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Concerning IUFRO and the sharing of knowledge

Concerning IUFRO and the sharing of knowledge

The International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) was founded in 1891-92 with the aim of rationalizing research techniques, standardizing systems of measurement and promoting international cooperation in forestry research. Today IUFRO has a membership of 10 000 scientists and 500 institutes from 85 countries. In addition to following its original aims, IUFRO represents an important level of scientific coordination undertaken by scientists themselves. It represents, therefore, not only the scientist's constant search for knowledge about life, but a sense of responsibility about the wise use of this knowledge: that it should not be used in isolation, but that it should be shared as much as possible. Mankind can only benefit from such a view and from such efforts.

This new UNASYLVA section for research news will appear from time to time and will carry news about IUFRO. It does not, however, replace or carry all the information of the IUFRO News, which is the organization's own newsletter.

First of all, we present the structure of IUFRO and the names of scientists in charge of various divisions and research groups. We do so not merely to support IUFRO, with which FAO has had a long association, but to give to our readers a useful and convenient tool for making international contacts as directly and personally as possible. Further information about IUFRO and its activities may be had by contacting the IUFRO in Vienna.

The Editor

Executive board of IUFRO

Prof. Walter Liese

Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst-und-Holzwirtschaft
Leuschnerstr. 91 D2050 Hamburg 80, Fed. Rep. Germany

Prof. Taisitiroo Satoo

Department of Forestry
University of Tokyo
Tokyo 113, Japan

Prof. Ivar Samset

Norwegian Forest Research Institute
N-1432 Aas-NLH, Norway

Mr. Otmar Bein

IUFRO Secretariat
Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt
A-1131 Wien, Austria

Dr. Viljo Holopainen

The Finnish Forest Research Institute
Unioninkatu 40A
SF-00170 Helsinki 17, Finland

Dr. René Brunet

Centre technique du bois
10, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
F75012 Paris, France

Dr. Zygmunt Patalas

Forest Research institute
ulica Wery Kostrzewy 3
PL-02 366 Warszawa, Poland

Prof. Ervedo Giordano

Instituto di Silvicoltura della Facoltà di Agraria
Università degli Studi Bari
Via Amendola 165/A
1-70126 Bari, Italy

Dr. Robert Buckman

US Forest Service Washington, DC 20013, USA.

Prof. Newton Is. da Silva Carneiro

Universidade Federal do Parana
Facultade de Florestas
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

Dr. Dominic E. Iyamabo

Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria
Moor Plantation
Private Mail Bag 5382
Ibadan, Nigeria

Prof. Ali Yachkaschi

Faculty of Natural Resources
University of Tehran
Karadj, Iran

Dr. Colin Bassett

NZ Forest Service, Private Bag
Wellington, New Zealand


Dr. Nicolay A. Moisseev

State Forest Committee
Lesteva 18
Moskwa, USSR.

Prof. Ulf Sundberg

S-770 73 Garpenberg, Sweden

FAO Representative

Dr. M.A. Flores Rodas

Assistant Director-General
Forestry Department FAO
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Roma, Italy


Dr. Mitsuma Matsui

Government Forest Experiment Station
Meguro, Tokyo, Japan

The structure of IUFRO¹

(¹ Groups of missing numbers have been cancelled.)

Division 1 - Forest Environment and Silviculture

CO-ORDINATOR: D. Mlinsek, Yugoslavia

DEPUTY: C.P. van Goor, Netherlands

Ecosystems (S1.01.00) (H. Mayer, Austria)
Virgin forests (01) (H. Mayer, Austria)

Silvicultural problems in mountain regions (02) (E. Ott, Switzerland; P. Piussi, Italy)

Physiological aspects of forest ecology (04) (W. Tranquillini, Austria)

Landscape ecology (05) (A.J. van der Poel, Netherlands)

Tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems (06) (E.F. Bruenig, FRG)

Natural parks, national parks and wilderness (07) (C. Berntsen, USA)

Site (S1.02.00) (S.P. Gessel, USA; R. Richard, Switzerland; M. Matsui, Japan)

Fertilization (01) (K. E. Rehfuess, FRG; W.L. Pritchett, U SA)

Soil moisture regime and aeration of soils (02) (vacant)

International comparison of results of chemical analysis (03) (J. van den Burg, Netherlands; W.O. Binns, UK)

Influence of clearcutting on site (05) (D. Cole, USA)

Site classification (06) (:D. Burger, Canada; K. Kreutzer, FRG)

Quantitative studies of site factors (07) (S.P. Gessel, USA; W. Kilian, Austria)

Foliar analysis and its interpretation (08) (J.B. Reemtsma, FRG)

Environmental influences (S1.03.00) (A. Baumgartner, FRG

Atmospheric environment (01) (K. Perttu, Sweden; L.W. Gay, USA)

Forest hydrology (02) (H.M. Keller, Switzerland; J.A. Hayward, New Zealand)

Torrents, snow and avalanches (S1.04.00) (G. Kronfellener-Kraus, Austria)

Torrent erosion and control (01) (H. Ishibashi, Japan)

Snow and avalanches (1)2) (H. in der Gand, Switzerland)

Stand establishment, treatment and amelioration (S1.05.00) (H. Oswald, France; W.M. Stiell, Canada)

Afforestation of peatland and extremely wet soils (01) (L. Heikurainen, Finland)

Afforestation problems in arid and sub-arid regions (02) (S. Mestrovic, Yugoslavia; M.A. Ogigirigi, Nigeria)

Treatment of young stands (03) (H.P. Lang, Austria; J. Huss, FRG)

Characterization of plan material (04) (H. Schmidt-Vogt, FRG)

Thinning experiments (05) (P. Abetz, FRG)

Multiple-use silviculture (06) (W. Doolittle, USA)

Use of herbicides (07) (A. Bonnemann, FRG; Christiane Volger, FRG)

Natural stand regeneration (08) (S. Purcelean, Romania; S. Skoklefald, Norway)

Improvement and conversion of degraded and coppice stands (09) (R. Giannini, Italy)

Monospecific coppice stands in short rotation (10) (J. Marquestaut, France)

Biological productivity (S1.06.00) (A. Vins, Czechoslovakia; C.L. Brown, USA)

Tropical silviculture (S1.07.00) (A. Pieters, Belgium; J.L.J. Groulez, France)

Structure of tropical rain-forests (04) (with S1.01.06) (vacant)

Natural regeneration of tropical rain-forests (05) (J.E.D. Fox, Australia)

Enrichment and conversion of tropical forests (06) (vacant)

Agroforestry (07) (vacant)

Silviculture of mangrove forests (08) (vacant)

Widlife habitat management (S1.08.00) (R.C. Steele, UK; K. Eiberle, Switzerland; F.L. Bunnell, Canada)

Effects of forest management on wildlife habitats (01) (F.L. Bunnell, Canada)

Characterization and classification of wildlife habitats in forests (02) (J. Kikkawa, Australia)

Assessment of economic and social values of wildlife in forests (03) (W. Sommerlatte, FRG) Forest fire research (S1 .09.00) (P. Delabraze, France; Philpot, USA)

Land classification (P1.02.00) (with Division 4) (vacant)

Nursery problems (P1.04.00) (with Division 3) (C. Glerum, Canada; D.S.M. Donald, South Africa)

Arboriculture and urban forestry (P1.05.00) (with Divisions 2, 3, 4 and 6) (J.W. Andresen, Canada)

Division 2 - Forest plants and forest protection

DEPUTIES: E. Donaubauer, Austria; H. Gerbold, USA; Hagman, Finland

Physiology (S2.01.00) (D.A. Rook, New Zealand; M. Giertych, Poland)

Reproductive processes (05) (S.L. Krugman, USA; O. Hunhtinen, FRG; A. Dunberg, Sweden)

Seed problems (06) (M. Simak, Sweden; S.K. Kamra, Sweden; S. Asakawa, Japan)

World directory of tree physiology workers (08) (G.N. Brown, USA)

Xylem physiology (10) (P. Denne, UK; G.P. Berlyn, USA)

Shoot growth physiology (11) (A.C.H. Little, Canada; M.G.R. Cannell, UK, D. Lavender, USA)

Canopy processes (12) (T.A. Black, Canada; P.G. Jarvis, UK; E.D. Schulze, FRG)

Root physiology and symbiosis (13) (E. Hacskaylo, USA; A. Riedacker, France; R. van den Driessche, Canada)

Species, provenances, and gene resources (S2.02.00) (H. garner, Denmark; R.H. Kemp, UK; J.F. Lacaze, France; V.I. Jermakov, USSR)

Dendrology (01) (B.T. Styles, UK; L.D. Pryor, Australia)

Conservation of gene resources (02) (L. Roche, UK; B.A. Ola-Adams, Nigeria)

Species monographs (03) (M. Vidakovic, Yugoslavia; D. Funk, USA)

Douglas-fir provenances (05) (Y. Birot, France; O. Sziklai, Canada)

Contorta pine provenances (06) (R. Lines, UK; J. Remroed, Sweden)

Larch provenances (07) (R. Schober, FRG; J. Sindelar, Czechoslovakia; S. Asada, Japan) Tropical species provenances (08) (H. Keiding, Denmark; P.J. Wood, UK; W.H.G. Barrett, Argentina; S.P.K. Britwum, Ghana)

Eucalypt provenances (09) (L. Pederick, Australia; K. Diabate, Ivory Coast; M. Raggabi, Morocco)

Poplar provenances (10) (R. Koster, Netherlands; J. Jokela, USA; S.P. Ivannikov, USSR; S.Y. Shim, Republic of Korea)

Norway spruce provenances (11) (P. Krutzsch, Sweden; S. Kociecki, Poland)

Sitka spruce provenances (12) (J. O'Driscoll, Ireland; K. Illingworth, Canada)

Mediterranean conifer provenances (13) (R. Morandini, Italy; M. Arbez, France)

Abies provenances (14) (A.M. Fletcher, UK) Breeding (S2.03.00) (J. Burley, UK; H.B. Kriechel, USA; S. Chiba, Japan)

Breeding tropical species (01) (D.G. Nikles, Australia; G.A.O. Ojo, Nigeria)

Breeding white pines (02) (H. Kriebel, USA; Emma de Vecchi-Pellati, Italy; H. Saho, Japan)

World directory of geneticists and tree breeders (04) (H. Nienstädt, USA)

Breeding Scots pine (05) (S. Bialobok, Poland; C. Matyas, Hungary)

Breeding nut species (06) (V. Benca, Romania; M. Jovanovic, Yugoslavia; D. Funk, USA)

Breeding poplars (07) (V. Steenackers, Belgium; E. Avanzo, Italy; L. Zsuffa, Canada; N.V. Starova, USSR)

Breeding Pinus radiata (09) (A.R. Griffin, Australia; R. Burdon, New Zealand; R.N. Delmastro, Chile)

Breeding Eucalyptus (10) (J. Davidson, Papua New Guinea; G. van Wyk, South Africa; A. Brune, Brazil; K. Eldridge, Australia)

Breeding Norway spruce (11) (J. Kleinschmit, FRG; V. Enescu, Romania)

Certifying genetic worth of forest reproductive materials (12) (R. Koster, Netherlands; H. garner, Denmark)

Genetics (S2.04.00) (G. Nawkoong, USA; C.J.A. Shellbourne, New Zealand)

Population and ecological genetics (01) (C. Franklin, USA)

Breeding theory (02) (A. Nanson, Belgium; M. Arbez, France)

Progeny testing (03) (J.F. Kraus, USA; M. Wilcox, New Zealand)

Biochemical genetics and cytogenetics (05) (P.T. Feret, USA; H.J. Muhs, FRG; L.C. Saylor, USA)

Genetic resistance to insects and diseases (S2.05.00) (B. Soeegaard, Denmark; R.F. Patton, USA)

Resistance of pines to blister rust (01) (G.I. McDonald, U.S.A.)

Resistance of elms to diseases and insects (H.M. Heybroek, Netherlands; D.T. Lester, USA)

Resistance of poplars to diseases (03) (M. Ride, France)

Resistance of poplars to insects (04) (G.M. Arru, Italy)

Resistance of pines to Melampsora pinitorqua (05) (F. Moriondo, Italy; T. Kurkela, Finland)

Pathology (S2.06.00) (B.K. Bakshi, India; C.S. Hodges, USA)

Root- and butt-rot in conifers (01) (G. Wallis, Canada; I. Dimitri, FRG)

Canker diseases - Scleroderris (02) (J. Gremmen, Netherlands; D. Skilling, USA) Biological control (03) (J. Rishbeth, UK; D.H. Marx, USA)

Needle diseases (04) (C.S. Millar, UK; G. Peterson, USA)

Mistletoes (05) (F. Hawksworth, USA)

Dutch elm-disease problem (06) (J.N. Gibbs, UK; J. Peacock, USA)

Phytophthora and related diseases (07) (F D. Podger, Australia; D.H. Marx, USA) World directory of forest pathologists and entomologists (08) (L.R. Anderson, USA; H.O. Batzer, USA)

Mycoplasma diseases of forest trees (09) (S.P. Raychaudhuri, India)

Rusts of pines (10) (Y.J. La, Republic of Korea; H.R. Powers, USA)

Diseases of Eucalyptus (11) (M.S. Reis, Brazil)

Pine diseases in the tropics (12) (I.A.S. Gibson, UK; M. Odeyinde, Nigeria)

Phytosanitary regulations and quarantines (13) (D.H. Phillips, UK)

Entomology (S2.07.00) (R. Stark, USA; A. Bakke, Norway; F. Kobayashi, Japan)

Cone and seed insects (01) (H.O. Yates, USA; D. Singh, Malaysia)

Integrated control of Hypsipyla species (02) (R.I Gara, USA; G. Budowski, Costa Rica) Integrated control of Hylobius species (03) (H.H. Eidmann, Sweden; J.A. Nord, USA) Integrated control of Scolytid barkbeetles (05) (L. Safranyik, Canada; P. Carle, France) Population dynamics of forest insects (06) (A.A. Berryman, USA; W. Baltensweiler, Switzerland)

Pine insects in the tropics (07) (H. Schumutzenhofer, Austria; A. Yamane, Japan)

Damage by vertebrates (S2.08.00) (R. Dzieciolovski, Poland; A. Myllymäki, Finland; W.H. Lawrence, USA)

Air pollution (S2.09.00) (J. Materna, Czechoslovakia; T. Inoue, Japan; W. Knabe, FRG)

Air quality criteria and risks (03) (W. Knabe, FRG; S. Linzon, Canada)

Effects of acid precipitation (05) (L.D. Dochinger, USA; R. Horntvedt, Norway)

Management of forests under pollution stress (06) (K.F. Wentzel, FRG; V. Tesar, Czechoslovakia; E. Pelz, GDR; M. Solar, Yugoslavia)

Methodology of foliar analysis (07) (K. Stefan, Austria; H.G. Dässler, GDR; J.J. Jacobson, USA)

Physiological indicators of air pollution (08) (G. Halbwachs, Austria; H.J. Jäger, FRG; T. Keller, Switzerland)

Physiological basis of resistance (09) (S.J. Godzik, Poland; H.G. Dässler, GDR)

Methods, of forest mensuration in diagnosis and evaluation (10) (J. Pollanschütz, Austria; J. von Platen, FRG)

Host parasite interrelationship (11) (Z. Sierpinski, Poland; E.B. Cowling, USA)

Resistant species and varieties (12) (F. Scholz, FRG; D. Karnosky, USA)

Indicator species and varieties (13) (A.C. Posthumus, Netherlands; A. Costonis, USA) Pesticides (S2.11.00) (W. Lanz, FRG)

Interaction between site factors and destructive agents (P2.01.00) (with Division 1) (K. Shea, USA:; G. Page, Canada; Y. Mashimo, Japan) Productivity of plantation forestry with fast growing species (P2.02.00) (with Divisions 1, 3, 4 and 5) (A. van Laar, South Africa; H. do Amaral Mello, Brazil; J.H. Cayford, Canada)

Eucalypts (01) (R.N. Cromer, Australia) Pines (02) (E. Shoulders, USA)

Impacts of destructive agents (P2.03.00) (D. Schvester, France; A. Yamane, Japan; G. Weste, Australia)

Division 3 - Forest operations and techniques

CO-ORDINATOR: M. Bol, Netherlands
DEPUTY: K. Putkisto, Finland

Harvesting and transports (S3.01.00) (T.C. Bjerkelund, Canada; S. Yamawaki, Japan) Harvesting machines and methods under non-mountainous conditions (01) (P.O. Nilsson. Sweden; B.Y. Richardson, USA; R. Grammel, FRG)

Harvesting machines and methods in mountainous regions (02) (H.H. Lysons, USA; V. Staud, Czechoslovakia; G.V. Wellburn, Canada)

Long distance transport of wood products (04) (K. Wibstad, Norway; A.E. Hakkarainen, Finland)

Forest roads (I. Herpay, Hungary; M. Kamiizaka, Japan)

Operational methods in the establishment and treatment of stands (S3.02.00) (S.E. Appelroth, Finland; G. Laryukhin, USSR; S. Okawara, Japan)

Stand establishment (01) (L. Riley, Canada; C.G.R. Chavase, New Zealand)

Stand treatment (02) (C.E. McGee, USA; P.O. Baeckstroem, Sweden)

Operational planning and control: work study (S3.04.00) (H.H. Höfle, FRG; S. Nilsson, Sweden)

Planning and control (01) (T.J. Corcoran, USA; W. Heij, Netherlands)

Work study; payment; labour productivity (02) (A. Whayman, UK; H.I. Winer, Canada) Forest operations in the tropics (S3.05.00) (T. Haarlaa, Finland; W.A. Shoo, Tanzania) Harvesting and wood utilization (P3.01.00) (with Division 5) (P. Hakkila, Finland; J.R. Erickson, USA; P. Dietz, FRG)

Ergonomics (P3.03.00) (T. Vik, Norway; J.H. van Loon, Netherlands; W. Fibiger, Poland)

Vibrations (01) (S.A. Axelsson, Sweden, J.E. Hansson, Sweden; Ohsato, Japan)

Psychosocial problems (02) (B. Gardell, Sweden; P.L. Cottell, Canada)

Accidents (03) (J. Wenel, Austria; B. Strehlke, FRG)

Ergonomics in the timber industry (04) (B. Ager, Sweden; C. Boye, Denmark)

Division 4 - Planning, economics, growth and yield, management and policy

DEPUTIES: D. Johnston, UK; J. Zivnuska, USA

Mensuration, growth and yield (S4.01.00) (J. Fries, Sweden; J. Pollanschütz, Austria; T.C. Honer, Canada)

Mensuration of forest biomass (01) (H. Madgewick, New Zealand; C. Grier, USA) Estimation of increment (02) (K. Johann, Austria; D. Bruce, USA)

Design of experiments (03) (H.L. Wright, UK; J. Fries, Sweden)

Growth models for tree and stand simulation (04) (T.G. Honer, Canada; N. Decourt, France)

Instruments (05) (D. Bruce, USA; C. von Essen, Sweden; B. Hellrigl, Italy)

Forest resource inventory (S4.02.00) (T. Cunia, USA; K. Kuusela, Finland)

Resource data in tropical countries (01) (A.J. Nash, USA)

Resource data in temperate countries (02) (K. Kuusela, Finland)

Forest inventory on successive occasions (03) (P. Schmid, Switzerland; W.E. Frayer, USA) Application of' electronic data processing, to forest inventory (04) (W. Schöpfer, FRG; I.E. Barnard, USA)

Forest management planning and managerial economics (S4.04.00) (R. Magin, FRG; I. Eraslan, Turkey; A. Lundgren, USA)

Inventory of stands (01) (J. Marschall, Austria; H. Sterba, Austria)

Stands, site types and management targets (02) (A. Priesol, Czechoslovakia)

Management methods with respect to the function of forest (03) (F. Carcea, Romania) Managerial economics and planning systems (04) (W.R. Leuschner, USA)

Economics at national and international level (S4.05.00) (vacant)

Evaluation of the contribution of forestry to economic development (01) (A.J. Grayson, UK; I. Holland, USA)

Forecasting of roundwood supply (02) (L. Lönnstedt, Sweden)

National income accounting (03) (L. Heikinheimo, Finland)

Forestry policy (S4.06.00) (P. Riihinen, Finland; A.J. Grayson, UK)

Effectiveness of policy measures as applied to small woodlands (01) (V.P. Järveläinen, Finland)

Effective policies for stimulating investment in forestry and forest industries in developing countries (02) (H.J. von Maydell, FRG; H. Gregersen, USA)

Forest taxation (03) (W. Kroth, FRG; E.T. Williams, USA)

Economic, technological and environmental aspects of wood substitution (P4.01.00) (with Division 5) (D.N. Quinney, USA; J.F. Saeman, USA)

Economics and harvesting of thinnings (P4.02.00) (with Divisions 1 and 3) (H. Kramer, FRG; C.J. Bredberg, Sweden; A. Berg, USA

Thinning and mechanization (01) (P.T. Brenoee, Denmark; C.M. Kerruish, Australia) Economics of spacing and thinning (02) (A. Berg, USA; J. Ph. Schütz, Switzerland) Economics of recreation on forestry and human environment (P4.03.00) (with Divisions 1 and 6) (E. Gundermann, FRG; H.F. Kaiser, USA)

Economics of afforestation and reforestation (P4.04.00) (with Divisions 1 and 3) (M. Keltikangas, Finland)

Steering systems (P4.07.00) (with Division 3) (D.I. Navon, USA; G. von Malmborg. Sweden)

Division 5 - Forest products

CO-ORDINATOR: W.E. Hillis, Australia

DEPUTY: R.W. Kennedy, Canada; J.G. Sunley, UK

Wood quality (S5 01.00) (P.R. Larson, USA; H. Polge, France)

Formation of wood (01) (J.M. Harris, New Zealand; R.K. Bamber, Australia)

Natural variations in wood quality (02) (J. Bauch, FRG; T. Higuchi, Japan)

Biological improvement of wood properties (04) (P.O. Olesen, Denmark)

Wood properties desired by end-users (05) (J.D. Brazier, UK; M. Chudnoff, USA)

Bark properties and utilization (06) (H.E. Wahlgren, USA; B. Lönnberg, Finland)

Wood engineering (S5.02.00) (J.G. Sunley, UK; B. Madsen, Canada)

Mechanical properties (01) (J.G. Sunley, U K) Structural utilization (02) (J.G. Sunley, UK) Time and moisture effects (O. Brynildsen, Norway)

Wood protection (S5.03.00) (M. Fougerousse, France; J.F. Levy, UK)

Protection of solid wood and wood-based materials (01) (M. Fougerousse, France)

Protection of wood in storage (03) (P. Nylinder, Sweden)

Performance of wood in fire (04) (I. Stanke, FRG)

Biodeterioration of wood (05) (J.F. Levy, UK) Wood processing (S5.04.00) (R.A. Hann, USA; H. Bednar, Austria)

Slicing and veneer cutting (04) (A. Rivera, Venezuela)

Panel products (05) (E. Kes, South Africa) Drying (06) (J.A. Kininmonth, New Zealand; A. Schneider, FRG)

Wood gluing (07) (R.H. Gillespie, USA; S. Chow, Canada)

Milling and machining (08) (G. Pahlitzsch, FRG; B.C. Klamecki, USA)

Properties and utilization of tropical woods (P5.01.00) (D. Noack, FRG; R.L. Youngs, USA; F. Tamolang, Philippines)

Characteristics and properties to be evaluated (02) (D. Noack, FRG)

Systems of information exchange (03) (J.M. Yavorsky, USA)

Collection and assembling of sources of information (04) (J. Morellet, France)

Industrial use of tropical timber (05) (R.L. Youngs, USA)

Energy from forest biomass (P5.03.00) (with Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6)

Production and utilization of bamboo and related species (P5.04.00) (with Divisions I, 2, 3 and 4) (T. Higuchi, Japan)

Division 6 - General subjects

DEPUTY: L. Strand, Norway

Forest landscape, recreation and tourism (S6.01.00) (H. Heytze, Netherlands; G. Moeller, USA)

Documentation and information (01) (N. Stout, USA; H. Köpp, FRG)

Landscape management and environment (02) (R. Zundel, FRG; B.R. Litton, USA; A.F. Mitchell, USA)

Planning methodologies (03) (G.H. Elsner, USA; A.A.H.C. van Onzenoort, Netherlands)

Social studies (04) (M.H. Orrom, UK; P. Brown, USA)

Statistical methods, mathematics, and computers (S6.02.00) (W.G. Warren, Canada; A. Roeder, FRG)

Information systems and terminology (S6.03.00) (S. Schrader, FRG; T.B. Yerke, USA)

Multilingual forestry thesaurus (01) (J. Bouchon, France; T.B. Yerke, USA)

Multilingual forestry terminology (02) (R.K. Winters, USA; J.I. de la Maza, Spain)

Technical information systems related to forestry (03) (S. Schrader, FRG; Mary B. O'Hara, USA)

Information retrieval for forest products (04) (A.B. Brauner, USA; H. Bednar, Austria) Training of research workers in scientific methodology (S6.04.00) (H.C. Dawkins, UK) Remote sensing (S6.05.00) (C.R. Heller, USA; G. Hildebrandt, FRG; D.A. Stellingwerf, Netherlands)

Management of forestry research (S6.06.00) (D.L. Bosman, South Africa; J.H. Ohman, USA)

History (S6.07.00) (M. Devèze, France; A. Schuler, Switzerland; H. Rubner, FRG)

XVIIth IUFRO World Congress announced for Kyoto in 1981

The International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) has announced that it will hold its XVIIth World Congress in Kyoto, Japan, from 6 to 19 September 1981.

A week of conferences and discussions is to be followed by post-congress tours to various parts of the country for the purpose of gaining an understanding of Japanese forestry as well as general conditions of the country.

Host of the Congress will be the Japanese IUFRO Congress Council, which is made up of representatives of Japanese forestry organizations, including the national Forestry Agency, federal and local forestry research institutes, universities, academic societies and several professional associations.

Kyoto, picturesque and ancient capital of Japan, is located about 500 kilometres from Tokyo, a three-hour journey by fast express train. The theme of the Congress is "Research today for tomorrow's forests". The address of the Congress is:

XVIIth IUFRO World Congress Secretariat
PO Box 2
Ushiku, Ibaraki, 300-12

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