CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status

Programme 8A: Capital Expenditure

Regular Programme   (USD 000)  
  Net Appropriation 4,724  
  Actual Income 6,081  
  Adjusted Programme of Work 10,805  
  Expenditure at budget rate 12,484  
  Variance of expenditure (Over)/Under (1,679)  
Total Resources   12,484  

Type of Output Approved in PWB Cancelled/ Postponed Unplanned Delivered Total Delivered Delivered Unmodified Delivered Modified Percent Delivered
Information products, systems, databases 0 (1) 1 0 0 0 0%
Other 1 (1) 0 0 0 0 0%
Provision of services to staff, departments and members 4 0 0 4 4 0 100%
Total 5 (2) 1 4 4 0 80%

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
8AA02 Corporate Administrative Applications Project - Non-Tech KCT

Expected Benefits

  • The continued development and supportability of the major Financial, Human Resource and other administrative systems that underpin the Organization's mandate will be ensured.

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • The server infrastructure to support FAO the Administrative Resource Management Systems was upgraded with a major expansion of the storage area network, providing the additional disk space and back-up capacity required to improve system performance and to support the roll-out of the Human Resources Management System (HRMS). In addition, a number of servers were implemented to replace obsolete applications infrastructure hardware, enhancing the use of open-source software and improving performance and reliability. The upgrade of the Travel system was deferred to 2008-09.

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
8AA03 Server Software and Client Access Licenses for HQ and ROs Project - Non-Tech KCT

Expected Benefits

  • The provision of well-supported server software for all headquarters and Regional Office users.

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • The release of the next generation of Windows server and e-mail software was deferred by Microsoft until 2008; hence only limited capital expenditure funding was required in order to perform an initial evaluation of the Windows Vista desktop. This evaluation was successfully completed and will form the basis for the Vista desktop roll-out in 2008-099. The first two phases of a project to deploy desk-to-desk e-mail to FAO Representations was successfully completed; during 2007, successful deployment missions to 19 offices were performed, distributed across all regions. These offices represent the highest priorities on a priority list specified by the Office for Coordination and Decentralization (OCD), and work is programmed to continue in 2008-09. (A similar activity is also being performed in all new subregional offices, but does not form part of this project).

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
8AA04 IT Support to Meetings Project - Non-Tech KCT

Expected Benefits

  • The continuation of reliable audiovisual and SIE services in headquarters meeting rooms and the ability to reticulate meetings between different meeting places.

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • The obsolete and unsupported central audiovisual system in the Plenary Hall was replaced by a new system, improving the efficient management of events in the Plenary and significantly enhancing technical quality and reliability. The simultaneous interpretation and speaker microphone facilities in the Mexico Room, which had become unusable in 2005, were replaced and the Mexico Room now meets the required standards for interpreters to be able to work effectively. An additional interpreter position was installed in the German Room, and interpreter monitors were installed in the Lebanon Room, Red Room and Malaysia Room, enabling interpreters to see images of the faces of speakers or of on-screen displays used by speakers.

Programme Entity Title Type Lead Division
8AA07 Electronic Document Management System Project - Non-Tech AFD

Expected Benefits

  • By developing a system of maintaining paper records electronically, paper flows can be significantly reduced within the Organization and will enabling the use of, for example, electronic sign-off procedures on HR related actions. The initial phase of this project will be to undertake a study and prepare a business case for the initiative.

Achievements, Success Stories and Lessons Learnt

  • Work under this programme entity was completed successfully with the development of an electronic document management system that is now being put to use in digitizing personnel files for remote access and use.

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status