information - No. 12


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Note from the Editor

Seed collections of tropical acacias in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia (J.W. Turnbull, D.J. Skelton, M. Subagyono and E.B. Hardiyanto)

International provenance trials of Acacia mangium

International provenance trials of Eucalyptus deglupta

Seed of Acacia species for humid tropical areas

Acaciablayana’ A.B. Court - a new Australian tree with a future?
(D.J. Boland and S.J. Midgley)

Taxonomy of Central American and Mexican pines

Ironbark seed collections in Queensland, Australia (D.J. Boland)

New lists of seed suppliers

Recent Circular Letters from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre

Gmelina arborea. Flowering and seed studies (M.R. Bowen and T.V. Eusebio)

New Commission on Forest Tree Seed, Brazil

Re-activation of IUFRO Working Party on Seed Orchards

Flowering of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis

FAO Guidelines for seed ordering (C. Palmberg)

Conservation of forest genetic resources

FAO Project on genetic resources of arid and semi-arid zone arboreal species for the improvement of rural living: report on progress (C. Palmberg)

Notes from IUFRO meeting on Frost-Resistant Eucalypts

Symposia on native species in Latin America

Technical information from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre

Handbooks on dry-zone species

Recent literature of interest

Plant and Animal Genetic Resources Newsletters

News on species-specific or regional Newsletters

IUFRO Special Coordinator for Developing Countries

Proposal for the establishment of an International Genebank and the preparation of a Draft International Convention for Plant Genetic Resources