CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status

Programme 5A: Oversight

Programme Entity 5AP02: Internal Audit, Inspection and Monitoring of the Organization's System of Internal Control and Financial Management

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Defined planned internal audit reviews as per the biennial work programme
  601 Headquarters audits Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Decentralised audits Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Special assignments and investigations Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 New Local Audit Programme Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Unplanned internal audit reviews and investigations in response to management requests and changing priorities
  604 Headquarters unplanned reviews Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Decentralised unplanned reviews Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  606 Special assignments and investigations unplanned reviews Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Provision of independent advice to senior management at headquarters and decentralized locations and participation in various committees and working groups
  607 Advice to management Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 5AP03: Independent Evaluation

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Evaluations for Governing Bodies (Programmes and Strategies)
  601 Evaluations of Programmes and Strategies for the Governing Bodies (5) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Support to Independent Evaluation Commissioned by the Members of FAO, including the IEE, Multilateral Desert Locust Evaluation etc. (4) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Field Programme Evaluation
  602 Revised Field Programme Evaluation Procedures Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Project Evaluation Reports (30) Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  604 Country Programme Evaluations (2) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
004   Evaluation Follow-up, Organizational Learning and Internal Studies
  601 Evaluation feedback - Support to Organizational planning and programming Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  607 Evaluation Website Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  608 Maintenance of Evaluation Summaries and Data Bank Information products, systems, databases   Completed

Programme 5B: Programme and budget services

Programme Entity 5BP01: Support to results-based programme planning, budgeting, implementation monitoring and reporting

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
002   Programme planning and budgeting
  601 Production of MTP document content. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  602 Provision of Policy Framework for proposal development. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Review and clearance of changes to the FAO programme structure. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Training and on-going support to divisional planning. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Review of programme prioritization and formulation in accordance with results based principals; revision based on Senior Management and Member feedback. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  606 Programme entity and outputs database for Internet. Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  607 Production of SPWB and PWB document content Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  608 Servicing at least 4 Programme Committee Sessions and Joint Meeting sessions including production of documentation Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  609 Providing support to the Council as regards Programme Committee and Joint Meeting matters Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
005   Implementation monitoring and reporting
  601 Issuance of annual institutional allotments Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Monitoring of expenditure against institutional allotments Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Central monitoring of: emerging programme and financial management priorities under the RP, under/over budgeted activities, support cost reimbursements, actual versus standard staff costs, and currency split Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Preparation of budgetary performance reports for Senior Management and Governing Bodies Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  605 Preparation of support costs reports for Senior Management and Governing Bodies Information products, systems, databases   Completed
  606 Central monitoring and development of: new or streamlined policies for emerging programmes financed by voluntary contributions, related financial management priorities and support costs Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
006   Methodological and financial support to individual auto-evaluations
  601 Support to Auto-evaluation in the non-technical and technical cooperation departments Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Regular reports and auto-evaluation summaries for the Programme Committee Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
  603 Auto-evaluation guidelines and procedures updated for technical programmes, and adapted to non-technical programmes and PAIAs Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Annual progress reports and reviews Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  605 Auto-evaluation results placed on FAO website Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
007   Information Systems for Planning, Programming and Budgeting (PIRES)
  601 Enhancements/support for revised PWB 2006-07, MTP 2008-13 and PWB 2008-09 Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Enhancements/support for distribution and revision of allotments 2006 and 2007 Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Enhancements/support for workplanning, implementation monitoring and annual assessment Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  604 Enhancements/support for PIR 2004-05 Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Enhancements/support for auto-evaluation Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
008   JIU Liaison
  601 Comments of the Director-General on JIU reports Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Progress report on implementation of recommendations of past JIU reports Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed

Programme Entity 5BS02: Support to multi-disciplinary action

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Central Support to PAIAs
  601 Consolidated assessments for Management, based on annual progress reports from PAIA groups Other   Completed
  602 Allotments to PAIA groups, based on approved level in PWB Other   Completed

Programme 5C: Financial services

Programme Entity 5CP01: Central Accounting and Financial Reporting

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
110   Accounting support to field and project offices
  601 Timely and complete imprest input/submission by FAOR Offices and Projects Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Financial Operation support to field offices Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Efficient operation of the Field Accounting System (FAS) and FAS software training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Revise "Financial and Administrative Manual for FAO Representatives" Information products, systems, databases   Postponed
120   Compliance with financial rules and regulations
  601 FAOR imprest return desk review Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Local Audit Program Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
130   Field Programme financial procedures: guidance, review and support
  601 Project agreement formulation assistance and support Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
140   Maintenance of and reporting on project accounts
  601 Project call for funds support. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Maintain project data reference files and related information Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
150   Financial statement preparation for audit
  601 Financial Statements for external audit, Management Reports and Financial Analysis of the Organization including external donor reporting Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
160   Maintenance of accounts of the Organization
  601 Maintain accounts of the Organization including relevant accounting records and General ledgers Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Clearing account reconciliation and monitoring Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
170   Maintenance of functional aspects of financial systems
  601 Manage Financial, Budget, Project and Cost Accounting Systems of the Organization Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 ORACLE Financials Upgrade Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 PDRF Project Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 5CP02: Financial Operations and Systems

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
110   Management and execution of all organizational payments
  601 Invoice Processing Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Payment Processing Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Overview of Field Paying Agent Instructions Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Maintain vendor bank records Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
120   Management of external receivables and Member Country contributions
  601 Manage Member Nation Receivables Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Manage Other Receivables Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
130   Management of staff receivables
  601 Manage Staff Receivables Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
140   Cash receipts and disbursements
  601 Process Cash Receipts and Disbursements Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
150   Salary and entitlement calculation, verification and disbursements
  601 Process Payroll Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Distribution of Payslips and Issue of Payment Instructions Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Maintain Payroll Payment Instructions Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Staff servicing Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
160   Management and co-ordination of financial systems configuration, access, testing and other system related activities
  601 Manage System Change Request Process and functional testing Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Maintain System Configuration Documentation Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Control of Access to the Financial Systems Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Interface and Systems Assurance Monitoring Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Chart of Accounts Maintenance Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
170   Coordination of responses to Internal and External Audit Reports and Management Letters
  601 Coordinate and Draft Responses to Internal and External Audit Reports and Management Letters Information products, systems, databases   Completed
180   Maintenance and communication of policies and procedures
  601 Maintain and Communicate Authoritative Policy and Procedures Statements Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 5CP03: Treasury Operations

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
110   Cash and currency management
  601 Cash and Currency Management Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Developing a Centralized Banking Database Other   Postponed
  603 Implementation of Regional Banking Strategy for non-HQ accounts Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  604 Review Corporate and Retail Banking Needs Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
120   Investment management
  601 Investments and Portfolio Management Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme 5D: Human resources management and staff welfare

Programme Entity 5DP01: Health and Medical Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Provision of Health and Medical Services
  601 Provision of health services Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFD   Completed
  602 FAO implementation of UNMS avian human influenza contingency plan Other AFD   Completed

Programme Entity 5DP02: Human Resources Legal Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Administration of the Appeals Procedure
  602 membership of appeals committee Other   Completed
200   Advice in employment law
300   Administration of the Disciplinary Procedure

Programme Entity 5DP03: Human Resources Policy, Planning and Inter-Agency Activities

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Human Resources Planning
  601 Developing systems to support human resources (workforce) planning, both from a demand and supply viewpoint through continuing work on the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) project Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  602 Maintain the existing PERSYS system and reference tables to ensure its proper operation during the period of development of the new HRMS Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
200   Support to System Processes and Administrative Activities
  601 Provide support to UN system processes and special projects, in particular, to participate (in consultation with the FAO WGPRA) in the development and approval process through ACPAQ and ICSC of the place-to-place cost-of-living survey conducted in Rome in October 2004 and to ensure the timely implementation of the survey result Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Provide support to UN system processes and special projects, in particular, to participate (in consultation with the LSSC with representation of the administrations and staff of the three Rome-based agencies) in the development and approval process through ICSC and FAO Council of the general service salary survey conducted in Rome in November 2004 and to ensure the timely implementation of the survey result Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
300   Policy Formulation and Administrative Manual Development
400   UN Common System Activities

Programme Entity 5DP04: Organizational Development and Staffing

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Professional Recruitment
  601 Monitor outcome of recruitment missions Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
200   General Service Recruitment and Staffing
  602 Complete GS review Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Provide advice and guidance on good recruitment practices (on interview practices) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed
  604 Pro-active recruitment - update distribution lists for VAs for targeted countries Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
300   Organization structures and Post Management
  604 Develop set of core post descriptions for smoother implementation of Oracle HRMS Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed

Programme Entity 5DP05: Staff Development and Learning Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Development and delivery of staff development and learning programmes
  100 Office of Chief, AFHO Other   Completed
  310 Professional and Technical Training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  320 Language and Communications Training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  330 Management and Supervisory Training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  340 Redeployment and Other Training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Modified
  601 Development of Integrated Competency Framework including core, managerial and professional competencies Other   Completed
  602 Development and delivery of targeted development programmes in support of the integrated competency framework: i.) Management Development Centre and Learning Programme, ii.) Technical/Professional Development Programme and iii.) General Service Development Programme Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Modified
  603 Establishment of a professional certification programme in facilitation to support an in-house corps of facilitators providing facilitation services at organized meetings and events Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Continued development and delivery of Field Programme development learning opportunities to staff in the decentralized offices e.g., Project Cycle Overview Course (PCOC) and relevant modules that address the issues of cost-effectiveness and efficiency gains in the operation and implementation of the field programme Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Development and delivery of a tailored, role-based training programme for staff across the Organization in the pre/during/post release phases of the HRMS system Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Modified
200   Competency and skill assessment and testing

Programme Entity 5DP06: Provision of Social Security Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Life and medical insurance
  601 Putting up the medical insurance contracts for international tendering to ensure that the Organization and its staff are obtaining value for money for the contracted services. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
200   Pension matters
  601 Developing new systems and tools, including self-service functions, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Pension Fund to reduce the time delay to 32 days in processing participants' requests while reducing associated costs. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
300   Staff Compensation Plan
  601 Implementing revised policies governing eligibility and applicability of the staff compensation in cases of service-incurred incidents. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Enhancing the process of case-review and decision-making on recognition of service-incurred incidents through introduction of new computer tool to ensure that only genuine cases/treatments are granted the appropriate benefit in a timely fashion. Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Postponed

Programme 5E: Procurement

Programme Entity 5EP01: Procurement

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
110   Purchasing units
  601 Purchasing units Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
120   Contracts units
  602 Contracts units Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
130   Processing and control unit
  603 Processing and control unit Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed

Programme 5F: Management of premises

Programme Entity 5FP01: Provision of Central Records Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
110   Records management and archives
  601 Records management and archives Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
120   Mail, Pouch and Document Distribution
  602 Mail, Pouch and Document Distribution Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed

Programme Entity 5FP02: Facilities Management Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
110   Housekeeping services
  601 Housekeeping services Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
120   Facilities maintenance
  602 Facilities maintenance Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
130   Facilities projects
  603 Facilities projects Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
140   Utilities and supplies
  604 Utilities and supplies Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed
150   Work safety and security
  605 Work safety and security Provision of services to staff, departments and members AFS   Completed

Programme 5G: Meetings and language services and protocol

Programme Entity 5GP01: Official Correspondence

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Management of all Official Correspondence, including that of the Director General's office
  601 Production of meeting-related correspondence Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Production of correspondence for the signature of the Director general Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Stipulation of Host Country Agreements with FAO Members hosting sessions, consultations and workshops Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Maintenance of the directory of official channels of communication and development of web platforms for electronic despatch of meeting-related correspondence Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Management of a documentation and reference database for Intergovernmental Organizations and processing of correspondence related to external meetings
  601 Maintaining and updating of the IGO database and processing of correspondence related to external meetings Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 5GP02: Programming of meetings at Headquarters and in the Field

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Programming and planning of FAO meetings at headquarters and in the field and of the related meeting documentation
  601 Management , monitoring of meeting schedule of FAO conferences, sessions and training activities (through the Session Programming Form system) and production of daily, weekly and monthly schedules Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Management of document workflow (through the e-DPR) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Support and maintenance of Information Systems related to meetings and document workflow (e-DPR, SPF, Meeting rooms, Registration) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Management of and support to the registration of delegates attending meetings at Headquarters Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Coordination and supervision of facilities for meeting at headquarters and provision of support to non-FAO meetings held on FAO premises
  601 Servicing of non-FAO meetings organized on FAO premises (coordination, financial management and delegates' registration) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Booking of meeting rooms and offices and supervision of furnishing and set up of meeting rooms and offices Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Management of contracts for temporary staff providing support to meetings Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme Entity 5GP03: Provision and monitoring of FAO language services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Terminology and language support services
  601 Preparation, management and dissemination of language resources (glossaries, FAOTERM database, Names of Countries database) Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Preparation and maintenance of translation memories and multilingual document corpora for pre-processing of documentation, and test and implementation of information technology tools in support of multilingualism Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Liaison with UN System, other intergovernmental organizations, universities and civil society with regards to the implementation of language technology, services and training Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Translation services for meeting documentation, selected major publications and other non-meeting documentation
  601 Coordination, administrative and cost-efficient financial management of FAO translation services and monitoring of timely delivery and completeness of documents across languages Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Interpretation services at headquarters and in the field
  601 Coordination, administrative and cost-efficient financial management and quality control of FAO interpretation services Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Management of contracts for temporary external interpretation staff Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
004   Printing services for meeting documentation, selected major publications and other non-meeting documentation
  601 Coordination, administrative and cost-efficient financial management and quality control of FAO internal printing services Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Test and implementation of digital printing technologies for on-demand printing Other   Completed

Programme Entity 5GP04: Protocol Services and Liaison with Permanent Representatives

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
001   Provision and monitoring of protocol services to Permanent Representations and meetings of Members, and maintenance of a Ministerial database
  601 Ensuring Protocol services pertaining to official visits and management of high level courtesy correspondence Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Management of all aspects of the Presentations to Permanent Representatives and provision of briefings to newly appointed Permanent Representatives and FAO Representatives Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Improvement of the updating and information management of Ministerial List and on-line list of Permanent Representatives accredited to FAO Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
002   Issuance and renewal of UN Laissez-Passer, identity cards and visas
  601 Processing of documents for travel and identification for all staff members in FAO, WFP and UNOPS Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Liaison and administrative assistance for the 28 Independent Permanent Representatives and for FAO, WFP and UNOPS staff with regards to privileges and immunities Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
003   Meetings of Regional Groups
  601 Organization of and provision of support to the Meetings of Regional Groups Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

Programme 5H: Shared services

Programme Entity 5HP01: Provision of Management Support Services

Major Output Biennial Output Title Type Contributing Divisions (Lead Division in bold) Status
100   Management of the MSS
  601 Manage the operational branches of the MSS Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Maintenance of MSS Registry Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Support to the ADG/AF on substantial issues Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  604 Responsible for administration of Intranet content Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  605 Responsible for administration of the Duty Officer Scheme; administration of forms; overall LMS administration Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  606 Implementation of SSC Budapest Other   Completed
200   Provision of Personnel Services
  601 Provision of Personnel Services Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  602 Provides information, advice and guidance to departments and FAO staff concerning rules, regulations and established procedures in all personnel administration matters Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Set remuneration levels for initial appointment of consultants, SSAs and RLAs Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
300   Provision of financial services
  601 Financial Support group provides online internet assistance to divisional budget holders and transaction initiators Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
  603 Provides journal processing; secondment processing; Letters of Agreement and Overtime processing Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
400   Provision of travel services
  601 MSS travel group provides travel operations support for the whole of Organization, including travel systems administration and shipping and insurance operations Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed
500   Provision of Training Courses
  602 Provides training courses - the MSS will focus its efforts on providing limited training to budget holders through budget holder courses and PBR training courses Provision of services to staff, departments and members   Completed

CUBATable of ContentsTable of ContentsProgramme Entity 2KP01 Output Status