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TitleAuthorFGRI No. 1p.
Proposals for a Global Programme for Improved Use of Forest Genetic Resources
-  42 – 54
Progress in the Global Programme for Improved Use of Forest Genetic Resources
C. Palmberg105 – 16
Recommendations of the FAO/UNEP/IBPGR Meeting on Crop Genetic Resources
II. SPECIES DESCRIPTION (Including exploration and endangered species) (See also III and V)
Loblolly Pine as an ExoticB.J. Zobel and K.W. Dorman  23 – 15
The Ecology and Variation of Eucalyptus camaldulensisJ.W. Turnbull  232 – 40
The Araucaria angustifolia Gene Resource in BrazilJ. Pitcher  243 – 47
Gene Resource Conservation: Data Sheet on Eucalyptus globulusJ.W. Turnbull  310 – 12
Distribution, Ecology and Variation of Pinus brutia in TurkeyM. Arbez  321 – 33
Characteristics of Some Dry Area Eucalyptus and Other Species in Western Australia
P.C. Richmond  334 – 37
The Araucaria araucana Gene Resource in ChileT.T. Veblen and R. Delmastro N.  52 – 6
Data sheet on Cupressus duprezianaP.J. Stewart  522 – 24
Data sheet on Pericopsis elataS.P.K. Britwum  525 – 27
Data sheet on Pinus armandii var. amamianaH. Takehara  528 – 29
Data sheet on Ulmus wallichianaH.M. Heybroek  529 – 30
Location and Ecological Data of Some Provenances of Eucalyptus deglupta Blume in the Celebes and Ceram Islands - Characteristics of the Natural Stands
C. Cossalter  616 – 23
Triplochiton scleroxylon: Its Conservation and Future ImprovementM.R. Bowen, P. Howland, F. T. Last, R.R.B. Leakey and K.A. Longman  638 – 47
Agathis, a Fast Growing Conifer of the Far East Rain ForestsT.C. Whitmore  655
Eucalyptus globulus-  718
Eucalyptus globulus provenancesR.K. Orme  719 – 33
The Vanishing Almaciga (Agathis philippinensis) of Samar, PhilippinesS.C. Halos and E.B. Principe  81 – 4
Araucaria hunsteinii K. SchumannN.H.S. Howcroft  831 – 37
Tectona hamiltoniana Wall.T. Hedegart  838
Tectona philippinensis Benth. and Hook.T. Hedegart  839 – 40
Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex LambertN.H.S. Howcroft  99 – 14
Exploration, Collection and Evaluation of Cordia alliodora (R. and P.) Oken
J.W. Stead  924 – 31
Trials of Acacia mangium Willd. as a Plantation Species in SabahTham Chee Keong  932 – 35
Flowering and Seed Production of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensisC.M. Gallegos1017 – 22
Data Sheets on Species Undergoing Genetic Impoverishment: Juniperus procera
J.B. Hall1025 – 29
Botanical Revisions of Cedrela and Swietenia-1128
The Mexican Stone Pines (Pinyons) of “the Cembroides” groupM.F. Passini1129 – 33
Natural Distribution of Pinus caribaea Morelet-1133
Seed Production of Pinus caribaea 1155
(Incl. methodology of collection and seed orchard technology) (See also II and IV)
Report from an Expedition to Mexico and Central America to Obtain Seeds of Tropical Pines
E. Mortenson  12 – 5
Central American Pine Research ProjectR.H. Kemp  15 – 15
Report from a Journey to Sumatra, Thailand and India for the Danish/FAO Forest Seed Centre
H. Keiding  116 – 23
Collection of Seed in Australia 1970–71-  124 – 25
Report on Northern Territory - Kimberley Seed Collection ExpeditionJ.W. Turnbull  126 – 28
Icelandic Tree Seed Collecting Expedition in Canada and U.S.A.A. Arnason and T. Benedikz  216 – 26
Report on Provenance Collections of Pinus oocarpa and Pinus patula in Mexico 1972–73 - ( Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Mexico )
-  227 – 31
Populus trichocarpa-  253
Provenance Collections of Teak - ( Danish/FAO Forest Tree Seed Centre)
-  254 – 61
Pinus merkusii Provenance Collections 1972-(Danish/FAO Forest Tree Seed Centre )
-  262 – 63
Mediterranean Pine Seed Collections-  264
Report on Seed Collecting of Populus trichocarpa in 1972 and 1973R. Koster  338 – 39
FAO/FRI Seed Collections in Australia 1972–1973J.W. Turnbull  340 – 42
PopulusR. Koster  458
Cone Collection from Standing TreesH. Barner  465
Mediterranean Conifers-  512 – 18
Eucalyptus deglupta Blume and Araucaria cunninghamii Lambert - Provenance Seed Collections in Irian Jaya, Indonesia, 3–17 June 1975
D.J. Boland, J. Davidson and N. Howcroft  63 – 15
Gmelina arborea - International Provenance Trials Study Tour and Seed Collection in India 1976
E.B. Lauridsen  624 – 37
Storage of Hardwood SeedsF.T. Bonner  710 – 17
Proposed Seed Collection Programme 1978–79 CSIRO Division of Forest Research
-  747
Seed Collection of Pinus radiata/muricata in California-  747
Exploration and Provenance Seed Collections in Papua New Guinea 1976–77: Araucaria cunninghamii Lambert and Araucaria hunsteinii Schum.
N.H.S. Howcroft  85 – 11
Collections of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Denh. and Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Seed from Northern Australia in 1977 for Ex Situ Conservation/Selection Stands
J.C. Doran and D.J. Boland  812 – 21
Collections of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maid in North Queensland, Australia in 1977
J.C. Doran  822 – 26
Summary Report of Seed Collection, 1977 (CSIRO Division of Forest Research, Canberra)
-  827 – 28
CFI Collections of Central American Pines 1976–77-  828
Summary Report on Seed Collection and Distribution, 1976 – 78 (CTFT, France)
-  829 – 30
A Forest Tree Improvement Information SystemB. Ditlevsen  915 – 23
Provenance Collections of Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Bak. Seed in 1977–78
D.J. Boland and G.F.J. Moran  936 – 41
Seed Collections of Pinus radiata and P. muricata in CaliforniaK.D. Eldridge  944 – 45
Seed Collections of Eucalyptus microtheca-  945
Seed of Eucalyptus globulus-  950
Seed Collections, 1980 (CSIRO, Australia)-1041
Seed Collections, 1980 (Office of Forests, Papua New Guinea)-1041
Quantified Standards for Regional Clonal Seed OrchardsV. Koski1111 – 19
The Computerized Seed Store Record System of the CSIRO Tree Seed Centre, Australia
L.D. Wolf and J.W. Turnbull1120 – 28
Eucalypt Seed and Botanical Collections in PapuaJ.C. Doran and D.J. Skelton1134 – 46
Acacia mangium Seed Collections for International Provenance TrialsJ.C. Doran and D.J. Skelton1147 – 53
(Incl. information on seed centers) (See also II, III)
Supply of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Seed from Queensland, Australia
-  130
Seed Stored at the Seed Centre, Humlebaek, Denmark-  131 – 32
U.S. Forest Tree Seed Centre Established-  133
News from the U.S. Forest Tree Seed CentreJ.C. McCornell
E. Belcher
  248 – 53
Seed Exchange - India-  265
Seed of Eucalyptus deglupta and Juglans olancheana-  265
Seed of Conocarpus lancifolius-  265
Seed of Araucaria cunninghamii-  265
FAO Contribution to International Seed Procurement of Forest Trees of the USA
-  33
Seed Requests to Indonesia-  342
Seed of Exotic Pines from the Department of Forestry, Queensland-  343
Seed of Pinus patula from New Zealand-  343
Seed of Araucaria cunninghamii-  344
Araucaria cunninghamii Seed-  510
Latin American Forest Seed Bank (BLSF)-  533 – 34
Forest Tree Seed Centre in HondurasR. Kemp  536
News from Danish/FAO Forest Tree Seed Centre-  537
Gum Acacias-  538
New Forest Tree Seed Bank Established in PeruR.H. Leguía and L.O. Carbajal  647
Araucaria cunninghamii Seed-  656
Pedigreed Seed of Two Promising Eucalyptus Species Hybrids, FRI-4 and FRI-5
C.S. Venkatesh  734
IUFRO Working Party S2.02.4: Procurement of Seeds-  841
Seed of Araucaria spp. from Papua New Guinea-  841
Details of Australian Tree Seed Suppliers-  842
Sandal Research Centre, Bangalore, India-  842
Seed of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis-  842
Seed of Leucaena leucocephala-  95
IUFRO Collections of Abies procera-  942 – 43
Seed Collection and Distribution - The Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
-  946
Seed Stored at the Seed Centre, Humlebaek, Denmark-  946
Mediterranean Conifers - Seed Collection and Distribution-  947
Seed of Alnus nepalensis-1042
Seed of Populus balsamifera-1042
Seed of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis-1043
Seed of Frost Hardy Eucalyptus Species-1043
Seed from Cuba-1044
Australian Tree Seed-1045
Eucalypt Seed from Queensland, Australia-1140
Seed from Peru-1140
Poplar Material from China-1154
V. TESTING, EVALUATION AND BREEDING (incl. species, provenance and progeny trials)
(See also II, III)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis in the Mediterranean and Africa-  241 – 42
Activities of the Tree Improvement Section, Forest Research Institute, Rabat, Morocco
D.X. Destremau and R. Bellefontaine  455 – 58
Report on an FAO Project to Establish International Provenance Trials of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze.
J.A. Pitcher  459 – 62
International Provenance Trials of Pinus pseudostrobus-  519 – 21
Sitka Spruce International Ten Provenance Experiment: Results to End of Nursery Stage
O'Driscoll  735 – 46
Programme of the Introduction of Species and Provenances of Eucalyptus spp. in Brazil
-  748
International Cooperative Progeny Study in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis
-  843
International Provenance Trials of Pinus oocarpa-  98
A Canker Disease of Eucalyptus New to AfricaI.A.S. Gibson1023 – 24
Planned International Provenance Trials of Cedrela spp.-1038
Leucaena leucocephala-1042
International Procurement and Exchange of Tree Breeding MaterialM.D. Wilcox112 – 10
International Provenance Trials of Pinus patula-1154
VI. CONSERVATION (In situ, ex situ) (See also II)
Canadian Symposium on the Conservation of Forest Gene Resources-  34 – 7
Gene Resource Conservation: IUFRO Working Party S2.02.2L. Roche  38 – 9
Some Aspects on Conservation of Genetic Resources of Indigenous Forest Tree Species of Current Commercial Value in Venezuela
H. Finol and G.H. Melchior  312 – 20
Conservation of Genetic Resources of Indigenous Forest Tree Species in Nigeria: Possibilities and Limitations
B.A. Ola-Adams  71 – 9
The Reservation of New Zealand's Indigenous State Forests for Scientific Reasons
C. Bassett  91 – 5
Statement of Forest Gene Resources: Australia-1030
FAO/UNEP Project on the Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Report on Progress
-1034 – 37
VII. ENDANGERED SPECIES - GENERAL (See also II for Data Sheets on endangered species)
Data Sheets on Species Undergoing Genetic Impoverishment-  522
Endangered Species - Endangered Genetic ResourcesG. Lucas  96 – 8
News from IUCN on “Estinct” Species-1029
Announcement of Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding-  468
Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding-  57 – 10
Training Course on Forest Tree Improvement in Australia-  511
Meeting of IUFRO Working Parties S2.02.8 and S2.03.1-  511
Thrid SABRAO Congress-  512
IUFRO Provenance Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., August/September 1978
-  743
IUFRO Meeting on Seed and Cone Insects-1119
20th ISTA Congress-1119
Fifth Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources-1156
Provisional Leaders of Divisions and Working Groups of IUFRO-  129
FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources
(Membership 1968 – 1972)
-  130
FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources
(Membership 1973 – 1977)
-  266
IUFRO News-  531
National Coordinators of Information on Forest Genetic Resources-  649 – 54
National Coordinators of Information on Forest Genetic Resources-  748
ISTA Technical Committees 1980–83-1046 – 48
New IUFRO Working Group on Casuarina-1110
FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources
(Membership 1981 – 84)
-1156 – 58
List of Recent References to Literature on Forest Gene Resources-  137
FAO Forest Tree Seed Directory-  22
Recent Publications of Interest-  215
New Publications: Programme on Man and the Biosphere, Unesco-  345
Seed Source Variation in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Grown Mahoganies
T.F. Geary, H. Barres and R. Ybarra-Coronado  345
Distribution of Araucaria in Papua New GuineaB. Gray  346
New Publications from India-  346
New Publications from the Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford: (i) Pinus caribaea, Volume I; (ii) Proceedings of a Joint Meeting of IUFRO Working Parties on Genetics
-  347
New Publications from FAO-  466
Other New Publications of Interest-  466
FAO Forest Tree Seed Directory-  519
Recent and Forthcoming Publications of Interest-  535
Plant Genetic Resources-  537 – 38
Recent and Forthcoming Publications of Interest-  656 – 57
Recent Articles and Publications of Interest-  749
Prosopis-  750
Book on Eucalypt Seed Orchards-  750
FAO Forest Tree Seed Directory 1975 - Amendment-  843
Recent Articles and Publications of Interest-  844 – 45
New Regional and Species-Specific Newsletters-  846
The Eighth World Forestry Congress-  948 – 50
Recent Articles and Publications of Interest-  951 – 54
New Handbook on Radiographic Analysis of Seed-  954
New Regional or Species-Specific Newletters-  955
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter-1032
National Seed Coordination Centres-1044
Recent Articles and Publications of Interest-1049 – 54
OECD Publications on Conservation and the Environment-1054
News on Species-Specific or Regional Newsletters-1055
Recent Circular Letters from DANIDA Forest Seed Centre-1158
Consultation Proceedings Available-1159
New Information on Existing Forest Resources-1160
Recent Articles and Publications of Interest-1161 – 67
New Publications from FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division-1168
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter-1168
News on Species-Specific or Regional Newsletters-1169
Forest Genetic Resources Information Questionnaire-  21 – 2
Forgen Miscellanea-  31 – 3
Corrections, F.G.R.I. No. 3-  465
FAO Postal Address-  462
“Forest Genetic Resources Information” Questionnaire-  61 – 2
Note from the Editor-101 – 2
Forest Genetic Resources Information: Up-dating of Mailing List-103
Note from the Editor-111

1 See page 79 for year of publication.


 FGRI No. 1p.
Arbez, M. Distribution, Ecology and Variation of Pinus brutiain Turkey
  321 – 33
Arnason, A. and Benedikz, T. Icelandic Tree Seed Collection Expedition in Canada and U.S.A.
  216 – 26
Barner, H. Cone Collection from Standing Trees
Bassett, C. The Reservation of New Zealand's Indigenous State Forests for Scientific Reasons
  91 – 5
Boland, D.J., Davidson, J. and Howcroft, N. Eucalyptus deglupta Blume and Araucaria cunninghamii Lambert - Provenance Seed Collections in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. 3 – 17 June 1975
  63 – 15
Boland, D.J. and Moran, G.F.J. Provenance Collections of Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Bak. Seed in 1977–78
  936 – 41
Bonner, F.T. Storage of Hardwood Seeds
  710 – 17
Bowen, M.R., Howland, P., Last, F.T., Leakey, R.R.B., K.A. Longman Triplochiton scleroxylon: Its Conservation and Future Improvement
  638 – 47
Britwum, S.P.K. Pericopsis elata
  525 – 27
Cossalter, C. Location and Ecological Data of Some Provenances of Eucalyptus deglupta Blume in the Celebes and Ceram Islands - Characteristics of the Natural Stands
  616 – 23
Destremau, D.X. and Bellefontaine, R. Activities of the Tree Improvement Section, Forest Research Institute, Rabat, Morocco
  455 – 58
Ditlevsen, B. A Forest Tree Improvement Information System
  915 – 23
Doran, J.C. Collections of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maid. in North Queensland, Australia in 1977
  822 – 26
Doran, J.C. and Boland, D.J. Collections of Eucalyptus camaldulensisDehnh. and Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Seed from Northern Australia in 1977 for Ex-Situ Conservation/Selection Stands
  812 – 21
Doran, J.C. and Skelton, D.J. Eucalypt Seed and Botanical Collections in Papua
1134 – 46
Doran, J.C. and Skelton, D.J. Acacia mangium Seed Collections for International Provenance trials
1147 – 53
Finol, H. and Melchior, G.H. Some Aspects on Conservation of Genetic Resources of Indigenous Forest Tree Species of Current Commercial Value in Venezuela
  312 – 20
Gallegos, C.M. Flowering and Seed Production of Pinus caribaeavar. hondurensis
1017 – 22
Gibson, I.A.S. A Canker Disease of Eucalyptus New to Africa
1023 – 24
Gray, B. Distribution of Araucaria in Papua New Guinea
Hall, J.B. Data Sheets on Species Undergoing Genetic Impoverishment: Juniperus procera
1025 – 29
Halos, S.C. and Principe, E.B. The Vanishing Almaciga (Agathis philippinensis) of Samar, Philippines
  81 – 4
Hedegart, T. Tectona hamiltoniana Wall.
Hedegart, T. Tectona philippinensis Benth and Hook
  839 – 40
Heybroek, H.M. Ulmus wallichiana
  529 – 30
Howcroft, N.H.S. Exploration on Provenance Seed Collections in Papua New Guinea, 1976/77: Araucaria cunninghamii Lamb. and Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schum.
  85 – 11
Howcroft, N.H.S. Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schumann
  831 – 37
Howcroft, N.H.S. Araucaria cunninghamii
  99 – 14
Keiding, H. Report on a Journey to Sumatra, Thailand and India for the Danish/FAO Forest Tree Seed Centre
  116 – 23
Kemp, R.H. Central American Pine Research Project
  15 – 15
Kemp, R.H. Forest Tree Seed Centre in Honduras
Keong, T.C. Trials of Acacia Mangium Willd. as a Plantation Species in Sabah
  932 – 35
Koski, V, Quantified Standards for Regional Clonal Seed Orchards
1111 – 19
Koster, R. Report on Seed Collecting of Populus trichocarpa in 1972 and 1973
  338 – 39
Koster, R. Populus
Lauridsen, E.B. Gmelina arborea - International Provenance Trials Study Tour and Seed Collection in India, 1976
  624 – 37
Leguía, R.H. and Carbajal, L.O. New Forest Tree Seed Bank Established in Peru
Lucas, G. Endangered Species - Endangered Genetic Resources
  96 – 8
McConnell, J.L. and Belcher, E. News from the U.S. Forest Tree Seed Centre
  248 – 53
Mortenson, E. Report from an Expedition to Mexico and Central America to Obtain Seeds of Tropical Pines
  12 – 5
O'Driscoll, J. Sitka Spruce International Ten Provenance Experiment: Results to End of Nursery Stage
  735 – 46
Ola-Adams, B.A. Conservation of Genetic Resources of Indigenous Forest Tree Species in Nigeria: Possibilities and Limitations
  71 – 9
Orme, R.K. Eucalyptus globulus Provenances
  719 – 33
Palmberg, C. Progress in the Global Programme for Improved Use of Forest Genetic Resources
105 – 16
Passini, M.F. The Mexican Stone Pines (Pinyons) of “The Cembroides” Group
1129 – 33
Pitcher, J.A. The Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Gene Resource in Brazil
  243 – 47
Pitcher, J.A. Report on an FAO Project to Establish International Provenance Trials of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze.
  459 – 62
Richmond. P.C. Characteristics of Some Dry Area Eucalyptus and Other Species in Western Australia
  334 – 37
Roche, L. Gene Resource Conservation: IUFRO Working Party S2.02.2
  38 – 9
Stead, J.W. Exploration, Collection and Evaluation of Cordia alliodora(R.and P.) Oken
  924 – 31
Stewart, P.J. Cupressus dupreziana
  522 – 24
Takehara, H. Pinus armandii var. amamiana
  528 – 29
Turnbull, J.W. Report on Northern Territory Kimberley Seed Collection Expedition
  126 – 28
Turnbull, J.W. The Ecology and Variation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis
  232 – 40
Turnbull, J.W. Gene Resource Conservation: Data Sheet on Eucalyptus globulus
  310 – 12
Turnbull, J.W. FAO/FRI Seed Collections in Australia 1972–73
  340 – 42
Veblen, T.T. and Delmastro, R. The Araucaria araucana Gene Resource in Chile
  52 – 6
Venkatesh, C.S. Pedigreed Seed of two Promising Eucalyptus Species Hybrids, FRI-4 and FRI-5
Whitmore, T.C. Agathis, a Fast Growing Conifer of the Far East Rain Forests
Wilcox, M.D. International Procurement and Exchange of Tree Breeding Material
112 – 10
Wolf, L.D. and Turnbull, J.W. The Computerized Seed Store Record System of the CSIRO Tree Seed Centre, Australia
1120 – 28
Zobel, B.J. and Dorman, K.W. Loblolly Pine as an Exotic
  23 – 15

1 See page 79 for year of publication.


Abies spp.  431, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38    
Abies amabilis  218    
Abies cephalonica  512–18  947107
Abies cilicia  322    
Abies grandis  841    
Abies lasiocarpa  216, 17, 18    
Abies magnifica var. shastensis  218    
Abies procera  942–43, 46    
Acacia spp.  7101031–34, 411120
Acacia aneura  747107  
Acacia aulacocarpa1136    
Acacia auriculiformis  9331071136
Acacia campylacantha  538    
Acacia crassicarpa1136    
Acacia laeta  538    
Acacia mangium  93235 107, 411136, 37, 4753 
Acacia mellifera  538    
Acacia nilotica var. nilotica  441  72  
Acacia senegal  441  538  
Acacia seyal  538    
Acacia sieberiana  538    
Acer spp.  712, 14    
Aesculus spp.  710, 14    
Afzelia africana  72    
Afrormosia elata  73    
Afrormosia laxiflora  72    
Agathis spp.  655 107  
Agathis australis  83  91  
Agathis macrophylla  83    
Agathis philippinensis  814     
Alnus firma  528    
Alnus nepalensis1042    
Anacardium excelsum  313    
Araucaria araucana  526     
Araucaria angustifolia  24347   47, 35,5964   52
      "              "107    
Araucaria cunninghamii  265  344  441, 44
      "              "  510  6315, 56  8511, 41
      "              "  9914 107, 40  
Araucaria hunsteinii  441  8811, 3137, 41107, 40
Arbutus andrachne  322    
Aspidosperma spp.  313    
Atriplex spp.1031–34    
Avicennia africana  71    
Aucoumea spp.107    
Azadirachta spp.1031–34    
Azadirachta indica  441  72  
Baikiaea plurijuga109, 34    
Beilschmiedia tawa  91    
Betula pubescens  216    
Betula uber  98    
Bombacopsis quinata  313    
Bulnesia arborea  313    

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