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Anón. 1981 Proceedings of the 2nd International Round Table Conference on Dipterocarps. Malaysian Forester, abril y julio 1981 (Número especial).

Anón. 1981 Programme: Colloque International sur la culture “in vitro” des essences forestières. IUFRO Sect. S2 01 5 (Processus de Reproduction). Colloque avec la collaboration de l'AFOCEL (Domaine d'Etançon, 77370 - Nangis, Francia).

Anón. 1981 New Zealand Conservation Strategy. Soil and Water, agosto/octubre 1981, pp. 19–21

Anón. 1981 Symposium on clonal forestry. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Uppsala, Swede April 8–9. 1981. Rapporter och Uppsatser no. 32. Swedish University of Agric. Sciences, Dept Genetics, S- 770 73 Garpenberg. Suecia. 131 pp.

Armstrong, J.A. Powell, J.M. y Richards, A.J. 1982 Pollination and Evaluation. Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia. 172 pp. (15 dólares de Australia)

Arts, W. y Kofman, P.D. 1980 The use of a seed harvester for the collection of acorns. Rijksinstituut voor onderzoek in de bos - en landschapsbouw “De Dorschkamp” Wageningen. Mededeling nr. 183 (En holandés, con resumen en inglés).

Ayling, R.D. y Martins, P.J. 1981 The growing of eucalypts on short rotation in Brazil. The Forestry Chronicle 57(1): 9–16

Bastide, R. y Gama, A. 1981 Des aspirateurs légers pour le ramassage des graines forestierès au sol. Bulletin Technique no. 13: 49–57. Office National des Forêts, 4 Avenue Saint-Mandé, 75012 Paris.

Bellefontaine, R., Raggabi, M. y Nanson, A. 1979 Expérience internationale d'origines d'Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn., dispositif de Sidi Slimane (Maroc). Annales de la recherche forestière au Maroc 19-1979-1399. (Station de recherches des Eaux et Forêts, B-1990 Groenendaal-Hoeilaert, Bélgica. Separata no. 99).

Bhumibhamon, S. 1981 Fast-growing trees, the main wood supply in the tropics. Paper presented at the 3rd IFS General Assembly, Chiang Mai, November 8–15. 1981 (Dept of Silviculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 9, Tailandia).

Bhumibhamon, S. y Komasatit, N. 1981 Possible estimation of pollen production in Pinus kesiya seed orchard. En: 10-year Report of the Thai-Danish Pine Project (Dept of Silviculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 9, Tailandia).

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Boland, D.J. y Turnbull, J.W. 1981 Selection of Australian trees other than eucalypts for trials as fuelwood species in developing countries. Australian Forestry 44 (4): 235–246.

Boontawee, B. 1981 Fuelwood species assessment activity in Thailand. Paper presented at Workshop, ‘Fixing Criteria for Mass Selection of Fuelwood Species’, Los Baños, Philippines (Division of Silviculture, Royal Forest Department, Bangkhen, Bangkok 9, Tailandia).

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Bramlett, D.L. y O'Gwynn, C.H. 1980 Recognizing developmental stages in Southern Pine flowering: a key to controlled pollination. Forest Service General Technical Report SE-18, USFS, South Eastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, North Carolina, EE.UU.

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Chang, B.Y. 1981 A short history of the Latin American Tree Seed Bank. Activities at Turrialba (CATIE) Vol. 2:10–14.

Chung, Min-Sup 1981 Biochemical Methods for Determining Population Structure in Pinus sylvestris L. Acta Forestalia Fennica 173: 1–28

Coutinho, S.C. 1981 Procedimentos e recomendações para o cadastro de germoplasma florestal. Documentos URPFCS - Número 7. EMBRAPA, Unidad Regional de Pesquisa Florestal Centro-Sul (Caixa Postal 3319, 80000 Curitiba PR, Brasil). 16 pp.

de Cássia Gonçalves Borges, R. y Brune, A. 1981 Estudo de heredabilidade quanto à resistência a Diaporthe cubensis Bruner em Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. Revista Arvore 5(1): 115–120

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Esquinas Alcázar, J.T. 1981 Los recursos fitogenéticos: una inversión segura para el futuro. Consejo Internacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos/Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias. Ministerio de Agricultura, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, José Abascal 56, Madrid 3, España.

Falconer, D.S. 1981 Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 2a Edición. Londres, Nueva York: Longman (9,95 Libras esterlinas).

Felker, P. 1980 Methods for acquisition, storage and evaluation of Leguminous germplasm. Paper presented at Symposium on New and Under-Utilized Biological Resources, Mendellin, Colombia. (College of Agriculture, Texas A and I University, Campers Box 218, Kingsville, Texas 78363, EE.UU.)

FAO 1981 El eucalipto en la repoblación forestal. Colección FAO:Montes No 11. FAO, Roma 723 pp. (30$ EE.UU.)

FAO 1981 Report on the FAO/UNEP/IBPGR International Conference on Crop Genetic Resources, held in Rome, Italy 6–10 April 1981. FAO, Roma.

FAO 1981 FAO/UNEP Data Book on Endangered Tree Species and Provenances. FAO, Roma.

Farnworth, E.G., Tidrick, T.H., Jordan, C.F. y Smathers, W.M.Jr. 1981 The value of natural ecosystems: an economic and ecological framework. Environmental Conservation 8 (4).

Ferreira, M. y Araujo, A.J. de 1981 Procedimientos e recomendações para testes de procedências. Documentos URPFCS - Número 6. EMBRAPA, Unidad Regional de Pesquisa Florestal Centro-Sul (Caixa Postal 3319, 80000 Curitiba PR, Brasil). 28 pp.

Frankel, O.H. y Soulé, M.E. 1980 Conservation and Evaluation. Cambridge University Press. (395 pp.)

Goudet, J.P. 1980 Plantations expérimentales d'espèces ligneuses à croissance rapide en République Gabonaise. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques No 192:35–60.

Greaves, A. 1981 Progress in the Pinus caribaea Morelet and Pinus oocarpa Schiede International provenance trials. Commonwealth For. Rev. 60 (1)

Greaves, A. 1981 A bibliography on Pinus oocarpa, covering literature from 1920 to 1980. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, Reino Unido.

Greaves, A. 1981 Gmelina arborea. Forestry Abstracts 42(6): 237–258.

Greaves, A. 1981 A Bibliography on Acacia nilotica (syn. A. arabica), covering the literature from 1869 to 1979. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, OX1 3RB, Oxford, Reino Unido.

Greaves, A. 1982 A bibliography on Gmelina arborea, covering literature from 1920 to 1981. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, Reino Unido.

Haynes, E. 1980 Dipterocarps: Annotated Bibliography No F18. Parte I: 1939–1972; Parte II: 1973–1979. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, Farnham Royal, Slough, Reino Unido (Parte I: 11,00 Libras esterlinas; Parte II: 8,80 Libras esterlinas).

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IBPGR 1979 Seed technology for genebanks. AGP:IBPGR/79/41. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources. FAO, Roma.

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King, J.P. y Krugman, S.L. 1980 Tests of 36 Eucalyptus species in Northern California. US Department of Agriculture, USFS. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Research Paper PSW - 152 (3200 Jefferson Way, Corvallis Oregon 97330, EE.UU.).

Larkin, P.J. y Snowcroft, W.R. 1881 Somaclonal variation: a novel source of variability from cell cultures for plant improvement. Theor. Appl. Genet. 60: 197–214.

Ledig, F.T. y Whitmore, J.L. 1981 The calculation of selection differential and selection intensity to predict gain in a tree improvement program for plantation-grown Honduran Pine in Puerto Rico. USDA, Southern Forest Expt Station, Research Paper S0-170. New Orleans, LA, EE.UU.

Libby, W.J., Isik, K. y King, J.P. 1980 Variation in flushing time among White Fir population samples. Annales Forestales, 8/6: 123–138. Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slavorum Meridionalium. Zagreb, Yugoslavia

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Lubrano, L. 1981 Micro-propagazione del pioppo. Cellulosa e Carta 32(12): 3–11.

Margara, J. 1981 Bases de la multiplicación végétative. Service des Publications de l'INRA (Route de St. Cyr, 78000 Versailles, Francia). 264 pp. (120 FFr.)

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