CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status

Programme 8A: Capital Expenditure

Programme Entity 8AA02: Corporate Administrative Applications

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Update of administrative applications infrastructure
  601 Upgraded corporate administrative servers Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Upgrade of Travel System
  601 Replacement Travel system Other   Postponed
004   PIRES Integration with budget monitoring and HRMS

Programme Entity 8AA03: Server Software and Client Access Licenses for HQ and ROs

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Updated Microsoft network and email software for Headquarters and Regional Offices
  601 Upgraded HQ and RO Windows and Email software Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 8AA04: IT Support to Meetings

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Updated Simulataneous Interpretation and Audio-Visual equipment
  601 Updated HQ Meeting Rooms Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 8AA07: Electronic Document Management System

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Identification of Electronic Document Management Systems for FAO
  601 Electronic Document Management System Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status