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  1. Collections funded by FAO's Regular Programme contribution for the collection of forest tree seed:

    1. February 1977 - Bendoc, Victoria

      A total of 3.1 kg of seed of E. nitens was collected from 8 trees in a brief, 3 day field trip.

    2. June 1977 - Southern N.S.W., north-eastern Victoria

      A trip of 3 days duration resulted in the collection of 1 provenance of E. viminalis and 1 provenance of E. globulus spp. maidenii. The total seed weight obtained was 2.1 kg.

    3. July 1977 - Northern Territory and Kimberleys, W.A.

      To meet the consistently high demand for seed of northern provenances of E. camaldulensis, a 3 week trip was undertaken to north-western Australia. Seed was obtained from 82 individual trees from 17 provenances of E. camaldulensis including a special 20 tree collection at Gibb River, W.A. for FAO/UNEP ex situ conservation stand establishment. Two small collections of E. alba seed were also obtained. The total quantity of seed collected was 29.4 kg.

    4. August 1977 - Central Queensland

      A total of 2.5 kg of seed was collected from 4 provenances of E. camaldulensis and 1 provenance of E. leucophloia in a two week excursion.

    5. October 1977 - Gippsland, Victoria

      A two week field trip encompssing both east and west Gippsland resulted in seed collections of 7 provenances of E. nitens, 4 provenances of E. viminalis, 3 provenances of E. glaucescens, 2 provenances of E. cypellocarpa and 1 provenance each of E. sieberi, E. dalrympleana and E. kitsoniana. The total weight of seed was 2.1 kg.

    6. November 1977 - North Queensland

      The main objective of this two week trip was to collect seed of a northern provenance of E. grandis suitable for ex situ conservation stand establishment. The party was successful in obtaining a 27 tree collection of E. grandis in a good quality stand south of Ravenshoe, along with provenance collections of E. cloeziana, E. resinifera, E. intermedia, E. phaeotricha and E. polycarpa. The total seed weight collected was 5.9 kg.

  2. Collections funded by the FAO/UNEP contribution towards seed collection for genetic conservation:

    1. January 1977 - Katherine, N.T.; Petford and Mt. Garnet, North Queensland

      This expedition of approximately three weeks duration proved to be a highly successful one. The party returned with a 40 tree collection of E. camaldulensis from the Katherine area, a 49 tree collection of E. camaldulensis from the Petford area and a 29 tree collection of E. tereticornis from south-west of Mt. Garnet. The total weight of seed collected was 41.5 kg.

    2. July 1977 - Northern Territory, Kimberleys, W.A.

      The remainder of the UNEP grant was used to partly fund this trip, as a special 20 tree collection of E. camaldulensis was made at Gibb River; see (A) 3.

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