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Brammer H., Antoine J., Kassam A.H and van Velthuizen H.T. 1988. Land Resources Appraisal of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development. Technical Reports 1–7. FAO/UNDP: BGD/81/035 Agricultural Development Advisor Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

CRIES. 1983. Kenya Natural Resource Assessment. The Comprehensive Resource Inventory and Evaluation System (CRIES) Project. Michigan State University, Michigan.

Doorenbos J. and Kassam A.H. 1979. Yield Response to Water. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 33. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1974. FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World. Vol. 1. Legend. Unesco, Paris.

FAO.1977. Agroclimatological data bank, FAO/AGPC, Rome.

FAO. 1978. Report on the Agro-ecological Zones Project. Vol. 1. Methodology and results for Africa. World Soil Resources Report 48/1, FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1984. Population supporting capacity assessment of Kenya. Mission Report. FAO/AGLS, Rome.

Fischer, G.W., Shah M.M., Kassam A.H. and van Velthuizen H.T. 1991. Systems Documentation Guide to Computer Programs for Land Productivity Assessments. Technical Annex 7. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/7. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Fischer G.W., Shah M.M., Kassam A.H. and van Velthuizen H.T. 1991. Crop Productivity Assessment: Results at District Level. Technical Annex 8. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/8. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Jaetzold R. and Kutsch H. 1980. Climatic data bank of Kenya. Department of Cultural and Regional Geography, University of Trier, Trier, West Germany.

Kassam A.H., Higgins G.M. and Christoforides A. 1981. Climatic data bank and growing period analysis for Kenya. FAO/AGLS, Rome.

Kassam A.H., van Velthuizen H.T., Higgins G.M., Christoforides A., Voortman R.L. and Spiers B. 1982. Assessment of Land Resources for Rainfed Crop Production in Mozambique. Field Documents 32–37. FAO/UNDP: MOZ/75/011 Land and Water Use Planning Project, Maputo, Mozambique.

Kassam A.H., van Velthuizen H.T., Mitchell A.J.B., Fischer G.W. and Shah M.M. 1991. Soil Erosion and Productivity. Technical Annex 2. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/2. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Kassam A.H., van Velthuizen H.T., Fischer G.W. and Shah M.M. 1991. Agroclimatic and Agro-edaphic Suitabilities for Barley, Oat, Cowpea, Green gram and Pigeonpea. Technical Annex 3. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/3. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Kassam A.H., van Velthuizen H.T., Fischer G.W. and Shah M.M. 1991. Crop Productivity. Technical Annex 4. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/4. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Kassam A.H., van Velthuizen H.T., Sloan P., Fischer G.W. and Shah M.M. 1991. Livestock Productivity. Technical Annex 5. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/5. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Kassam A.H., van Velthuizen H.T., Singh K.D., Fischer G.W. and Shah M.M. 1991. Fuelwood Productivity. Technical Annex 6. Agro-ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A Case Study of Kenya. World Soil Resources Report 71/6. FAO/IIASA, Rome.

Kowal J.M. and Kassam A.H. 1978. Agricultural Ecology of Savanna. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

KSSS. 1982. Exploratory Soil Map and Agro-climatic Zone Map of Kenya. Kenya Soil Survey, Ministry of Agriculture. Nairobi, Rome.

Siderius, W. and van der Pouw, B.J.A. 1980. The application of the FAO-Unesco terminology of the Soil Map of the World Legend for soil classification in Kenya. Misc. Soil Paper No. M15 Kenya Soil Survey, Nairobi.

Van der Pouw, B.J.A. 1983. Detailed composition of the soil mapping units of the Exploratory Soil Map of Kenya at scale 1:1 million. Stiboka, Wageningen.

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