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Annex IV. Action framework

1. Action framework of China

Principle 1: Good governance

Principle 3: Effective organization capacity

Principle 4: Recognition of the value of goods and services

Principle 6: Recognition of the role of the market

Principle 8: Maintenance of social and cultural services

Principle 9: Maintenance and conservation of environmental services







Principle 1:

Good governance

Insufficient scientific evidence being used to weigh the risks, opportunities, costs and benefits of planted forests in relation to conservation and sustainable development

Balance planted forest development based on sound scientific knowledge

1. A database based on codes & evidences;

2. Market driven industry;

3. Effective and functioned M&E system.

1. Prepare the database

2. Develop the Code

3. Review R&D on priority problems

4. Market analyze

5. Build monitoring and evaluation system


2. Local Gov. Corp.

3. Team (Gov.+ Experts)

4. Association







Principle 3:

Effective organizational capacity

No support services tailored to the needs of corporate (large-scale) and smallholder (small-scale) investors provided.

Better service to the corporate (large-scale) and smallholder (small-scale) investors

1. gap analyze;

2. provide practical knowledge & support;

3. technical support& guidance

find problems & solutions

1. SFA



4. Corp.







Principle 4:

Recognition of the value of goods and services

Inadequate decision-making support tools being developed to help in planning and monitoring the provisions of goods and services from planted forests, spatially & temporally

Deliver more timely info relating to trees, products and market.

Management and market support on technology, products development, and training

1. M&E

2. training

3. product development

1. SFA

2. Experts

3. Association

4. University







Principle 6: Recognition of the role of the market

Unrecognized emerging carbon trade markets and inadequate understanding on the role of afforestation /reforestation in providing carbon sinks to mitigate climate change

International approval and acceptance of the value of carbon in planted forests

1. Carbon credit standards and mechanisms

2.Promotion and marketing

1. Set up a calibration system

2. Improve methodologies

3. Training and capacity building

1. SFA

2. Experts

3. Association

4. University

5. Int’l organizations







Principle 8: Maintenance of social and cultural services

Incomplete socio-economic baselines and long-term impact assessment & monitoring mechanism on planted forests

Participation of multi-stakeholders in the process of sustainable development

Promoting participatory approach


2. Training

3. Management

1. SFA

2. Experts

3. Association

4. University







Principle 9: Maintenance and conservation of environmental services

The voluntary certification programmes yet to be fully considered as an acceptable mechanism in addressing environmental issues

Certification may help to address the environmental issues and achieve related targets

Implementing, monitoring and evaluating the process

Certification Body (CB) shall take the full responsibility on top of the certification and training




2. Action framework of Lao PDR

Principle 1: Good governance

Principle 6: Recognition of the role of the market

Principle 7: Recognition of social and cultural values






Principle 1:

Good governance

Land concessions and poor land-use planning has stalled the plantation sector expansion in the Lao PDR.

Concessions and land-use planning approaches are redrafted to incorporate community and environmental aspects with effective plantation management principals.

    National and international laws, commitments, treaties and agreements are being followed.

    2. Transparency, participation and recognition of the roles of non-governmental stakeholders in decision-making encouraged without coercion.

    3. Are current, consistent and clear enabling policies, laws, regulations, plans and processes, as well as appropriate monitoring and evaluation systems being formulated?

    4. Guidelines for responsible management of planted forests are being formulated and implemented?

    5. Scientific evidence is being used to weigh the risks, opportunities, costs and benefits of planted forests in relation to conservation and sustainable development.

    6. Are enabling conditions and procedures provided in order to reward sustainable management and responsible practices.

    7. Land tenure is recognised for land and crop tenure, access for investors (both corporate and smallholder), traditional owners, indigenous peoples, local communities and ethnic minorities recognized.

    8. Are benefits distributed on an equitable basis to relevant stakeholders.

    9 Are the rights of workers recognized to organize and to negotiate salaries and conditions to meet their fundamental needs.








Principle 6:

Recognition of the role of the market

A lack of understanding of international markets has resulted in a low sale price for raw material and a general lack of commitment from both investors and the GOL.

Competitive International market prices apply for planted forest products coming out of Lao.

    1. Market Info available and intelligence monitored.

    2. Economic and regulatory policies, legislative regimes, guidelines and practices created that provide for fair competition and acceptable rates of return for investors, workers and local economies (economic, competitive & fair)

    3. Emerging carbon trade markets recognized and the role of afforestation and reforestation in providing carbon sinks to mitigate climate change increasingly understood

    4. Recognized that the marketplace may not account for all the values that society may enjoy in planted forests

1. Determine available information sources, seek expert input, discuss with neighbouring countries, build on existing market knowledge, establishment of marketing working group, talk to Stora Enso, Burapha, Birla-Lao & Oji regarding developments of markets in Asia, Search for and understand existing market reports; consult with Lao Trade Committee, Ministry of Industry, Commerce & MAF.

2. Review the existing Forestry and Trade Laws to determine their completeness against required output, develop a Lao based planted forest cost of production data set that will provide base information for economic viability and fair trading, develop a set of guiding principals for economic viable planted forest, ensure that regulatory policies incorporate the probity principals of equity, transparency, accountability.

3. Presentation provided to key stakeholders based on recent Carbon Trading Workshop held in Vientiane. Link the planted forest guideline development with the current work on emerging Carbon Markets in Asia. How will carbon markets assist the development of a viable planted forest sector in Lao. What are the carbon market opportunities for planted forest development (afforestation / reforestation). Investigate planted forest site selection criteria against maximised carbon market potential. National acceptance of the carbon market potential. National guidelines implemented.

4. Develop a list of planted forest benefits and associated nominal values in dollar terms based on community consultation, incorporate the secondary planted forest values into the guidelines to allow integration of society values with commercial focus, where possible.

Planted forest Investors (Stora Enso, Burapha, Oji), Lao Trade Committee, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, MAF, DOF, External Marketing Experts, Timber Processing Industries (sawmills, manufacturers), local communities/land owners, Forest Managers, NGOs







Principle 7:

Recognition of social and cultural values

Lack of community consultation has resulted in negative community impacts and a damaged Planted Forest sector.

Planted forest development in Lao successfully integrates community values with land-use planning and ensures that concessions meet internationally responsible Planted Forest management principals.

    1. Local community values recognized in areas targeted for Planted Forests investments.

    2. Opportunities and capacity increased for local communities and smallholder investors to benefit through adequate planning, management and use of Planted Forests.

3. The needs of smallholder Planted Forest investors are to be recognised in terms of tenurial rights, training, extension, research, access to markets and benefit-sharing.

    4. Planted Forest investors are required by law to provide locally engaged community personnel with training, PPE & employment conditions that meet with Internationally recognised sound labour practices for promoting good practices.

    5. Strengthen education, health care and other social services in areas adjoining Planted Forests.

Identify community values (i.e. traditional knowledge, religious values and customary rights) and their application to Planted Forest development. Map the community values and apply these to geographical areas within Lao. Develop a GIS coverage that overlays Planted Forest priority areas with known community values as a tool for Planted Forest development. The GOL should provide opportunity for local communities to invest in smallholder forest investments and associated businesses.

Determine what opportunities exist for local communities and smallholder investors. Establish a working group to conduct two way training of local communities and smallholder investors with a view to increasing capacity and integration with Planted Forest management.

Consult with smallholder investors to understand their requirements. Identify appropriate expertise and capacity to conduct the consultation. Select target areas. Provide smallholders with the knowledge to operate on a commercially sound basis. Provide the smallholders with the necessary tools to operate on an independent basis. The GOL needs to secure the tenure rights of smallholders to provide them the necessary security to operate a business.

Seek an expert opinion to guide, H and S, PPE & employment conditions. The GOL should review the Lao Labour Laws to determine if they meet appropriate standards. Identify short-comings in current practices. Consult with communities that have been involved with Planted Forest development (poor past practice).

Planted Forest investors to provide funding towards community services as a pre-condition to Planted Forest establishment. Investors are to provide a clear management plan to undertake this work.

Planted forest Investors, MAF, DOF, External Marketing Experts, Timber Processing Industries (sawmills, manufacturers), local communities/land owners, Forest Managers, NGOs.

3. Action framework of Thailand

Principle 1. Good Governance

Principle 2: Decision Making

Principle 3: Organisational Capacity

Principle 7 & 8. Social and Cultural,

Principle 9. Environmental Services,

Principle 12. Landscape







Principle 1. Good Governance

Policy emphasises regulation and control and not encouragement

Clarify additional policy on encouragement - Protection separate from Promotion

Have Separate regulation for 1. Conservation and 2. Promotion

Set up Committee of Stakeholders to develop amendments to the current law so Conservation and Promotion are Separated

RFD, ALRO, Land Development Dept., NGO - Community Development, Parliament Committee, Industry, Political Party, Local Govt.







Principle 2:

Decision Making

Lack of Co-ordination between government and Industry

Effective co-ordination and communication between Govt and Industry

Include Joint Committee and its role in the Promotion Act

1. Specify the membership and the role and functions of the co-ordinating Committee

Industry and government representatives


2. Include formal recognition of the committee and its Functions in the Promotion Law

Industry and government representatives


Set up a Public Organisation (PO)








Principle 3: Organisational Capacity

Inadequate and out of date information - planted area, yr planted, species, regimes etc

Efficient and effective 1. data and information capture,

2. use & dissemination and

3. updating

Efficient and effective system/centre for

1. data and information capture,

2. use & dissemination and

3. updating

Set up workshop to identify

1. data required,

2. process (including updating and feedback) and the

3. budget

RFD, SPK, Dept of Agriculture, NGO - Community Development, National Stats office, Industry, Local Govt, academics, inventory consultants


Inadequate and out of date information - technical advice for small holders and

2. Inadequate process for effective information transfer via network

Successful distribution of consistent and up to date information on silviculture, inventory and management to all stakeholders - especially small holders

Extension group with regional representatives and recommended processes to distribute up to date information on silviculture, inventory and management to all stakeholders - especially small holders

1. Set up workshop to identify

i) staffing levels required and procedures to get information to all stakeholders (especially small holders)

ii) type of information - field day, information sheets, demonstration areas, technical data and the

iii) budget

RFD, Local Govt, Academics, tree farmers, consultant


2. RFD to establish policy and process for a licencing system for forestry extension staff - so consistent information provided

RFD, Local Govt, Academics, tree farmers, consultant


3. Training on a regular basis for licensed forestry extension staff - so consistent information provided

RFD, Local Govt, Academics, tree farmers, consultant







Principle 7 & 8. Social and Cultural,

Principle 9. Environmental Services,

Principle 12. Landscape

No land zoning and process to identify priority planting or forest management areas

Adoption of zoning map for tree planting with local acceptance and involvement in process

Tree planting zone Map and gazetted list of land titles in the zone

1. Identify the tree planting zone and the titles for the land in the zone

2. Identify the suitable species for regions in the zone

RFD, ALRO, Land Development Dept., Land Dept., NGO - Community Development, Local Govt.


Ineffective law enforcement of land use due to multi-agency responsibility

Efficient system of monitoring and penalties for non compliance

Clear criteria and measurable indicators to determine compliance

Set up Committee and Workshop to develop Criteria and Indicators and incorporate into legislation

Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, Ministry of Interior, Land Dept., SPK,


Lack of land owner knowledge of where to plant trees as part of appropriate sustainable land use

Successful location of trees in the landscape within the tree planting zone

Understanding by land owners of their role in the process and the suitability of species for their land

1. Training sessions for landowners and development of suitable information for landowners

Academics, landowner representatives, local administration, RFD


2. Plant according to an approved plan


3. Monitoring to determine that suitable planting is occurring (arrow shows link to related output/action)


Lack of participatory planning involving local people

Strategic management plan

Involvement of all stakeholders in the development of a strategic management plan

Develop a strategic management plan for plantation establishment involving people at each level of plan (master, regional and operational plan)

National govt (cabinet), forestry planning agencies, local government, landowners at local level







Principle 4, 5 and 6 -


Lack of funds for maintaining longer term sustainable levels of establishment of planted forests

Sustainable "revolving" fund

Long term fund

Set up committee to establish and operate fund and consider processes to develop fund

RFD, National social and economic development council, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources


Negative public attitude to the use of wood products and ignorance of non wood benefits

Increasing market demand for wood products

General acceptance of wood as a desirable and sustainable resource with many applications

Develop a promotion of "wood is good" campaign with budget for approval by cabinet

RFD, Dept of Public Relations, Ministry of Education (students), Min of NRE, National Policy, Planning and Environment Office


Confusing and inconsistent system of incentives for planted forests

Clarification of incentives and disincentives

Clear rules and regulations for the incentive system

Develop a set of clear rules and regulations for the incentive system



Limited and counterproductive inter and intra agency co-operation

More co-operative and facilitative approach both in and between agencies

A more "level playing field" for all stakeholders and greater trust between agencies

1. Formalise importance of co-operation and information sharing.

RFD, Min Naturel Ressources & Environnent


2. Establish regular workshops with senior interagency representation on mutually relevant topics


No clear agency responsibility for accessing and administering international funds

Effective system and administering of funds

Process to deliver successfully operating system

Set up project to develop an operational plan to successfully access and implementing international funding


4. Action framework of Vietnam

Principle 3: Effective organization capacity

Principle 5: Enabling environment for investment

Principle 6: Recognition of the role of the market

Principle 11: Maintenance of forest health and productivity







Principle 3:

Effective organizational capacity

Improper stakeholder consultation process on decision making

Dissemination/ application results of research

Lack of competent staff at various level

Lack of effective organisation/ capacity at the local level

Incompliance implementation against regulations

Improved management capacity

Proper decentralization regulation

Capacity building improved

Transparency in law/policy/ regulation enforcement at all levels

Review existing policy and regulation / recommendation and revise

Training / workshop in management capacity


Forestry legal Department

Private sectors


Forestry associations








Principle 5: Enabling environment for investment

Complicated land allocation procedure for private and foreign investors;

Unstable existing policy for investors

Unequal competition between local and foreign investors

To encourage a better investment environment

A long-term plan on planted forest development;

Stable and incentive policy for investors;

Speed up land allocation for investors

Review and revise existing forest land allocation policy;

Review and revise investment policy on forestry sector;

Establishing a long-term action plan on planted forest development;


Forestry legal Department

Private sectors


Forestry associations








Principle 6: Recognition of the role of the market

Unstable market for forest products

Lack of information on market (prices, commercial species...)

Insufficient study on raw material market

Limited accessibility to market information (particularly small householders)

Inconsistent regulation for auction-

Supply chain from planted forest growers to the market improved-

Provide access to available information channel for forest grower;

Consistent policy and regulation for timber auction

Research on forest product market, not limited to products, timber prices, market demand, etc.

Information network on market created

Strengthen current policy on regulation for auction

Department of Forestry

Research Institutes




Ministry of Trade







Principle 11: Maintenance of forest health and productivity

Low awareness among forest growers on forest health and productivity

Insufficient research on planted forest health and productivity (silviculture practices, tree breeding, soil management and use, etc);

Health and productivity of planted forest maintained

Awareness on suitable silviculture practices and species for forest health and productivity among forest growers improved;

Sufficient results from research on planted forest health and productivity available for use;

Conduct research on soil management/ silvicultural practices and tree breeding;

Training / workshop on technical transfer to forest grower;

Department of Forestry

Forest science institute of VN-Forestry universities

Private sectors


Forestry association

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