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Over the past few years, a number of provenances from throughout the natural range of Pinus patula have been collected by the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales (INIF), Mexico.

A total of 17 provenances from the above collections have recently been made available for the establishment of international provenance trials, to be coordinated by INIF, under the auspices of FAO. Seed from the collections will be distributed to interested countries free of charge, subject to availability.

If you are interested in receiving seed for testing from the above collections, please contact INIF directly, with a copy of the request the the Director, Forest Resources Division, FAO (Via delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00100 Rome, Italy). The request should give the following information: (i) number of sites available; (ii) latitude, longitude, altitude; climatic conditions; soils; existing vegetation of the site(s); (iii) information on earlier introductions of the species; (iv) information on phytosanitary etc. permits required for the importation of the seed.

The requests should be addressed to:

Director General
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales
Atención: Jefe, Depto de Plantaciones
Avenida Progreso No.5
Coyoacán D.F. 04100, Mexico.

(Note: A Circular announcing the availability of seed has already earlier been distributed by FAO's Forest Resources Division to Member Governments and potentially interested institutes; the Circular was dated April 1982).

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