CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status

Programme 1A: Governing bodies

Regular Programme   (USD 000)  
  Net Appropriation 7,794  
  Actual Income 81  
  Adjusted Programme of Work 7,875  
  Expenditure at budget rate 9,278  
  Variance of expenditure (Over)/Under (1,403)  
Extra budgetary Support to the Regular Programme   974  
Field Programme  
  Extra budgetary Support to Field Programme/Assistance to Member Countries 0  
  Extra budgetary funded Emergencies 0  
  TCP and SPFS delivery 0  
  Total Field Programme delivery 0  
Total Expenditure   10,252  

Type of Output Approved in PWB Cancelled/ Postponed Unplanned Delivered Total Delivered Delivered Unmodified Delivered Modified Percent Delivered
Information exchange and coordination 0 0 1 1 1 0 0%
Provision of services to staff, departments and members 9 0 0 9 9 0 100%
Total 9 0 1 10 10 0 111%

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
1AP01 Organization of the Conference and Council sessions and Interdepartmental Coordination of Governing Bodies sessions Continuing Service KCC

Expected Benefits

  • Ensuring that the governance process of FAO is carried out according to established rules and practices.


  • Organization of FAO Conference sessions, planning and management of facilities, logistical support and the budget
    • Hours of staff overtime for Conference sessions
    • Percentage of main documents dispatched according to established deadlines
  • Organization of FAO Council sessions, planning and management of facilities, logistical support and the budget
    • Hours of staff overtime for Conference sessions
    • Percentage of main documents dispatched according to established deadlines
  • Support to Finance Committee sessions and management of facilities, logistical support and the budget
    • Committee Secretariat evaluation of the support provided
    • Percentage of main documents dispatched according to established deadlines
  • Support to Programme Committee sessions and management of facilities, logistical support and the budget
    • Committee Secretariat evaluation of the support provided
    • Percentage of main documents despatched according to established deadlines
  • Support to sessions of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters management of facilities, logistical support and the budget
    • Committee Secretariat evaluation of the support provided
    • Percentage of main documents dispatched according to established deadlines
  • Coordination and Support to sessions of other Governing and Statutory Bodies and Regional Conferences
    • Committee Secretariat evaluation of the support provided
    • Percentage of main documents dispatched according to established deadlines
  • Liaison with FAO Members and Divisions on matters relating to Governing Bodies
    • Hours required to provide assessment on a specific request
    • User evaluation of the support provided

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • An auto-evaluation by the Conference, Council and Government Relations Branch (KCCO) highlighted the difficulties of reconciling the demand-driven requirements of the governing bodies with diminishing resources. The challenge of carrying out core governance functions against a backdrop of declining resources and associated downsizing engendered new approaches to cost-cutting such as: limiting despatch of documents to Rome-based addressees, with the exception of Programme documents, which are still mailed to capitals; the May 2006 Programme Committee decisions to set word limits for reports of evaluations, and that these be presented to the Committee in summary with the full text made available in the original language on the FAO Web site (CL 131/11, paras 62 and 63); the convening of the June 2007 Council over five rather than six days; earlier purchase of air tickets for Council members that request them, and the tendency for most developed countries to refrain from requesting them; a continued trend for more succinct documentation for governing body sessions (a 17 percent overall reduction in words) and closer follow up on submission/clearance of documents to improve Web-posting times. Digital recording technology for the production of Conference and Council verbatim records proved successful, cutting production time and opening avenues for further streamlining, not least as regards the secondment of over 40 staff members. The digitalization of verbatim workflow resulted in a 20 percent reduction in turnaround time and a saving of US$13 500, offsetting investment in equipment and software and resulting in a recurrent biennial saving of at least US$22 000 (at 2006-07 costs).

Programme 1B: General direction

Regular Programme   (USD 000)  
  Net Appropriation 9,600  
  Actual Income 492  
  Adjusted Programme of Work 10,092  
  Expenditure at budget rate 10,466  
  Variance of expenditure (Over)/Under (374)  
Extra budgetary Support to the Regular Programme   0  
Field Programme  
  Extra budgetary Support to Field Programme/Assistance to Member Countries 0  
  Extra budgetary funded Emergencies 0  
  TCP and SPFS delivery 0  
  Total Field Programme delivery 0  
Total Expenditure   10,466  

Type of Output Approved in PWB Cancelled/ Postponed Unplanned Delivered Total Delivered Delivered Unmodified Delivered Modified Percent Delivered
Other 1 0 0 1 1 0 100%
Policy and legislative advice 1 0 0 1 1 0 100%
Provision of services to staff, departments and members 3 0 0 3 3 0 100%
Total 5 0 0 5 5 0 100%

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
1BP02 Legal Services Required for the Management of the Organization Continuing Service LEG

Expected Benefits

  • Ensuring that FAO's activities are carried out on a sound legal and constitutional basis, consistent with the Basic Texts and the status of FAO as an intergovernmental organization of the UN system.


  • Advice to the Director-General, technical and administrative departments, and Governing Bodies of the Organization on legal matters including relations with the host government and with other governments and international organizations
    • Positive feedback to advice provided
  • Preparation and follow-up, from the legal point of view, of international legal agreements at the global and regional levels, as well as provision of legal assistance in their implementation
    • Effective participation in agreements negotiations and follow-up
  • Performance of the Director-General's depositary functions regarding a number of international treaties
    • Performance of the Director-General's depositary functions
  • Services to the World Food Programme (WFP) Secretariat and Executive Board
    • Appropriate and timely advice to the WFP on matters involving the immunity of the Programme and representation and advice on complaints filed by WFP staff before the International Labour Organization (ILO) Administrative Tribunal

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • In line with the ongoing, reactive nature of the activities of the Office, work under this programme entity has included support to governing bodies and technical statutory bodies; follow-up of preparation and implementation of international legal instruments; handling of host government matters at headquarters and regional, subregional and country offices; and relations with governments and international institutions. Activities under this programme entity also included the preparation of legal opinions on a wide range of topics, at times novel and complex in nature; review of project agreements and other agreements related to field activities; performance of depositary functions exercised by the Director-General in respect of conventions, treaties and agreements concluded under article XIV of the FAO Constitution and conventions and agreements concluded outside the framework of FAO for which the Director-General exercises depositary functions; representation of FAO in legal/judicial proceedings; and opinions and assistance on legal aspects of personnel servicing. Special attention was given to servicing the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures and regional fisheries bodies, as well as activities related to ongoing reforms in FAO.

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
1BP03 Support to CCLM Continuing Programme Activity LEG


  • Advice on constitutional and legal matters.


  • Advisory documents

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • Support to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) included: preparation and review of documents regarding the revision of the Statutes of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission; streamlining of membership rules of the open committees of the FAO Council; access by Members to reports of the Office of the Inspector-General; matters relating to personal status for purposes of staff entitlements; amendments of the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization for the adoption of Russian as a language of the Organization; and financial disclosure requirements for designated staff members of the Organization, including amendments to the Staff Regulations. In addition, a complex process was undertaken to change the nature of an FAO statutory body established under Article XIV of the Constitution into a body outside the framework of FAO (change in status of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission).

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status