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Canada, 1983 Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Observer manual - Scotia-Fundy region. Marine Fish Division. Dartmouth, N.S., Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 71 p.

Canada, 1970 Statutes of Canada, Coastal Fisheries Protection Act. R.S.C. 1970 c. C-21. Amended to Sept. 1984:5 p.

Canada, 1970a Fisheries Act R.S.C. 1970 c.F-14. Amended to Oct. 1984:35 p.

Canada, 1978 Atlantic fishery regulations (made under the Fisheries 1978 Act). C.R.C. 1978 c. 807. Amended to Jan. 1984:94 p.

Canada, 1978b Coastal fisheries protection regulations (made under the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act) C.R.C. 1978 c. 413. Amended to Aug. 1985:20 p.

Canada, 1981 Foreign vessel fishing regulations (made under the 1978b Fisheries Act) C.R.C. 1978 c.815. Amended to Jan. 1984:28 p.

FAO, 1981 Report of the consultation on monitoring, control and surveillance. Freetown, 30 June - 3 July 1981. Dakar. CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/81/35:30 p. Publicado también en francés

FAO, 1982 Métodos de recolección y análisis de datos de talla y edad para la evaluación de poblaciones de peces. FAO Circ.Pesca, (736):101 p. Publicado también en inglés y francés

FAO, 1982a Legislation Branch, Regional compendium of fisheries 1982a legislation (CECAF region). FAO, Regional Fisheries Law Advisory Programme. Eastern Central Atlantic Region/Norway-Funds-in-Trust. Rome, FAO, FI:GCP/RAF/146/NOR; FL/CECAF/82/4:337 p. Publicado también en francés

FAO/Norway Cooperative Programme, 1981 Report on an expert consultation on monitoring, control and surveillance systems for fisheries management. Rome, Italy 27–30 April 1981. Rome, FAO, FAO/GCP/INT/344/NOR:115 p.

Babin, A., and B. Wood, 1981 A guide to eastern European fishing vessels frequenting eastern Canadian waters. Observer report. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Marine Fish Division. Dartmouth, N.S. Vanada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 59 p.

Fischer, W., G. Bianchi and W.B. Scott (eds), 1981 FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic: fishing areas 37,47 (in part) Canada Funds-in-Trust. Ottawa, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Vols. 1–7: pag.var.

French, R., R. Nelson Jr. and J. Wall, 1982 Role of the United States Observer Program in management of foreign fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea. N.Am.J.Fish. Manage., 2:122–31

Gulland, J.A., El porqué 1983 de la evaluación de poblaciones. FAO Circ. Pesca, (759):20 p. Publicado también en inglés y francés

Kulka, D.W. and J.R. Firth, 1983 Observer program training manual-Newfoundland Region. Can.Tech.Rep.Fish.Aquat.Sci., (1355): 171 p.

Kulka, D.W. and D. Waldron, 1985 The Atlantic Observer Program: a discussion of sampling from commercial catches at sea. Can.Spec.Publ. Fish.Aquat.Sci., (66):255-62

Leaman, B.M., et al., 1981 Biological observer coverage of foreign fisheries off Canada's Pacific coast, 1979. Can.Tech.Rep.Fish.Aquat. Sci., (1006):68 p.

Merdinyan, M.E. and C.D. Mortimer, 1979 Curriculum digest for the training of United States Fisheries Observer Corps-Atlantic region. Mar. Bull.Ser.R.I.Univ.Sea Grant Program, (URI-MB-34):72 p.

Merdinyan, M.E. and C.D. Mortimer, 1979a Manual for the training of United States Fisheries Observer Corps-Atlantic region. Mar.Bull.Ser.R.I.Univ.Sea Grant Program, (URI-MB-33):303 p.

Nelson, R., Jr., R. French and J. Wall, 1981 Sampling by US observers on foreign fishing vessels in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Island region, 1977–78. Mar.Fish.Rev., 43(5):1–19

Poinsard, F. and S. Garcia, 1984 Stock assessment and fisheries management in the CECAF region: a perspective view. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (84/32):53 p. Publicado también en francés

Saila, S.B., 1983 Importance and assessment of discards in commercial fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ., (765):62 p.

Thompson, P.A., Jr., Japanes longline fishing: comparisons between observer data and Japanese quarterly reports for 1979 in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. NOAA/NMFS Tech.Memo.Pascaqoula, (NOAA-SEFC-64):41 p.

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