Finish: Wellington
Professional Content:Kaingaroa Forest: Forest management, silviculture, genetics, tree improvement trials, seed orchards, etc.
Forest Research Institute (Rotorua): nursery, genetics and other research fields.
Plant Introduction Centre (Palmerston North): poplar research and breeding.
Plant Physiology Division (Palmerston North): controlled climate facilities used in forest research and screening of families.

TOUR 2: (Pre-Consultation) South Eastern Australia

Dates: 14 – 19 March
Start: Melbourne  Finish: Canberra
Professional Content:Powelltown area: Eucalypt genetics and silviculture, particularly Eucalyptus regnans.
Traralgon area: Pinus radiata and E. regnans genetics.
Orbost and Errinundra Plateau: Extensive natural eucalypt forests, many species, some silvicultural experiments.
Tallaganda: P. radiata seed orchard.
Canberra: P. radiata breeding.

TOUR 3: (Pre-Consultation) Papua New Guinea

Dates: 8 – 10 March
Start and Finish: Port Moresby. It is possible to combine Tour 3 and Tour 4.
Professional Content:Port Moresby (Brown River Forest): Teak tree breeding activities.
Bulolo: Tree breeding work with Araucaria and Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus deglupta.

TOUR 4: (Pre-Consultation) North Queensland

Dates: 14 – 19 March
Start: CairnsFinish: Rockhampton. It is possible to combine Tour 3 and Tour 4.
Professional Content:Kuranda, Atherton: Species, provenance and progeny trials with tropical Pinus and Araucaria species. Genetic study of rain forest hardwood species.
Kennedy, Cardwell, Byfield: Inspection of breeding work with tropical pines, especially Pinus caribaea.

TOUR 5: (Post-Consultation) Papua New Guinea

Dates: 5 – 7 April
Start and Finish: Port Moresby.
Professional Content:Port Moresby (Brown River Forest): Teak tree breeding activities.
Bulolo: Tree breeding work with Araucaria and Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus deglupta.

TOUR 6: (Post-Consultation) South-west of Western Australia

Dates: 27 March – 2 April
Start and Finish: Perth
Professional Content:Perth-Bunbury areas: P. radiata plantations and aspects of tree breeding work, tuart forest and P. radiata Sunkland establishment, Blackwood Valley plantations.
Manjimup: Karri forests, aspects of tree breeding work.
Dwellingup: Jarrah forest, aspects of dieback and mining rehabilitation.
Coastal Plain: P. pinaster plantations and tree breeding work.

TOUR 7: (Post-Consultation) SW and Goldfields of Western Australia

Dates: 27 March – 2 April
Start and Finish: Perth
Professional Content:Perth-Bunbury areas: Eucalypt woodlands and forests, in particular Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and tuart (E. gomphocephala) forests.
Manjimup-Esperance areas: Karri forests, aspects of tree breeding work, vegetation communities.
Coolgardie-Kalgoorlie area: Eucalyptus occidentalis, E. salmonophloia and other flora in goldfields area.

TOUR 8: (Post-Consultation) North Coast of New South Wales and SE Queensland

Dates: 28 March – 1 April
Optional Trip: 2 – 3 April
Start: Coffs Harbour Finish: Brisbane
Professional Content:Coffs Harbour area: Eucalyptus grandis plantations and aspects of tree breeding work with E. grandis and Pinus taeda.
Beerburrum-Beerwah area: Tree breeding work with P. elliottii, P. caribaea and their hybrids.
Imbil: Araucaria cunninghamii breeding.
Yarraman-Pechey (optional): Breeding of A. cunninghamii and Pinus spp.; P. radiata breeding in summer rainfall area.

Address of Organizing Committee

Since the earlier announcement in FGRI 4, the address of the Organizing Committee in Australia has changed. To avoid delay in forwarding, enquiries should be directed to:

The Secretary
The Organizing Committee
Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding
Division of Forest Research
P.O. Box 4008
Canberra A.C.T. 2600

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