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Dairy Farming Manual

Volume 1

Technology Unit 7
Milk Reception

page 117

Extension Materials
What should you know about milk reception ?
1    What is important in milk reception ? (5-9)

- organize well and keep records
- understand what makes good quality milk
- keep everything clean

2    How does the centre organize reception and advise farmers? (9-12)
The centre:
- plan the timing of milking and transport
- advise on husbandary and any problems you have
3    How does the centre keep records and make payments ? (13-24)
The centre:
    - helps you to keep daily and monthly records
    - pays you according to milk quality/quantity and transport costs.
4    How does the centre clean equipment ? (25-31)
The centre cleans equipment by careful:
- rinsing
- sanitizing
- drying
 (The numbers in brackets refer to illustrations in the Extension Materials)

What is important in milk reception ?

5    Organizing milk collection routines for farmers and giving them advice.
6    Keeping records and accounts and making payments.
7    Sampling and testing milk quality
8    Cleaning and sterilizing buildings and equipment.
page 120

How does the centre organize reception and advise farmers ?

9    The centre agrees with each farmer on when to milk according to the number of his cattle and the distance from the collection point...
10    ... so that all farmers in that area bring their milk to the collection point just before the truck arrives.
11    The centre agrees with the truck drivers so that the centre can recieve the milk from one truck before the next truck arrives.
12    The centre makes sure the farmers understand about:

- hygiene
- animal health
- correct use of chemicals
- how to overcome problems if the centre rejects milk.

page 121

How does the centre keep records and make payments ?

13 You have a record for each month: 14 The centre has a record
                                                                             for each day:
page 122

If you buy goods for cash:
15 the centre gives you a receipt.
16 and records the cash sale in a journal

If you buy goods on credit:
17 the centre gives you an invoice 

18  and records the credit sale in another journal
19  At the end of the month:
                                     The centre adds your invoices
and takes them away from your payment.
page 123

20 The centre pays you for the quantity and the quality of your milk.


21 The centre pays for transport costs and for operating costs such as staff wages and electricity.
22 The centre earns money by delivering good quality milk to the dairy.
23 You get more money from the centre if:
- you deliver more milk
- you deliver better quality milk
- you help the centre keep transport costs low.
 page 124

 24 The centre wants to accept your milk, not to reject it.

Consult your centre about how to produce the best quality milk.


How does the centre clean equipment ?

25 They rinse with cold water.
26 They scrub inside and out with a brush, warm water and a cleaning agent, then they clean again with a sanitizer.
The centre may let you clean your own milk cans.
Cleaning agents you can use are:

Detergents Quick and effective action against fat and protein matter.

Soaps Do not use perfumed soaps.

Caustic Soda Effective, especially if mixed with suitable phosphates.
(Sodium Hydroxide) 
1 Use only weak solutions for hard washing.
2 Corrosive for tinned surfaces and aluminium.

Washing Soda (Hydrated Sodium Carbonate) 

Cheaper and less corrosive than caustic soda for manual washing, use 5 cc in 10 l of water.

Wetting Agents Effective but expensive.

page 125

27 Bigger centres use steamto kill micro-organisms left after cleaning
 28 but you can also use boiling water
29 or chemicals.
Make sure: - they are not toxic 
- they do not bring taste or smell to the milk
- they are effective and cheap
- you follow the directions 
- you rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Chemicals you can use are:


Follow the directions on the packet of sodium or calcium hypochlorite. The strength of the solution should be 1 cc per 5 litres of water.

Quaternary Ammonium Compounds

These dairy sterilizers are effective and easy to use. Follow the directions on the packet or bottle.

Note: Residues of quaternary ammonium compounds in milk will make it unsuitable for making fermented products e.g. yoghurt and cheese.

 page 126

30 After cleaning and sanitizing, drain the equipment and dry it in sunlight. 
31 Store up-side-down without lids on racks in a dust-free, well-ventilated room.

Disinfect just before use.

 page 127

What do you know about milk reception? 
Important points
1.   Organization and advice for farmers 
2.   Records, accounts and payments 
3.   Sampling and testing 
4.   Cleaning and sterilizing 
Providing organization and advice
1.   Planning timing of milking and transport 
2.  Advising on: - hygiene 
                         - animal health  
                         - correct use of chemicals  
                         - problems  
Record keeping
1.   Monthly Members Produce Records
2.   Daily Milk Journal
3.   Cash Sales Report
4.   Cash sales Journal
5.   Invoice
6.   Credit Sales Journal
7.   Member's Produce Record
1.   The centre pays:  
     - farmers for good quality milk 
     - transport and operating costs 
2.   The centre pays you more for: 
     - more milk (of good quality)
     - better quality milk
     - lower transport costs
1.   Cleaning equipment  
     - rinsing 
     - scrubbing with cleaning and sanitizing agents 
2.   Sanitizing  
     - steam and boiling water 
     - chemicals 
3.   Drying
     - draining 
     - storing 

page 129

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