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The first International Workshop on Genetic Resources and Conservation of Prosopis was held in Cosquin, Argentina 3–8 October 1988.
The Workshop, which was attended by some 60 participants from 9 countries, examined the present state of the art and exchanged information and experiences on the conservation, management, genetic improvement and sustainable utilization of species of this genus.
In addition to general conclusions and recommendations (available in Spanish and English), information will be published on technical and scientific aspects of genetic resource management examined by the Workshop. A document entitled, “Prosopis en Argentina”, which served as basic paper for the deliberations at the meeting, will be edited and expanded in the light of the discussions, and published commercially in mid 1989 (Spanish with English summaries of the individual papers).
For additional information please contact: Ing. Agr. U.O. Karlin, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, C.C. 509, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina.

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