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CL 95/1—Rev.1 Revised Provisional Annoted Agenda
CL 95/2 Current World Food Situation
CL 95/2—Corr,1 Corrigendum to CL 95/2
CL 95/3 Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1990—91
CL 95/3—Corr.1  Corrigendum to CL 95/3
(E only)
CL 95/4 Report of the 56th Session of the Programme
Committee and of the 64th Session of the Finance
Committee (Joint Session)
(Rome, 30 January — 1 February 1989)
CL 95/5 Report of the 52nd Session of the Committee on
Constitutional and Legal Matters
(Rome, 2—4 May l989)
CL 95/5—Sup,1 Supplement to CL 95/5
CL 95/6 Venue of the 10th World Forestry Congress 1991
CL 95/7 Report of the 18th Session of the Committee on
(Rome, 10 — 14 April 1989)
CL 95/8 Progress Report on the Review of FAQ and Reports
of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and
Finance Committee; of the 57th Session of the
Programme Committee; and of the 65th Session of
the Finance Committee
CL 95/8—Corr.1 Corrigendum to CL 95/8
CL 95/9 Report of the 10th Session of the Committee  
on Agriculture
(Rome, 26 April — 5 May 1989)
CL 95/10 Report of the 14th Session of the Committee on
World Food Security
(Rome, 3—7 April 1989)
CL 95/11 Arrangements for the 25th Session of the
CL 95/12 Deadline for Nominations for Independent chairman
of the Council
CL 95/13 14th Annual Report of the WFP Committee on Food
Aid Policies and Programmes to ECOSOC, the FAO
Council and the World Food Council
CL 95/14 Outcome of the 3rd Session of the Commission on
Plant Genetic Resources
CL 95/15 Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of
Pesticides— Introduction of the “Prior Informed
Consent” (PlC) Clause
CL 95/16 Revised Calendar of 1988—89 Sessions of the
Council and of those Bodies which Report to the
CL 95/17 Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest
to FAO
CL 95/18 Appointment of a Representative of the FAO
Conference to the Staff Pension Committee
CL 95/19 Communication from the Government of Spain
Regarding the Status of the EEC with Respect to
CL 95/INF/Series
CL 95/INF/1 Provisional Timetable
CL 95/INF/2—Rev.1 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 95/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents
CL 95/INF/4 Note on Methods of Work of the Council
CL 95/INF/5 Opening Address by Mr. Edouard Saouma,
Director—General of FAO, to the 95th Session
of the Council (19 June 1989)
CL 95/INF/6 Index of Conference and Council Decisions
(November 1977— November 1988)
CL 95/INF/7 Implementation of Decisions Taken at the 94th
Session of the Council
CL 95/INF/8—Rev.1 Invitations to Non—Member Nations to attend
FAO Sessions
CL 95/INF/9 Changes in Representation of Member Nations
on the Programme and the Finance Committees
CL 95/INF/10 20th Report of the Activities of the Joint
Inspection Unit (July 1987—June 1988)
CL 95/INF/11 Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit
CL 95/INF/12 JIU Report on a Review of the Use of
Equipment Provided to Technical Cooperation
Projects in Developing Countries
CL 95/INF/13 JIU Report on Contribution of the UN System
to the Preservation and Management of
Cultural and Natural Heritage in Western
Asia (JIU/REP/88/5)
CL 95/INF/14 JIU Report on Evaluation of UN Technical
Cooperation Project Evaluation Systems
(Parts I and II) (JIU/REP/88/6)
CL 95/1NF/15 JIU Report on Representation of Organizations
of the UN System at Conferences and Meetings :
Part B The Specialized Agencies
CL 95/INF/16 The Amazon Declaration
CL 95/LIM/Series
CL 95/LIM/1 Financial Position of the Organization
Cl 95/LIM/2 Communication from the Government of Spain
Regarding the Status of the EEC with Respect
to FAO
CL 95/REP/1 to) Draft Report of Plenary
CL 95/REP/5    )
CL 95/PV/Series
CL 95/PV/1 to      )
CL 95/PV/4 Sup.l ) Draft Verbatim Records of Plenary
CL 95/PV/5 to      )
CL 95/PV/18        )
CL 95/OD/Series
CL 95/OD/1 to  ) Orders of the Day
CL 95/OD/10    )

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