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CL 96/1

Provisional Annotated Agenda

CL 96/2

Review of Certain Aspects of FAO’s Goal and Operations

CL 96/3

Second Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the

1988—89 Biennium

CL 96/4

Report of the Joint Session of the Programme and Finance

Committees; Report of the 58th Session of the Programme

Committee; Report of the 66th Session of the Finance


(Rome, 13—29 September 1989)

CL 96/5

Report of the 53rd Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters

(Rome, 16—17 October 1989)

CL 96/6

Report of the 57th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems

(Rome, 12—16 June 1989)

C 89/Series


C 89/3

Programme of Work and Budget 1990—91

C 89/3—Sup.1

Programme of Work and Budget 1990—91: List of Publications, Main Document and Major Working Papers

C 89/3—Sup.2

Programme of Work and Budget 1990—91: List of of Sessions

C 89/3—Sup.3

Programme of Work and Budget 1990—91: Supplementary Information

C 89/3—Sup.4

Programnme of Work and Budget 1990—91: Application of the Lapse Factor

C 89/12

Arrangements for the 25th Session of the Conference

C 89/12—Corr.1

(E only)

Corrigendum to C 89/12

C 89/21

Review of Certain Aspects of FAO’s Goals and Operations:

Views and Comments of the Director—General and Report of the Programme and Finance Committees

C 89/21—Sup.1

Review of Certain Aspects of FAO’s Goals and Operations:

Appendices to the Report of the Programme and Finance Committees

C 89/27

International Conference on Nutrition

CL 96/INF/Series


CL 96/INF/l

Provisional Timetable

CL 96/INF/2—Rev.l

Provisional List of Delegates and Observers

CL 96/INF/3

Provisional List of Documents

CL 96/INF/4

Note on Methods of Work of the Council

CL 96/INF/5

Invitations to International NGOs which do not have Status with FAO

CL 96/INF/6

Index of Conference and Council Decisions (November 1977—June 1989)

CL 96/INF/7

Implementation of Decisions Taken at the Ninety—fifth Council Session

CL 96/INF/8

Invitations to Non—Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

CL 96/INF/9

Officers of the Conference and Council

CL 96/INF/10

Changes in the Representation of Member Nations on the Programme Committee

CL 96/LIM/Series


CL 96/LIM/l

Financial Position of the Organization

CL 9/REP/Series


CL 96/REP/1


CL 96/REP/2


CL 96/REP/2—Corr.1


CL 96/REP/3

) Draft Report of the Council

CL 96/REP/3—Corr.1


CL 96/REP/4


CL 96/REP/5


CL 96/PV/Series


CL 96/PV/l


CL 96/PV/l—Sup.l


CL 96/PV/2—Rev.1


CL 96/PV/3

) Verbatim Records of Plenary

CL 96/PV/4—Rev.1


CL 96/PV/5


CL 96/PV/6—Rev.l


CL 96/PV/7 to


CL 96/PV/1


CL 96/OD/Series


CL 96/OD/1 to


CL 96/OD/5

) Orders of the Day

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