Elected three Vice-Chairmen for its session: T. Anumudu (Nigeria), Winston Rudder (Trinidad and Tobago), Mrs Maria Galvölgy (Hungary) (para. 3)
Elected Shahid Rashid (Pakistan) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee with the following membership: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of), Spain, Sweden and Tunisia (para. 4)
Endorsed the report of the Fifty-ninth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) (para. 7)
Agreed that studies suggested in paragraphs 17 and 18 of the CCP report could contribute to a better understanding of the problems faced by the production and trade of agricultural commodities (para. 8)
Endorsed the work of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups (IGGs), as well as that of the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal (CSD) (para. 9)
Endorsed the CCP's recommendation that a special study for assessing the work of the IGGs with the objective of enhancing their efficiency be undertaken for consideration by the next session of the CCP (para. 10)
Agreed that this study should follow the lines agreed at the Fifty-ninth Session of the CCP, which was reflected in paragraphs 30 and 31 of the Committee's report (para. 10)
Supported a multilateral response to widespread national environmental problems that encouraged the introduction by countries of appropriate environmental policies (para. 14)
Endorsed the work programme recommended by the CCP for the Intergovernmental Groups to initiate work on environmentally relevant trade policy measures and their effect on trade flows, and to undertake commodity-by-commodity environmental studies (para. 14)
Urged a speedy and successful outcome of the Uruguay Round, to provide a global and balanced result including special and differential treatment for developing countries (para. 15)
Invited donor countries to intensify efforts to assist the developing countries to adjust their policies to cope with the new international trading environment that should result from the conclusion of the Uruguay Round (para. 15)
Welcomed the first version of the Programme Implementation Report, as an informative and well-presented document which could be improved in future versions (para. 19)
Agreed to draw to the attention of the Conference the observations of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Programme Implementation Report (para. 20)
Urged that continued attention be given to the examination of field activities in the future by FAO's own main technical committees (para. 21)
Invited all sources of funding to continue to support FAO's Field Programme so as to enable the Organization to meet pressing demands for assistance (para. 22)
Urged a vigorous follow-up on the UN Conference on Environment and Development and on the International Conference on Nutrition (para. 23)
Invited continued attention to the additional information provided on follow-up to key resolutions on operational activities adopted by the UN General Assembly, as provided in Supplement 1 to the Programme Implementation Report (para. 26)
Recognized that further consideration of the issue of future formats of the Programme of Work and Budget was warranted (para. 29)
Concurred with the endorsement by the Programme and Finance Committees of the proposed substantive priorities in the Programme of Work and Budget, with overall emphasis on follow up to the UN Conference on Environment and Development and the International Conference on Nutrition (para. 31)
- Approved the appointment of the Senior President of the French Cour des comptes as External Auditor and decided that the appointment should be for four years commencing with the year 1994 (para. 41)
Adopted Resolution 1/104 on the Appointment of the External Auditor(para. 41)
Requested that in the future, a large number of countries, including developing countries, in a position to offer the required services, be invited to submit proposals (para. 43)
Recommended that a draft Resolution on the above subject be submitted for adoption by the Conference (para. 44)
Agreed to recommend that this issue be considered by the General Committee of the Conference to permit the Conference to take such action as it would see fit (para. 56)
Concurred with the conclusion of the two Committees that further discussions would benefit from the context of the new membership of these Committees in the next biennium (para. 59)
Endorsed the Programme Committee's conclusion that FAO intensify its support to people's participation as a key factor of sustainable agriculture and rural development (para. 61)
Urged that all Member Nations pay their outstanding arrears and current assessed contributions in full as soon as possible, in order to enable the Organization to continue to fulfil its mandate (para. 71)
- Measures to Improve the Collection of Assessed Contributions
Decided to refer to Commission III of the Conference, the proposal of the Director-General to permit, under certain conditions, payment of contributions in local currency, for an in-depth discussion on the basis of Appendix E. and for submission of its recommendations for further action to the Conference (para. 73)
Agreed that amendments which had been proposed since the Sixty-first Session of the CCLM in respect of Article XIII.3 on Finances, as well as in Articles IV.4, XX.5 and XXI. 1, be incorporated in the text (para. 80)
Recommended that the draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission be submitted to the Twenty-seventh Session of the Conference for its consideration and formal approval in the form presented to it in the report of the CCLM, as amended by the Council subject to a decision by the Conference with respect to the alternative wordings for Article XVI (para. 83)
Decided to refer the matter of the concern over the EEC having a "double voice" to the CCLM, in order for it to carry out a legal analysis of the issues involved and report to the Council, at its Hundred and Sixth Session in November 1994 (para. 84)
Acclaimed the draft Agreement as a momentous achievement and a milestone in the international management of high seas fisheries (para. 93)
Requested that, in due course, the CCLM review the provisions of Article XIV of the Constitution concerning the acceptance of agreements concluded thereunder in order to determine whether these provisions should not be enlarged to include other forms of adherence to such agreements (para. 94)
Endorsed the text of the Agreement as revised by the Technical Committee and decided to transmit it to the Twenty-seventh Session othe FAO Conference for its formal approval under Article XIV of the Constitution, as given in Appendix G to this report (para. 96)
Agreed to the Revised Statutes as proposed by the CCLM, subject to the amendment of Article II(a) by the replacement of the words "Member Nations" by the words "FAO Members" and gave its approval to the Director-General's proposal to promulgate the Revised Statutes, subject to the foregoing amendment, as given in Appendix H to this report (para. 103)
Agreed with the conclusions of the CCLM that, at the time of its demise on 31 December 1992, Czechoslovakia was not under a legal obligation to pay the 1993 contribution to FAO and decided to recommend to the Conference at its Twenty-seventh Session that the amount of the 1993 contribution should be written off (para. 114)
Concluded that the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as legal successors of Czechoslovakia, were not liable to pay its contribution for 1993 and that, moreover, no other entity would be so liable (para. 115)
Recommended that, once the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic were admitted as Member Nations, the Conference should decide to credit the residual balance to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as the successor States to the former Czechoslovakia, in proportion to their assessed contributions, first in payment of their advances due to the Working Capital Fund, and secondly in part payment of their assessed contributions for the last quarter of 1993 (para. 118)
Agreed with the recommendation of the CCLM that no changes to the Basic Texts would be required for the moment, but that the Secretariat should consult other organizations of the UN system in order to ascertain how they were dealing with the problem, and report thereon in due course to the CCLM (para. 119)
Approved the participation of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine, after consideration of their requests, to attend the Hundred and Fourth and Hundred and Fifth Sessions of the Council (para. 120)
Agreed to the Director-General's proposal to invite the Russian Federation to attend as an observer the Second Session of the Working Party on Stocking, (Thonon-les-Bains, France, 15-19 November 1993) (FI-788) and to invite Ukraine to attend as an observer the FAO sessions indicated in para. 121 of the Report (para. 121)
Decided that its Hundred and Fifth Session would be convened on 26 November 1993 at FAO Headquarters, unless the Twenty-seventh Session of the Conference finished early, in which case it would be convened beforehand (para. 126)