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Monitoring arid lands in Kenya
Harmonizing environment and development
The importance of bats

Monitoring arid lands in Kenya

The Government of Kenya is setting up an Arid Lands Research Station to monitor results and continue to operate the network of research and training facilities established under the Integrated Project in Arid Lands (IPAL). IPAL was established in 1976 within the framework of Unesco's Man and the Biosphere Programme. However, the project ended in December 1983 after preparing an integrated resources management plan for northern Kenya, where environmental degradation is endangering the livelihood of indigenous peoples, particularly pastoralists.

Nature and Resources

Harmonizing environment and development

The World Commission on Environment and Development, established by Resolution 38/161 of the UN General Assembly in 1983, held its inaugural meeting in Geneva in October 1984. The Commission, whose member-serve in their individual capacities, has the following mandate:

· to re-examine the critical issues of environment and development and to formulate innovative, concrete and realistic action proposals to deal with them;

· to strengthen international cooperation in environment and development and to assess and propose new forms of cooperation that can influence policies and events in the direction of needed change;

· to raise the level of understanding and commitment to action on the part of individuals, voluntary associations, businesses, institutes and governments.

A report on the mandate, key issues, strategies and work-plan of the Commission, whose work is expected to be completed by mid-1986, has been issued. It can be obtained from: World Commission on Environment and Development, 15 route des Morillons, CH-1218 Geneva, Switzerland.

HERDER IN THE RIFT VALLEY marginal lands are overused

The importance of bats

A study being conducted by the World Wildlife Fund on the economic importance of hats to plants notes that the destruction of hats and their habitats has reached a critical stage in Latin America. Fruit eating and nectar-eating hats, through seed dispersal and pollination, influence the survival and development of many commercially important trees, plants and shrubs, such as almonds, mangoes, cashews, bananas and avocados.

World Environment Report

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43: (1983) Forest revenue systems in developing countries

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44/1 (1983) Food and fruit-bearing forest species

1: Examples from Eastern Africa.

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