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Annex V. Logical frameworks

1. Logical framework of China


Design summary


Data sources



    Sustainable planted forest management



    - Balance the institutional, economic, social/cultural, environmental and landscape dimensions of the planted forest management,

    - Enhance the sustainable development of planted forest in China within 5 years


    - Chinese Gov., the public and private sector have a common wish to formulate, accept and implement the National Guidelines on Responsible Management of Planted Forest


    1. National Guidelines on Responsible Management of Planted Forests

    1. National guidelines been formulated;

    2. Workshops at national and regional level be held

    -Baseline analysis,

    -Users' evaluations,

    -National guidelines,

    -Two participate list of workshop


    2. Awareness education and capacity building on responsible planted forest management

    3. Pilot Projects in northern, middle and southern part of China

    3. Training courses involving multi-stakeholders be held

    4. Totally 1800 ha demo site established (500 ha Protective PFs, 600 ha agro-forestry and 700 ha commercial forest )

    5. Technical proposal on extension of RPFM throughout the country

    -Two documentary on workshop

    -Three participate list of training courses

    -Three documentary on training courses

    -Database and website on the M&E of PFM

    - Database of demonstrative area on social, economic and natural resources

    -1800 ha experimental plot



    1.1. Complete an analysis report on the planted forest management status and trends

    - Report on the planted forest management status and trends

    - The draft guidelines

    - Feedbacks of stakeholders

    - The final guideline

    - Documentation of national and regional workshop with 100 participants involved


    1.2 Develop and finalize National Guidelines on Responsible Management of Planted Forest


    2.1 Organize two workshops


    2.2. Organize three training courses

    - Organize three training courses with over 300 multi-stakeholders


    3.1 Carry out FS on pilot project sites in north, middle and south china.

    3.2 Activities design and multi-stakeholders process

    3.3 Implementation of the project

    3.4 M&E

    3.5 Project impacts evaluation

    3.6 Models formulation

- Feasibility study reports be provided;

- Participatory forest management plan be completed 1800 ha planted forests managed according to guidelines of RPFM

-Progress reports on the implementation

-Monitoring and evaluation reports

-Product development and market study

- Develop the code of models

-The codes could be approved by SFA and FAO

- Conclusive technical proposals on extension


2. Logical framework of Lao PDR


Design summary



Data sources



Sustainable Planted Forest Management

Planted forest managed sustainable



The GOL gives sustainable planted forest management a priority. Funding is available.


Concessions and landuse planning approaches are redrafted to incorporate community and environmental aspects with effective plantation management principals.

Redrafted concession and landuse planning approaches integrating effective community and environmental management into sustainable planted forest management are completed and accepted by the GOL


"GOL, WG & SC for planted forests, local community, planted forest sector, NGOs"

The GOL gives sustainable planted forest management a priority. Funding is available.


“Transparency, participation and recognition of the roles of non-governmental stakeholders in decision-making encouraged without coercion.”

NGS provide input to the planted forest guidelines without coercion.

Continued commitment by the WG & SC.

Surveys of stakeholders.

“Gov,t support.”

“All aspects of land concessions and land titling are reviewed by the DOF, NLMA & MAF to enable responsible planted forest expansion with concession being monitored to maintain access for local communities whilst plantation sites are appropriate and tied to land use zoning.”

Redrafted concession and landuse planning approaches integrating effective community and environmental management into sustainable planted forest management are completed and accepted by the GOL


“GOL, WG & SC for planted forests, local community, planted forest sector, NGOs”

The GOL gives sustainable planted forest management a priority. Funding is available.

Guidelines for responsible management of planted forests are being formulated.

WG provide bi monthly updates on progress


All stakeholders guided by the WG & SC

GOL supports the formulation of guidelines

“ Scientific evidence is being used to weigh the risks, opportunities, costs and benefits of planted forests in relation to conservation and sustainable development.”

Robust scientific methods are incorporated into the guidelines and planted forest sector.


“GOL, Forest experts, WG & SC, consultants, planted forest sector.”

Scientific information is available and relevant to the situation in Laos.

National laws and agreements are comprehensive and being followed.

WG & SC undertake a field inspection to determine if national laws and agreed procedures are being adhered to at the district and village level.

Continued commitment by the WG & SC.

Surveys of stakeholders.

National laws and agreements are sufficiently constructed to allow


Through the existing INGO network the WG distribute a one page summary of the Chaingmai planted forest workshop

"Summary delivered to the INGO by, meeting time agreed, ppt display given "


Working group

WG can complete the summary and has the time. Work in CM is important and supported by the GOL

Seek input from NGOs.

The NGOs provide comment on the papers presented and have provided preliminary input.



NGOs have time available and are interested in the project.

Lao Tree Planting Association to consult with NGS as per the NGOs.

The LTPA has the necessary framework from the WG supported by the SC to conduct the consultation with the NGS. By end of August 2008

31 July 08 & 31 August 08


NGOs have time available and are interested in the project.

A single point of contact.

The SC nominates a single point of contact



Point of contact supported

"Consensus reached between the Gov't agencies at all levels concerning concessions and land use (How the concessions should be granted, who to, what size area, over what land classification, who shall manage the process, who grants the concessions etc) and a document produced on the consensus for distribution. Gov,t encouraged to consults with investors and other stakeholders. "

The SC produces a document listing the consensus view of the GOL in relation to land concessions.


"SC & GOL through NLMA, MAF & DOF"

That the GOL has the capacity to reach a consensus

" The Gov,t through its provincial and district authorities has an improved capacity to monitor, manage and enforce the concession agreement. "



"Department of Land Management, "


Ensure that appropriate funding is available to conduct the work.

Donor found




The Lao Planted Forest Working Group makes a detailed presentation of the Log frame to the Lao PF Steering committee.

Steering committee understands the log frame.



SC available to meet.

The steering committee be requested to give comment and direction as to proposed future actions and endorsement of the framework by 22 February 2008.

SC give appropriate guidance to the WG and endorses the framework or makes appropriate changes.



SC available to meet.

The WG and SC determine what funding is available to progress the guideline development and implement a clear process to seek the funding

Funding sources are determined



Funding will be available

Key stakeholders outside of the WG and SC be given the opportunity to comment on proposed action/s.

Comments received.


All stakeholder

That the other stakeholders are willing to support the process

"The working group find out what data sources are available in terms of scientific support for planted forest development (seek Internet sources, talk to FAO, review FAO documents, "

A comprehensive set papers are collected and available to guide the process.


"Internet, existing publications, consultants, experts, forest managers."

That Forestry related data will be readily available and relevant to operations in Lao.

" Talk to the DOF and review the detailed report compiled in 2007 on the state of planted forest in Lao ""Stephen Midgley report for DOF""). "

DOF is clear on how they want to progress the findings within the detailed report and provide a summary of actions.



That the GOL wants to act on the findings of the report.

Plantation investors be made to complete detailed feasibility studies for submission an consideration by the GOL prior to planted forest investment.

The WG guided by the SC is able prepare an outline feasibility study criteria that will be the basis for plantation investment and endorsed by the GOL



Criteria are clear and supported by the GOL

"Revise the Law and Regulations relevant to planted forests (labour law, land concession decree, environmental impact assessment decree, environmental protection law) to check consistency against the proposed planted forest guiding principals."

WG with the guidance of the SC is able to review relevant laws and compile a report that highlights areas that may need further attention. GOL act on recommendations.



GOL can complete the review in a reasonable timeframe.

3. Logical framework of Thailand


Design summary


Data sources



    Sustainable Development of Planted Forest (consider Social, Environmental, Economic)

    Decreasing wood imports and increasing use of domestic plantation products and contribution of forestry sector to GDP increase by 1°k. Environmental indicators improve.

    National Social and Economic Development Council Report

    Need participation from industrial sector in using wood within Thailand.

    Public and other industries to contribute positively to environmental improvement.


    Increased planted forest in suitable zones for wood production, with associated environmental and social benefits

    0.5 M ha within 5 years

    Research Report of the research project on forest monitoring

    Assume fire protection systems are efficient and effective


    1. Improved land use Suitable Tree Planting zone map approved by policy makers

    Production of zoning map 1M rai/year

    Report of committee on zoning

    Assume stable government and adoption of proposal by parliament. Agreement and support by local communities.

    2. Efficient Management Systems

    Achieving indicator goals as listed for each sub outcome


    Approval of budget with sufficient funds to fully implement.

    3. Successful Tree plantations

    0.5 M ha within 5 years


    Sufficient budget funds, land, seedlings and labour to fully implement plan.

    4. Improved Rural Socio- Economic conditions

    Use the area planted as a surrogate indicator


    Availability of suitable labour supply in each region.


    1.1 Develop Zoning Map for tree planting

    Production of zoning map- 1 M rai/year


    Co-operation and support from coral community and budget approval.

    1.1.1 Feasibility study to develop concept and process for producing tree planting zone map


    1.2.1 Workshop to obtain stakeholder support for adoption of zoning and revision


    1.3.1 Parliamentary approval of zoning process.


    1.4.1 Gazettal of approval and process and public relations to promote process


    1.5.1 Setting up zoning project


    2.1 Develop improved legislation

    Gazettal of legislation within 3 years

    Project Report

    Support for workshop and parliamentary approval for outcomes to be made law within time frame.

    2.1.1 Workshop to detail the approach for improved forestry law


    2.1.2 Set up committee to implement Workshop outputs and produce amended legislation


    2.2 Establish Tree Planting organization (PO)

    Set up PO within 2 years

    Project Report

    Stable govt, so Cabinet approval in time. RFD support

    2.2.1 Conduct a series of national seminars to obtain public support for PO


    2.2.2 Setting up Committee to launch process for the establishment of PO


    2.2.3 Propose plan for cabinet approval


    2.2.4 Enact by gazettal


    2.3 Establish the office/process of private forest extension (NGO)

    Set up within 2 years

    Project Report

    Stable govt, so Cabinet approval in time. RFD support

4. Logical framework of Vietnam


Design summary


Data source



Sustainable planted forest management and poverty alleviation in Vietnam

    - Forest cover and quality increased

    - poverty rate reduced


Supported by MARD


Effective management and development of planted forests

    - Management capacity improved

    - Productivity and health of planted forests improved


    - Good collaboration among related partners

- Funding secured


    1. Capacity building for related

    staff improved;

    2. Accelerated land allocation for all investors by improved GIS planning tool;

    3. Knowledge on suitable

    silvicuture practices for forest health and productivity among forest growers improved;

    4. Forest grower access to market info improved

    - Capacity of National, 2 pilot eco zones' staff are improved

    - 80 % of forest land allocated in 2010

    - Report/manual on soil management/silvicutural practices and tree breeding

    - Research result transferred to forest growers in 2 eco-zones

    - Forest growers in 2 eco-zones access market info (website, reports, manual, booklet)



    1. Training/ workshop in management capacity

    Report on training needed assessment

    - 1 training course annually

    - Introductory workshop

    - Final workshop

    - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

    - Afforestation projects

    - related org. willing to cooperate

    - Funding secured

    - Permission by MARD, MoNRE

    - Funding secured

    2. Improved GIS database on available land for forest plantation;

    - Forestry land data collected and analyzed

    - Database available

    - 1 workshop conducted

    - Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment (MoNRE)

    - Department of forestry and Department of Natural Resource and Environment at provincial level

    - National and international scientific publications

    - Department of Forestry, Forest Science Institute of VN, Forestry University of VN, Department of Forestry at provincial level


    3. Research and application

    3.1 Conduct research on soil management/ silvicutural practices and tree breeding;

    3.2 Training / workshop/ technical transfer to forest growers and technical staff;

    Report/manual on soil management/silvicultural practices and tree breeding

    - 1 workshop on research results

    - 1 training course for Gov. staff

    - 5 training courses for forest growers

    - Min of trade

    - MARD

    - Related projects, companies, traders, forest growers

    - International websites: WTO, FAO, NTFP, ITTO, etc

    - Gov staffs and forest growers interested

    - Funding secured

    4. Market development

    4.1 Research on forest product market, not limited to products, timber prices, market demand, etc.

    4.2 Information network on market created;

    - Report/publications on market trend of planted forest product

    - Website on timber market

    - Booklet, newsletter

    - 1 workshop


    Free market accepted by GOV

    - Related research institutions willing to take the major role

    - Funding secured

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