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Dairy Farming Manual

Volume 1

Technology Unit 6
Milk Collecting Centres

page 101

Extension Materials
What should you know about milk collecting centres ?
1    What is important in milk collection ? (5-7)

- delivering your milk quickly and at a low cost 

- testing your milk.


2    What does the milk collecting centres do ? (8-19) 

If your milk is good quality, the centres: 
- recieves your milk 
- keeps it in good condition 
- dispatches your milk and arranges for payment

3    What is important in the location of  milk collecting centres ? 

- water supply and waste disposal 
- ease of transport 
- no flooding and good shade.


4    What type of utilities, buildings and equipment are necessory ? (21-41)

A centre needs: 
- water and energy supply 
-the right buildings and equipments.


page 103
Note: (The numbers in brackets refer to illustrations in the Extension Materials)

What is important in milk collecting ?

5    Getting milk to the collecting centre in the shortest time.
6    Getting milk to the collecting centres at low cost
7    When and how to test the quality of milk. 
page 104

What does a milk collecting centre do ?


8    The centre takes samples of milk and
- tests them

9    - weighs the milk
10    - records the weights and

- tests results

for each delivery

11    - rejects poor quality milk.

Make sure your milk is good quality.

 page 105

Straining and filtering
12    The centre strains your milk into a dump tank to remove impurities.
13    From the dump tank, the centre pumps the milk through a filter to a cooling tank.
Cooling and Storing 

14    The centre cools the milk and stores it in a farm-tank cooler.
The cooler has an agitator to speed cooling and prevent a cream layer forming.

15    Some small centres use a surface cooler.  Warm milk enters and the cool milk in cans is ready for transport.
page 106

Dispatch and Sales
16    Tanker trucks collect the milk from the centres and send it to the dairy.
17    The centre may sell milk locally
18    and also supplies for the farm such as:

- concentrates

- chemicals

- equipment.


19    The centre will keep records and accounts and arrange payment for your milk.

page 107

20.  What is important in the location of a milk collecting centre ?

page 108

What utilities are necessory for a milk collecting centre ?


21    If there is no town supply, drill a borehole and use a pump.

22    If a borehole is not possible, use a shallow or rain water attachment. 
23    Make sure the water is safe by filtering and adding chlorine. 
24    A centre needs 3 litres of water for every 1 litre of milk produced.  So for 100 litres of milk, the centre needs 300 litres of milk.
page 109


25 The centre needs electricity to cool and pump the milk. 
If there is no mains supply, the centre can use a diesel generator.



26 The centre can use gas for heating water to clean and sterilize dairy equipment. 


27 If no gas is available, the centre may use wood-fired or drip oil-fired boilers.
Solar heating

28 This centre collects the sun's rays to heat water in the tank.


page 110

What type of building is necessory ?


29    The floor should be:
- hard and flat, so that water does not pool
- angled to the drain, so that water runs away
Surroundings should be dry and solid - not muddy.

30    Mix concentrate correctly using cement, sand, gravel and water.
31    Let the concentrate dry slowly and sprinkle with water regularly for 3-4 days to prevent cracks.

32    Make drains from half sections of glazed tiles.

page 111

Walls and Windows

33    Use clay, stone or concentrate blocks for the walls and white wash or tile.

34    Use corrugated iron.



35    Ckeck the design carefully
- with the architect, make sure your building is low cost and safe
- with extension worker, a good layout saves you work
- with the health authorities, good planning for hygiene yields high quality milk.

page 112

What type of equipment is necessory ?

Cooling and Storage 

36    coolers

-       cans


37    boilers

- brushes

Testing and Measuring 

38    scales

- laboratory equipment


39    fire extinguishers
- emergency generators
- first aid kit

page 113

How to get the best from equipment ?

40    make sure spare parts are easily available.
41    Maintain equipment regularly

- clean everything 
- grease bearings 
- change oil.

page 114

What do you know about milk collecting centres ?
What is important ?
1.   Short delivery time
2.   Low cost delivery
3.   Method and timing of tests
Functions of milk collecting centres
1.   Reception  
      - sampling and testing
      - weighing
      - recording
      -ensuring quality
2.   Straining and filtering
3.   Cooling and storage
4.   Despatch and Sales 
      - transport to dairy
      - local sales
      -farm supplies
5.   Payment
Important points in location
1.  Water supply
2.   Safe sewage and waste disposal
3.   Good roads
4.   Shade and little dust
5.   No floods
1.   Water
2.   Electricity
3.   Gas or wood
4.   Solar Heating
1.   Floors
2.   Drains 
3.   Walls and windows
4.   Roof
5.   Design
1.   Cooling and Storage
2.   Cleaning
3.   Testing, measuring
4.   Safety
5.   Spare parts
6.   Maintenance
page 115

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